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Snot like stuff coming from bum?

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Thank you both,

He had some metacam orally last night then 0.3 ml's of baytril this morning, will give another 0.3ml's this evening - is this enough?
The vet had a really good look and feel in his mouth and said other than the overgrown teeth all is well and looks a good colour etc and trimmed the back teeth.
He isn't drinking from the bottle or if he is not often and when no one is around, so i have been syringing water, he has been weeing and pooing, not as much as norm but then he hasn't been eating as much, but after runny poo's over the weekend they are now back to normal.
I will try him on some grass its never normally turned down. I have been softening P@H nuggets and selective science nuggets which he has taken.
no wet chin or dribbling.
Will i still need probiotic if i am feeding CC? its the oxbrow one in green packet.

Sporbilly he has lost 20g since yesterday which ordinarily wouldn't be anything to worry about, but should i worry at this stage?

Apparently he is now sitting on the sofa with OH munching on celery and lettuce.

What i'd like to know is, if he is eating hay and some veggies how imprtant is it that he eats dry food? Although now i have the critical care i will force feed if neccessary if it is going to save him.

thanks x
Thank you both,

He had some metacam orally last night then 0.3 ml's of baytril this morning, will give another 0.3ml's this evening - is this enough?
The vet had a really good look and feel in his mouth and said other than the overgrown teeth all is well and looks a good colour etc and trimmed the back teeth.
He isn't drinking from the bottle or if he is not often and when no one is around, so i have been syringing water, he has been weeing and pooing, not as much as norm but then he hasn't been eating as much, but after runny poo's over the weekend they are now back to normal.
I will try him on some grass its never normally turned down. I have been softening P@H nuggets and selective science nuggets which he has taken.
no wet chin or dribbling.
Will i still need probiotic if i am feeding CC? its the oxbrow one in green packet.

Sporbilly he has lost 20g since yesterday which ordinarily wouldn't be anything to worry about, but should i worry at this stage?

Apparently he is now sitting on the sofa with OH munching on celery and lettuce.

What i'd like to know is, if he is eating hay and some veggies how imprtant is it that he eats dry food? Although now i have the critical care i will force feed if neccessary if it is going to save him.

thanks x

I don't know much about metacam so hopefully someone can advise soon, is it a once a day dose?

I would give him a probiotic, CC doesn't have it in as far as I'm aware. Dry food isn't critical to a healthy pig that's getting loads of hay & fresh vit C rich veggies but in his case he needs to keep his gut moving. CC does have an aniseed taste so he may not like it too much.

Normal poop is good :) I'd definitely try the pearl barley mash as well, he may love it & you could sneak a bit of CC in with it rolleyes
It was a one off dose from our family friend, she is rodentologist at our vets but looks after our piggies at home, she gave him a couple of drops of metacam, i had some baytril left over from before so will be giving 0.3mls twice a day.

I will try the barley, but dont actually know what it is lol i dont have any so will need to buy it. Thanks xx
It was a one off dose from our family friend, she is rodentologist at our vets but looks after our piggies at home, she gave him a couple of drops of metacam, i had some baytril left over from before so will be giving 0.3mls twice a day.

I will try the barley, but dont actually know what it is lol i dont have any so will need to buy it. Thanks xx
As poppy's mom said don't worry too much about dry food...

CC doesn't have Probiotic in it but it does have fibre so will help keep poo's more solid especially if hay eating has decreased... It's good news he's eating some veggies now... wouldn't overly worry over 20g weight loss just keep an eye on it.

I'd definately try the poop soup as this will help his tummy while on Baytil.

The lack of eating may be pain related, I would speak to the vet to get some metacam to give at home, Pitch needed it for around 1 week after one dental as her mouth was very sore..
Sorry it was Baytril. thanks for all of the help, i am worrying way too much. apart from being quiet and still not much interest in food he is ok. This is my first time with an ill piggy and i dont want to miss something or do something wrong, i want to make him better whatever the cost or whatever it takes.

Thanks x
Sorry it was Baytril. thanks for all of the help, i am worrying way too much. apart from being quiet and still not much interest in food he is ok. This is my first time with an ill piggy and i dont want to miss something or do something wrong, i want to make him better whatever the cost or whatever it takes.

Thanks x
Oh dear I'm sorry he seems poorly again.

Things to consider:

Pain relief, is it enough?
Has he got ulcers in his mouth or fungal in his mouth that makes eating difficult/painful
Keeping his gut moving, syringe feeding mushed up pellets etc or CC.

Fluid intake-is he drinking enough if not he needs syringing water

You could try some pearl barley mash to offer him :


Most piggies love it, it can do no harm.

Try him with a little fresh grass as long as he doesn't have a runny tummy.

Softening Wagg Optimum pellets, my piggies absolutely love these, they are small enough to soak slightly & offer him on a spoon or syringe feed them.

Check poop/pee output, if he doing enough of both?

Has he got a wet chin/or is he dribbling?

That probiotic is fine. From reading previous posts it sounds like Baytril is fairly hard on their tummies & can cause loss of appetite.

Fingers crossed for you both, hope he gets better very soon!

Would a weak mix of robinsons sugar free barley water do the same? x
No, pearl barley needs to be made fresh from the actual stuff itself. It is viscous so is great for piggies with cystitis etc as it lines the bladder wall, but in your case I thought he may just love the taste & take his CC a bit more eagerly if you mixed the two together, or even if he ate it in between the CC so he knows not all syringe stuff is bad lol!

This is what it looks like:

You have to add water & cook it, I use the Peter Gurney book instruction to make it up, you can use both the mash & the liquid.
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Sorry the link you gave didn;t work but i searched it, is this the right one?

Sorry the link you gave didn;t work but i searched it, is this the right one?

Yes that worked a treat, i assume sainsburys do the equivalent, we have a sainsburys around the corner so i will look and if i cant find it i will ask.

So do i just boil a small amount then syringe the water? Can the water be used to mix up the CC with? thank you xx
Yes that worked a treat, i assume sainsburys do the equivalent, we have a sainsburys around the corner so i will look and if i cant find it i will ask.

So do i just boil a small amount then syringe the water? Can the water be used to mix up the CC with? thank you xx
Yes that worked a treat, i assume sainsburys do the equivalent, we have a sainsburys around the corner so i will look and if i cant find it i will ask.

So do i just boil a small amount then syringe the water? Can the water be used to mix up the CC with? thank you xx

I don't see why you can't use the water to mix the CC up, can't remember now if you use boiling water to mix CC, fortunately it's been a few years since I had to *touch wood* !
I used cooled boiled water with my CC, you dont want it hot, mix it in a bowl/cup. Adding water to the critical care will also help him get plenty of fluids alongside his food, Percy-Roos CC was a little runny just to help keep his fluid intake up.

Hope the little one is feeling brighter soon x
I used cooled boiled water with my CC, you dont want it hot, mix it in a bowl/cup. Adding water to the critical care will also help him get plenty of fluids alongside his food, Percy-Roos CC was a little runny just to help keep his fluid intake up.

Hope the little one is feeling brighter soon x
Well, i am feeling much better after how he has been tonight, when i got in he was sitting at the dry food dish and eating a few bits, i haven't seen him eat any hay though, he is wolfing downn fresh food, i got carried away in sainsburys, came away with curly leaf lettuce, mixed salad bags, parsley, one of them pre prepared melon tubs, peppers and the pearl barley, he has been tucking into the lettuce and mixed salad and parsley. He is had 30mls of CC and 0.3mls of Baytril but no barley water, he didn't enjoy it. I'm not sure i did it right, i just covered the bottom of a milk pan and poured in boiling water, brought to the boil then left to simmer, then cool then strained it? It was quite syrupy and a pinky colour?

But he is more active tonight, and really keen on veggies, though we had a hard job syringing the CC he doesn't take it voluntarily by any means but he was much better when i just let him sit on my lap rather than be wrapped in a towel, i just had to keep catching him off guard and slipping the syringe in the side of his mouth, so he hasn;t grown a liking for it yet, will try another 10 or 20 mls in a bit then weigh him.

Thank you to everyone for their help and support, it has meant so much, i have been close to breaking point the last few days, but the hard work seems to be paying off, but i despite him looking like he is eating dry food i am going to keep the CC going for a few days and see how he gets on.

Much Love from me and Lily xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well, i am feeling much better after how he has been tonight, when i got in he was sitting at the dry food dish and eating a few bits, i haven't seen him eat any hay though, he is wolfing downn fresh food, i got carried away in sainsburys, came away with curly leaf lettuce, mixed salad bags, parsley, one of them pre prepared melon tubs, peppers and the pearl barley, he has been tucking into the lettuce and mixed salad and parsley. He is had 30mls of CC and 0.3mls of Baytril but no barley water, he didn't enjoy it. I'm not sure i did it right, i just covered the bottom of a milk pan and poured in boiling water, brought to the boil then left to simmer, then cool then strained it? It was quite syrupy and a pinky colour?

But he is more active tonight, and really keen on veggies, though we had a hard job syringing the CC he doesn't take it voluntarily by any means but he was much better when i just let him sit on my lap rather than be wrapped in a towel, i just had to keep catching him off guard and slipping the syringe in the side of his mouth, so he hasn;t grown a liking for it yet, will try another 10 or 20 mls in a bit then weigh him.

Thank you to everyone for their help and support, it has meant so much, i have been close to breaking point the last few days, but the hard work seems to be paying off, but i despite him looking like he is eating dry food i am going to keep the CC going for a few days and see how he gets on.

Much Love from me and Lily xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yes it should be syrupy & pink in colour, offer him some of the strained mush left over, it is nice & soft & most piggies like it. Except he doesn't seem to be like most lol! It is starting to look promising, so fingers crossed for you both, let us know how he progresses! :)
Sorry guys i meant 3mls of CC, now it doesn't sound do good does it? lol

Karina, its a long story, i am not sure if you are aware of it or not.....? We bought our first ever 2 piggies from a pet shop (before we knew any better) anyway we bought 2 "females" a check over by Jan a couple of weeks after having them and she says "Lily, thats a funny name for a boy?", we confidently told her, no ha ha ha its a girl, *Jans pops a little willy out* and says "This is a little boy, we are like sh*t! So the next morning he was booked in for the snip, sadly it was too late for honey the actual girl, she was already pregnant, and thankfully the birth went well, although we sadly lost one of the three babies (little lily) we suspect he was a boy too and very much like Lily.
Anyway we never changed his name, and he has done a pretty good job of carrying off such a girly name bless his heart.

So yeah thats why we have a boy called lilly! Minnie who we still have is his daughter, sadly Honey his wife and millie his other daughter both suddenly and rather tragically died one day after the other in Aug 10, hence why i am so over protective and cautious now!

Sorry guys i meant 3mls of CC, now it doesn't sound do good does it? lol

Karina, its a long story, i am not sure if you are aware of it or not.....? We bought our first ever 2 piggies from a pet shop (before we knew any better) anyway we bought 2 "females" a check over by Jan a couple of weeks after having them and she says "Lily, thats a funny name for a boy?", we confidently told her, no ha ha ha its a girl, *Jans pops a little willy out* and says "This is a little boy, we are like sh*t! So the next morning he was booked in for the snip, sadly it was too late for honey the actual girl, she was already pregnant, and thankfully the birth went well, although we sadly lost one of the three babies (little lily) we suspect he was a boy too and very much like Lily.
Anyway we never changed his name, and he has done a pretty good job of carrying off such a girly name bless his heart.

So yeah thats why we have a boy called lilly! Minnie who we still have is his daughter, sadly Honey his wife and millie his other daughter both suddenly and rather tragically died one day after the other in Aug 10, hence why i am so over protective and cautious now!

He is ok, he had another 3 syringes of CC last night and 4 this morning, still hates it so have had to force it down. Still very keen on fresh veggies, just taking a while to eat them. his weight is up and down within 10g but he definitely seems stronger and brighter.

I had minnie out with him last night to make him feel more comfortable and as i was trying to feed him the cc from the syringe she kept getting in the way so in an attempt to put her off i put the syringe to her mouth (thinking she'd run a mile) oh no, she couldn't get enough so i gave her a tiny bit and she was asking for more! Deary me. He has been having barley water but again i have had to force it, but toffee loves barley water.

So its looking promising, left them all this morning munching veggies.

And just got to work and noticed i am covered in white hairs, barley water and CC! Great lol.
He is ok, he had another 3 syringes of CC last night and 4 this morning, still hates it so have had to force it down. Still very keen on fresh veggies, just taking a while to eat them. his weight is up and down within 10g but he definitely seems stronger and brighter.

I had minnie out with him last night to make him feel more comfortable and as i was trying to feed him the cc from the syringe she kept getting in the way so in an attempt to put her off i put the syringe to her mouth (thinking she'd run a mile) oh no, she couldn't get enough so i gave her a tiny bit and she was asking for more! Deary me. He has been having barley water but again i have had to force it, but toffee loves barley water.

So its looking promising, left them all this morning munching veggies.

And just got to work and noticed i am covered in white hairs, barley water and CC! Great lol.
I tried mushing the pellets before i had the CC he was even worse with it........ i had to force it in, i will try again now he has had a taste of CC he might think pellets aren't so bad after all lol. thanks
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