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Snot like stuff coming from bum?

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We have always used them and been very satisfied, he was nuetered there, my hamster had a large lump removed there, etc etc, our family friend his head rodentologist and she knows about teeth, so we are going to see her tonight and see what she says.

Its Taverham Vers which is always popular when brought up on here.

thanks for the vibes x
Think to forgot to say that his poops are back to normal, which i am pleased about.
Sorry for all of the posts,

Does anyone following this thread think it could be a URI from what i have described?

OH just got home and text me to say he is up and about eating hay, and is going to stay with them this afternoon to keep an eye on him. xx
Well my Oh said he was pretty much back to his normal self this afternoon, but his back teeth were very slightly overgrown, they have now been cut down, the vet had a very good intense look and feel over him for anything else, he is well hydrated, still a healthy weight, his heat and lungs are good and clear his eyes and nose and clear and there is no sign of gas or bloat or any stones etc etc. After she had sorted his teeth out she gave him a couple of spinach leaves which he ate, and also a few dry pellets which he also ate. After all of that she gave him a drop of metacam and advised to give .04 mls of baytril for a few days and monitor him closly, she said soften some pellets for him and see if he will take them if not then force soften ones in (which she did) as he does eat them. keep syringing little amount of water and offering veggies. She said if there is no improvement then to take him back the end of this week.

It was horrible seeing him being wrapped in a towel and contraptions put his his mouth, there was still some food from earlier in there that he hadn't been able to digest so she has cleared all of that out.

Were now home and he is back in with the girls feeling pretty sorry for himself, he hasn't touched any food or hay, he has just been sitting in the same spot, will get him out later and offer him some soft pellets, if not will force them.

Thank you for all of your help and replies, i feel better now knowing what the problem is and will still monitor him very closely, weigh him daily and of course keep you informed.
Well my Oh said he was pretty much back to his normal self this afternoon, but his back teeth were very slightly overgrown, they have now been cut down, the vet had a very good intense look and feel over him for anything else, he is well hydrated, still a healthy weight, his heat and lungs are good and clear his eyes and nose and clear and there is no sign of gas or bloat or any stones etc etc. After she had sorted his teeth out she gave him a couple of spinach leaves which he ate, and also a few dry pellets which he also ate. After all of that she gave him a drop of metacam and advised to give .04 mls of baytril for a few days and monitor him closly, she said soften some pellets for him and see if he will take them if not then force soften ones in (which she did) as he does eat them. keep syringing little amount of water and offering veggies. She said if there is no improvement then to take him back the end of this week.

It was horrible seeing him being wrapped in a towel and contraptions put his his mouth, there was still some food from earlier in there that he hadn't been able to digest so she has cleared all of that out.

Were now home and he is back in with the girls feeling pretty sorry for himself, he hasn't touched any food or hay, he has just been sitting in the same spot, will get him out later and offer him some soft pellets, if not will force them.

Thank you for all of your help and replies, i feel better now knowing what the problem is and will still monitor him very closely, weigh him daily and of course keep you informed.
aww poor guy, give him a cuddle from auntie karina, auntie joyce, auntie heide, uncle jet, uncle stan and uncle oscar xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope hes feeling better, and also hope he is feeling much better tomorrow. lots of love and healing vibes to the wee man xxxxx
Well i had him out last night and had to force 2 or 3 soft nuggets then he happily took them for a while and was eating hay when i put him back, he is still taking a while to eat, we gave him some celery leaves and it took a while to eat and it was as if he was either stuggling to digest it or it got stuck on the roof of his mouth as he was pulling some funny faces lol. he was very quiet last night but it was a very stressful evening for him bless him. i left some soft nuggets in the cage for him overnight and they have gone down, but the girls could have helped with that although OH said when he got up at 5 this morning that he was sitting at the dish eating them and eating some carrot.

I gave him 0.3 ml's of baytril this morning which wasn't too much of a stuggle but he clearly hated the taste so tucked into some banana afterwards. Also gave hima small peice of soft bread which he was unsure of.

But i left them with dry and soft dry food, loads of hay in rack ad scattered on floor, a small dish of fresh food inc the rest of the banana. OH will be home just before 2 to watch him.

Thanks for all of the vibes they seem to be paying off. will keep you updated x
Well i had him out last night and had to force 2 or 3 soft nuggets then he happily took them for a while and was eating hay when i put him back, he is still taking a while to eat, we gave him some celery leaves and it took a while to eat and it was as if he was either stuggling to digest it or it got stuck on the roof of his mouth as he was pulling some funny faces lol. he was very quiet last night but it was a very stressful evening for him bless him. i left some soft nuggets in the cage for him overnight and they have gone down, but the girls could have helped with that although OH said when he got up at 5 this morning that he was sitting at the dish eating them and eating some carrot.

I gave him 0.3 ml's of baytril this morning which wasn't too much of a stuggle but he clearly hated the taste so tucked into some banana afterwards. Also gave hima small peice of soft bread which he was unsure of.

But i left them with dry and soft dry food, loads of hay in rack ad scattered on floor, a small dish of fresh food inc the rest of the banana. OH will be home just before 2 to watch him.

Thanks for all of the vibes they seem to be paying off. will keep you updated x
OH just got home and text me to say he is up and about munching on carrot and some celery! Yay! i have asked him to weigh him again when he has finished eating and try him on some pellets. I hope these are good signs, he is eating hay and some veggies but he is just off the dry food soft, hard or mashed. But i will just keep giving him soft pellets, weather he likes it or not.
Does anyone know how important it is for them to eat dry food if they are eating hay and veggies? He has really given OH a hard time, he is spitting out the soft pellets and mash..... he is not having any of it. lost another 20g since yesterday..... :( my poor boy.
I feel so helpless, he has had such a stessfull few days all last night he was being wrapped and things forced down his throat, poor boy was screaming he hated it so much, i dont want to stress him when we is weak and poorly and if the worst is going to happen i dont want him to be unhappy and treated this way in his last days. I'm cryng as i write this. I'm going to give Jan a ring later and see what she says. OH wont feed the CC on his own he wants to wait for me to get hom and nearly half 5. My poor boy, i love him so much x
i know exactly how you feel hon, syringing and force feeding is so hard to do, i really feel for you, and i wish i could tell you what to do.

Is there no way you could ring the vet now? or could you ring Laura at the guinea pig helpline?
I rang the vet and they suggested CC, they said he may still be feeling out of sorts and the med's may still be kicking in, as its not yet been 24 hours since he had the teeth cut back and the first dose of meds, she said he is showing interest in food which is good and he is pooing and active when out, She said to try the CC and take him in in a day or so if he's still not right. xx
ok, what about trying grated carrot, just because its soft? and maybe porridge oats to encourage a bit of weight?
I tried some carrot peeling this morning but he turned his nose up, but then when there is a whole carrot he will try to take a chunk? I wondered about porridge, just plain oats or mixed with water?
both or either! anything that will get him eating, some pigs eat dry, some eat wet so try both. also did you grate the carrot or peel? if you grate it with the smallest grater you can get he may be able to chew it?
both or either! anything that will get him eating, some pigs eat dry, some eat wet so try both

Will get some tonight, only got golden syrup flavour at home which obviously wont do. He's got another lot of baytril coming his way when i get in too bless him. Thanks Karina xxxxx
Oh dear I'm sorry he seems poorly again.

Things to consider:

Pain relief, is it enough?
Has he got ulcers in his mouth or fungal in his mouth that makes eating difficult/painful
Keeping his gut moving, syringe feeding mushed up pellets etc or CC.

Fluid intake-is he drinking enough if not he needs syringing water

You could try some pearl barley mash to offer him :


Most piggies love it, it can do no harm.

Try him with a little fresh grass as long as he doesn't have a runny tummy.

Softening Wagg Optimum pellets, my piggies absolutely love these, they are small enough to soak slightly & offer him on a spoon or syringe feed them.

Check poop/pee output, if he doing enough of both?

Has he got a wet chin/or is he dribbling?

That probiotic is fine. From reading previous posts it sounds like Baytril is fairly hard on their tummies & can cause loss of appetite.

Fingers crossed for you both, hope he gets better very soon!
Perhaps he is still in pain from his teeth trimming. Did your vet give you any metacam to take away with you? Or did they give him an injection of it? How is his weight?

I do really feel for you, It is upsetting to force syringe feed a piggie, you can't tell them how important it is or whats going on... I would definately try the CC

As reagrds to Probiotic I have never used the pets at home one. Lately we opted for Poo Soup - Use some poo of health piggie 1 or 2 poo's mixed with little water into a paste and syringe that. He'll probably like the taste also....
Thank you both,

He had some metacam orally last night then 0.3 ml's of baytril this morning, will give another 0.3ml's this evening - is this enough?
The vet had a really good look and feel in his mouth and said other than the overgrown teeth all is well and looks a good colour etc and trimmed the back teeth.
He isn't drinking from the bottle or if he is not often and when no one is around, so i have been syringing water, he has been weeing and pooing, not as much as norm but then he hasn't been eating as much, but after runny poo's over the weekend they are now back to normal.
I will try him on some grass its never normally turned down. I have been softening P@H nuggets and selective science nuggets which he has taken.
no wet chin or dribbling.
Will i still need probiotic if i am feeding CC? its the oxbrow one in green packet.

Sporbilly he has lost 20g since yesterday which ordinarily wouldn't be anything to worry about, but should i worry at this stage?

Apparently he is now sitting on the sofa with OH munching on celery and lettuce.

What i'd like to know is, if he is eating hay and some veggies how imprtant is it that he eats dry food? Although now i have the critical care i will force feed if neccessary if it is going to save him.

thanks x
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