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Snot like stuff coming from bum?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
Earlier this afternoon as we were just about to go out i noticed as Lilly (nuetered male) was walking in the cage he had a ball of of sawdust etc swinging from his rear end, so i got him out and noticed he had like a gloupy, snotty, gungy type thing clear with a browny tinge hanging from his bum which the ball of sawdust was stuck to...... poor boy, so i cleaned him up out him back in the cage and monitored him and he started popcorning and eating their veggies, hay etc, so we popped out shopping as we had planned. Then when we got back he was eating again, i got him out again to check him over and his bum looked clean but i just cleaned his bum hole with a few wet cotton buds and kept him out for a while hoping he would poo which he didnt, i tried feeding him some hay and pellets but he wouldn't take them, cut a long stoey short since going back in the cage he has been eating hay and pellets, but producing sloppy poo's........

He is fine in himself, eating normally, popcorning etc, would you suggest separating him from the girls for the night, just giving him hay and pellets and monitoring his poo's (he aint gunna be happy about it lol) If he is still not pooing properly mon/tues i will be taking him to the vets for sure. I weighed him and he is about 50grams less than last time, but i was told before that the difference between a full and empty bladder can be 30g, so i'm not overly worried, and will continue to monitor his weight daily.

Any idea's what it could be? The girls are both pooing normally. The only thing that i can think has brought it on was that i gave them a tiny amount of pineapple the other night which they've never had, other than that its all normal.

Sorry it was long but i hope someone can help.

Thanks x
Hmmm is it diarrhea?


Sorry not much help, but it could be a drought of diarrhea I know the boys once got it after giving them too much cucumber and veggies over two days, i just stopped their veggie intake and gave them plenty of fibre.

Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge in this department will come along soon.

Laura x
Hmmm is it diarrhea?


Sorry not much help, but it could be a drought of diarrhea I know the boys once got it after giving them too much cucumber and veggies over two days, i just stopped their veggie intake and gave them plenty of fibre.

Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge in this department will come along soon.

Laura x
I had a read through that earlier and it doesn't really sound as though it is, its a lightish brown thick substance.... i dont know who to describe it really, were not going to give any veggies tonight and monitor him. And other than the pineapple they had on wednesday evening i cant think what else has brought it on.
Too late to edit post, but could it be impaction ( he is neutered) , although he produced the clear gunky stuff and later produced as wet lose poop?
i think i may have seen this before love, but I'm not sure what it is.

I wonder if a little probiotic and maybe cutting wet veg would be of any help, for a couple of days anyway?

Have you searched for impaction/bottom stuff?
Yesi have been reading through the link audioheart posted and also looked through impaction, which said it rarely if ever occurs in neutered boars..? I'm going to cut veg out and see how he is, but as he is with the girls i wont have anyway of monitoring his poops, so i think separating temporarily might be out only option but i dont want to do that, especially if he isn't well. He is just under 3 and a half years if this has any relavence, he was neutered just over 3 years ago.

His teeth seem fine too, they were the first thing i checked.
Yesi have been reading through the link audioheart posted and also looked through impaction, which said it rarely if ever occurs in neutered boars..? I'm going to cut veg out and see how he is, but as he is with the girls i wont have anyway of monitoring his poops, so i think separating temporarily might be out only option but i dont want to do that, especially if he isn't well. He is just under 3 and a half years if this has any relavence, he was neutered just over 3 years ago.

His teeth seem fine too, they were the first thing i checked.
I read through that and looked at pics, but not matching his symptoms, our family friend is head rodentologist at out vets, i rang her and explained it to her earlier and she advised the same really, don't feed veggies and keep an eye on him, she said if he isn't any better early next week she'll have a look at him for us.
Ok, no veggies last night just plenty of hay and pellets. His bum looks clear but obviously does not mean he is free of the runny poop's i havent seen him drink anything, i know i'm trying to keep him on a dry diet but will this not cause him to become dehydrated? Should i syringe some water to him or will he be ok? he go's through stages with drinking ordinarily anyway so i;m not concerned that he's not drinking due to illness, but i just wanted to double check weather i should syring water or if he will be ok.

He has been tucking into hay and pellets, is there nothing fresh i can give him...? I feel like an awful mummy, he is squeaking and climbing up the bars at me every time he hears any russling :(

Thanks xx
Ok, no veggies last night just plenty of hay and pellets. His bum looks clear but obviously does not mean he is free of the runny poop's i havent seen him drink anything, i know i'm trying to keep him on a dry diet but will this not cause him to become dehydrated? Should i syringe some water to him or will he be ok? he go's through stages with drinking ordinarily anyway so i;m not concerned that he's not drinking due to illness, but i just wanted to double check weather i should syring water or if he will be ok.

He has been tucking into hay and pellets, is there nothing fresh i can give him...? I feel like an awful mummy, he is squeaking and climbing up the bars at me every time he hears any russling :(

Thanks xx
I have syringed a little water, i had him out for an hour + earlier had him on a towel with some hay and pellets and he was eating the hay and a couple of pellets, he did a few poops which looks much better than yesterday but still have a way to go, they are formed almost right again but still quite loose and wet, so will keep an eye on him, still no veggies and see if they get any better.

I have syringed a little water, i had him out for an hour + earlier had him on a towel with some hay and pellets and he was eating the hay and a couple of pellets, he did a few poops which looks much better than yesterday but still have a way to go, they are formed almost right again but still quite loose and wet, so will keep an eye on him, still no veggies and see if they get any better.

He is being quite lethargic and after having him out again last night and monitoring him i suspect he has tooth problems so off to the vets at half 5 this evening :( he is ok when he is up and abut, he acts normally, horny for the girls and loves his cuddles and tickles etc, but he is spending most of the time in his cosey, and the girls are allowing it so i think they know something is wrong.

He is taking forever to eat and is only really sniffing dry food, but is eating hay, i mushed up some pellets but he is not having it one little bit, and whilst i will syringe water i;m not confident to do it with the mush so i will ask the vet a) to give me a bigger syringe and b) show me how to do it.

So healing vibes needed please, me and my partner hardly slept last night for worrying. xx

Also any advice or tips, things not to do if the vet suggests it or medication not to give etc would be appreciated, there are too many dental threads for me to follow.
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Hope all will go well at the vets, sending healing vibes his way.. May be worth getting some Critical Care in to syringe feed him. I find 1ml syringe's the best for syringe feeding. Let us know how he gets on x
I have a new baytril syringe i have been using to feed water but i think the mush would block t up although its watery, so tried offering it on a spoon a few times but he isn't having it, I've had to force the water down him, he doesn't like the syringe, I am going to get CC just in case.

Can they do any examinations/ xrays without GA, its the GA (if it comes to it) thats worrying me.
I have a new baytril syringe i have been using to feed water but i think the mush would block t up although its watery, so tried offering it on a spoon a few times but he isn't having it, I've had to force the water down him, he doesn't like the syringe, I am going to get CC just in case.

Can they do any examinations/ xrays without GA, its the GA (if it comes to it) thats worrying me.
Our piggie vet is very good with teeth and could check our old girl over without a GA quite easily...

Xrays can be performed to check root problems, if no obvious teeth issues can be seen by some vets without a GA, our vet does them with a whiff of gas, as opposed to a full GA.

From experience it's definately worth getting a supply of 1ml syringes. You can get them online or from you local chemist. They tend to clog up after a couple of syringe feeds. There is a really good thread on how to syringe feed by Laura. I'll try and dig it out for you...
I'm sorry he is poorly. This is the best site for info re syringe feeding instructions:


You need two 1ml syringes as shown in that pic, one you use for syringing water, make sure you only syringe a .1ml at a time (shown on the side of the syringe) let him swallow in between. For food, cut the end off the other syringe, file the end smooth & then make up the Critical Care as per instructions & suck the mush up into the syringe. You mustn't use a bigger syringe as it will go in too quick.

Put the syringe in his mouth, you should then aim the food towards the side of his mouth & syringe a small amount (say .1ml) at a time, don't aim towards the back of his throat, especially with water as he could inhale it into his lungs.

Syringe feed a little water after finishing the feeding, & ensure no food is stuck to the outside of his mouth. You may need to towel wrap him if he resists, swaddle him like a baby & sit him on your lap.

Hope that helps.
Ok, thanks, i'm asking for this info as precaution anyway as i'm not 100% sure it is his teeth, the 2 top and bottom ones look fine, but i'm not expert, what other symptoms would suggest dental issues?

I would rather he wasn't put under full GA bless him. x
Ok, thanks, i'm asking for this info as precaution anyway as i'm not 100% sure it is his teeth, the 2 top and bottom ones look fine, but i'm not expert, what other symptoms would suggest dental issues?

I would rather he wasn't put under full GA bless him. x
I'm sorry he is poorly. This is the best site for info re syringe feeding instructions:


You need two 1ml syringes as shown in that pic, one you use for syringing water, make sure you only syringe a .1ml at a time (shown on the side of the syringe) let him swallow in between. For food, cut the end off the other syringe, file the end smooth & then make up the Critical Care as per instructions & suck the mush up into the syringe. You mustn't use a bigger syringe as it will go in too quick.

Put the syringe in his mouth, you should then aim the food towards the side of his mouth & syringe a small amount (say .1ml) at a time, don't aim towards the back of his throat, especially with water as he could inhale it into his lungs.

Syringe feed a little water after finishing the feeding, & ensure no food is stuck to the outside of his mouth. You may need to towel wrap him if he resists, swaddle him like a baby & sit him on your lap.

Hope that helps.

He just fights it, he's constantly moving his head in the opposite direction and then wriggles away, he is so fragile i dont want to put any force on him, i will give it a go. Thank you x
Here's the thread that Laura posted http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=36533&highlight=wrap+syringe - I didn't do the towel wrapping thing as that wouldn't have gone down well.... But about halway through the post it gives you some good pointers on feeding.

if it turns out your going to have to syringe feed, the vet can also show you how to do it, watching someone show you is always useful. We do a two person job on syringing, one holds pig while the other syringes we find this works well for us. Once piggie realises that CC tastes nice they tend to stop fighting syringe...

Hopefully after a good check up at the vets, your vet will know if the lack of eating is dental or some other problem. Hope everything goes well, keeping you and your little boy in my thoughts x
Sometimes dribbling or a constantly wet chin is also a sign there's a problem with their teeth as well.

Syringing isn't fun for either of you but he will need to be fed if he can't eat for himself :)
Sometimes dribbling or a constantly wet chin is also a sign there's a problem with their teeth as well.

Syringing isn't fun for either of you but he will need to be fed if he can't eat for himself :)

Oh i know, and i will do it every 2 hours day and night for the rest of my life if i have to and it is what he needs (i know he wont need every 2 hours lol)

He hasn't been dribbling atall as i checked for this too, but does have a wet chin from the water he has managed to avoid from the syringe lol.

thank you for the links, tips and advice, very much appreciated. x
aww mate I'm so sorry you are having problems still.

When my sid had teethy troubles he would dribble a lot and i could always tell as there were always small chunks of carrot that he had obviously bitten off but couldnt chew :(

Hope he is ok. Is it a good vets that you go to, will they know dental stuff?

ps, sending huuuuuuuuumongous healing vibes xx
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