
ooh 2! Thanks very much.

And now another riddle ....

Until I am measured
I am not known,
Yet how you miss me
When I have flown.
What am I?
10 fish are in a tank
3 drown
4 swim away
3 die
How many are left
Nope but you on the right track with they can't go anywhere
You got it a peanut for you..and fish can't drown either..
Oooo I am on a roll! How about this one .....

Sometimes you’ll find me hard and cold,
Other times I’m hard to hold,
Always present in the air,
If I’m ever gone, beware.
What am I?
Oooo I am on a roll! How about this one .....

Sometimes you’ll find me hard and cold,
Other times I’m hard to hold,
Always present in the air,
If I’m ever gone, beware.
What am I?
Are you ready for another one?

Twenty one points divide and dance,
Twirling and leaping about,
Ladies, Romans and knights of France,
Craving a victor’s rout,
Wrought of wood, ivory or bone,
An exciting yet vicious pursuit,
Ancient, forbidden and crooked,
All in search of the loot.
What am I?
That is correct oxygen does make up water two hydrogen molecues and one of oxygen but as you didn't actually state 'water' you weren't the recipient of the peanut tonight I'm afraid (actually you were one third correct!)
Okay but as I was,driving to work I was,thinking water but the it's always in the air kinda threw me off..and the answer to the latest is a die as there is 21 points on one and all the other stuff
Correct! Have a peanut! Thought I'd throw in an easy one there. You've just started work and I'm off to bed now! Have a good day working and I'll have a good night's sleep!
Everyone got their thinking caps on today?
Who wants the first peanut of the day for being correct?

OK Here goes ..

I can turn into a car, building or even a robot.
I’m man made and my siblings and I outnumber you sixty-two to one.
My name means, “Play well” in my creator’s native tongue.
What am I?
Congratulations you get the 1st peanut of the day....

Next one ...

A mother had five boys Marco, Tucker, Webster and Thomas. Was the fifth boys name Frank, Evan or Alex?