Red Lored Adventures

I picked up two new piggies last night from the rescue. My timing was great as the rescue said they were getting 30 piggies this weekend from a sister rescue that is closing down. I will try to get a picture of the two new piggies, but I don't want to worry them too much. Their names are Cadmium and Currant; they are a handsome set of neutered boys. I can tell that Cadmium is going to be trouble as he was trying to burrow under the fleece last night, but he changed his mind once I tossed in the hay. Currant is much more timid and it will take a bit to bring him out of his shell.

My children are already in love and want to be their best friends. The two of them will be very spoiled by the children as I have told them the best way to make friends with piggies is through food and gentle talking. I'm pretty excited about them as I've never had two bonded males to care for. They seem to be getting on pretty well; I've left their stinky blanket from the rescue stay in with them so they feel more comfortable.
So here is a picture, not the best but a picture still. This one is Cadmium aka Wattles. The children can't say the names that the rescue gave them so we have given them nicknames while they live with us.


And here is handsome, but shy Currant aka Silver.
I realized I haven't updated this in awhile. I also need to have the title of this changed too. So Jet (used to be Wattles) and Silver are still with my family as fosters. They are just the funniest boars and make me laugh all the time. Jet is definitely the boss and Silver is very timid. The rescue is currently in the process of finding a new location as their building is being torn down. They are on hold for taking in new animals at this time.

On other news, the temperatures have been really nice in the mornings so I have been opening the windows. My pigs enjoy the window open and like hearing all of the noises from outside. Jet and Silver DO mind the window open. They don't seem to mind children screaming and crying or metal tins clanking on the tile floor, but the sound of a sparrow chirping is TERRIFYING. :)) They are really funny boys.
I've been delaying this for a few days as it has been sad here. My sweet Cocoa passed away on Wednesday on the way to the vet. The vet's office was really kind an checked to see if he had passed as I wasn't able to check due to me driving him there. Oreo was able to be with him to the end. My children and I were able to say good-bye too. I'm going to miss him as he was so much fun even though he was a grumpy old man at 5 years old.

Oreo has been pretty down about being alone. She has never been alone in her life before as she was with her mom till she joined Cocoa. She has become alot friendlier. I did put in an application to the rescue to adopt a new friend or two for her. The rescue said that they are not sure if they will have any piggies left since they just restarted adoptions again and have to go through the wait list first. Hopefully we will be able to find her a new friend soon. I told them I wasn't picky, I just need her happy again.

On a whole different news, Jet and Silver are still with us at my house. They almost were adopted this weekend till the person decided they didn't want them and picked a different piggy pair.

Popcorn free, Cocoa!

I'm very sorry that you lost Cocoa,
Sleep tight, sweet boy! :(💔

All fingers and paws crossed that you'll be able to find a new friend for Oreo soon.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Popcorn high over the bridge Cocoa. Take care ❤️
Oreo is going on a hot date on Saturday! The eligible bachelor lost his foster buddy and is now alone and is looking for a friend too. Fingers crossed that they both like each other. Now to reread the bonding guide....
I haven't posted the good news yet, but bonding went great! I bonded them on Monday as their quick meeting in the back of a car (that sounds a bit scandalous doesn't it?) went well. There still is normal dominance chasing and humping, but Oreo is fine with that and will tell him off with a quick spray of pee if she's done with his shenanigans. He has been respectful of her wishes and lets her steal his food too. Lots of grooming each other and piggy trains too.


Here is a better picture of him. He is hard to take a picture of since he is black with glossy fur. My son decided his name should be Shadow.
I haven't posted the good news yet, but bonding went great! I bonded them on Monday as their quick meeting in the back of a car (that sounds a bit scandalous doesn't it?) went well. There still is normal dominance chasing and humping, but Oreo is fine with that and will tell him off with a quick spray of pee if she's done with his shenanigans. He has been respectful of her wishes and lets her steal his food too. Lots of grooming each other and piggy trains too.

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Here is a better picture of him. He is hard to take a picture of since he is black with glossy fur. My son decided his name should be Shadow.
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Oh Shadow, you are such a chunky hunk 💙 So glad the bonding went well, how lovely. Inhad to laught at the “brief encounter” in the “back of a car” 😂
Today was a bit bittersweet. My foster sweetie-pie boys, Jet and Silver, were adopted by a family. I'm excited that another family gets to love them as much as we have. I'm going to miss them and their sweet little faces.

We did get two new fosters to care for. I don't have pictures of them yet as they are hiding since they are nervous about all the new sounds and smells in the house. Their names are Athena and Bob, but we are calling her Brownie as her real name is something like Bobabillyous. :doh: These two ladies are not adoptable out to anyone as they are 6 years old. The rescue will only adopt out animals that have been spayed/neutered and they will not have these two spayed due to their age. I am looking forward to getting to know the two of them better. I will post lots of pictures when I can.

I found out that since I took these two ladies, the rescue now can take 7 more guinea pigs! :yahoo:

I finally got some pictures of Athena and Brownie. First picture is Athena, I don't have the pigaloos in their house anymore as I don't like those things, but I needed a quick hidey for them. The second picture is Brownie. She loves to spend all of her time in the cuddle sack or in the tunnel. She doesn't care for the guinea pig carwash hides, but Athena enjoys them.

I have been thinking about their future here with my family. I am worried about when one of them crosses the rainbow bridge, then the other will be alone. I would love to bond them with my male/female pair, but I worry that Shadow is a young, excitable (neutered) boar and they are 6 year old ladies (not spayed). I'm not sure if they would like his enthusiasm. My other option would be to divide Shadow and Oreo's house and have one side for Athena and Brownie and the other side for Shadow and Oreo.


Poor Athena has hay poke. I noticed that she was squinting one eye this evening. I texted the rescue, hopefully they see my message quickly. Since it is volunteer run, it can take a little bit to hear back. Anyone know how long I should wait to hear from them? I would like to get her into the vet tomorrow if possible.

Edit: I mean, how long should I wait for them to respond to her hay poke? Isn't this one of the situations that needs treated quickly?
Eyes are difficult to treat if inquiries are left long, a vet visit the sooner the better really, hope she recovers quickly, good luck, hope they get back to you very soon. You could always make an appointment and cancel if they get back to you
Ok. The rescue can't see it in the picture, but this looks like hay poke to me or am I imagining it?

It's that white/blueish dot. It isn't a light reflection. I guess I'm gonna go call the vet and lie to them saying she is my guinea pig. 🫣 The vet won't see her if I bring in a animal that isn't mine.