They won't if you do it nicely No one likes to be told their job but we are the clients and like to know our pigs are getting the best If you find an arrogant vet they sometimes respond to time, I had one at our surgery who was just doing what she'd been taught (Ivomec for lice on guineas), we discovered one while I was there for another problem, I just said I'd treat with Gorgeous Guineas shampoos etc. By the time she left she was doing surgery on guineas and had declined being taught how to do dental work without anaesthetic because she wasn't confident enough to do it which I respect, I don't want someone doing something they don't feel happy with and dental work isn't for everyone She also does xrays without anaesthetic and gives the CCT recommended doses for meds.
I don't think the CCT offer individual surgery vet lectures anymore which is a shame.
I don't think the CCT offer individual surgery vet lectures anymore which is a shame.