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Please keep your fingers crossed for Elizabeth - passing blood.

Thank you and I hope it’s positive. She weed in the nurses hand as she was holding her and no blood or anything. I’m ok, just stressed and will feel better when the results come back. Hope you’re ok? x
Hoping all clear for you both and no more vets! So pleased she’s not bleeding anymore, hopefully she’s feeling much better already. Hope the results come soon, it’s horrid waiting for things like that, but hopefully nothing to worry about and you can all just enjoy xmas :)
I’m ok thanks, not feeling very Christmassy yet but seizure free day, so about to get Orla out for her second floortime fun :) Hope you have a good day, sending big hugs from us all xx
I was discussing lumps with Simon recently. We've had two piggies who have had lumps removed from their tummy area. Both were fatty lumps. He was saying, that in his experience that if you drew a horizontal line, across the middle of a piggy who is standing normally, on all four legs, any lumps above this line are usually sebacceous cysts and anything below the line is usually fatty. He said he's seen very few sinister lumps and when he has removed one that has been found to be sinister, it is very rare for it to grow back, as long as you take a margin around it, when removing it.
I was discussing lumps with Simon recently. We've had two piggies who have had lumps removed from their tummy area. Both were fatty lumps. He was saying, that in his experience that if you drew a horizontal line, across the middle of a piggy who is standing normally, on all four legs, any lumps above this line are usually sebacceous cysts and anything below the line is usually fatty. He said he's seen very few sinister lumps and when he has removed one that has been found to be sinister, it is very rare for it to grow back, as long as you take a margin around it, when removing it.

Thank you. That’s very interesting and makes me feel a little better. Two of the lumps are near her nipples (not underneath) and one is on her chest but as no pus came out on aspiration, at least I know it isn’t an abscess. I’m just hoping all 3 do come back as fatty or harmless cysts x
Hoping all clear for you both and no more vets! So pleased she’s not bleeding anymore, hopefully she’s feeling much better already. Hope the results come soon, it’s horrid waiting for things like that, but hopefully nothing to worry about and you can all just enjoy xmas :)
I’m ok thanks, not feeling very Christmassy yet but seizure free day, so about to get Orla out for her second floortime fun :) Hope you have a good day, sending big hugs from us all xx

Thank you. I’m not feeling Christmassy either but I’m glad you’re having a seizure free day and enjoy having floor time with the gorgeous Orla 😍 x
Yes, my only worry would be if they grew large but as they’ve not really changed that’s a good sign. This was a fatty lump on Rosie. As you can see it was huge. It was successfully removed and she’s completely back to normal. View attachment 216797

Wow that is huge, bless her. I’m so glad the lump was removed successfully and that Rosie is back to normal. Elizabeth’s are tiny in comparison x
So glad she's not peeing blood anymore! Good luck for the results! One if the girls we took in yesterday has a golf ball size lump on her tummy too. Unlucky, our girls! 😐

Thank you. Aw it amazes me how owners can allow these lumps to get so big without intervention 😞 good luck to her too. The vet was telling us yesterday that someone didn’t take their dog in with a lump until it was football sized and ulcerating. Luckily it was fatty but it made the surgery more complicated x
Thank you. Aw it amazes me how owners can allow these lumps to get so big without intervention 😞 good luck to her too. The vet was telling us yesterday that someone didn’t take their dog in with a lump until it was football sized and ulcerating. Luckily it was fatty but it made the surgery more complicated x
That’s what I thought when I picked up Rosie. I asked for vet history to be sent to Simon, fully expecting there would be none! How wrong can you be! They’d been back and forth to the vets, had spent a fortune and quite frankly the vet was useless. It isn’t always how it seems! I’m now never quick to judge!
That’s what I thought when I picked up Rosie. I asked for vet history to be sent to Simon, fully expecting there would be none! How wrong can you be! They’d been back and forth to the vets, had spent a fortune and quite frankly the vet was useless. It isn’t always how it seems! I’m now never quick to judge!

I see where you’re coming from. I’m sorry that the vet was useless. My vet has already said that if Elizabeth’s lumps (assuming they’re fatty) do start to grow, he’ll remove them before they get too big. I’m so glad I’ve finally found a vet who will listen to me and understands my anxiety. Previous vet did think they were fatty but offered no further tests. It’s because they’re on her mammary line as to why he wants to double check. More money for me but will ease my anxiety if they do come back as fatty and if not, we’ll take it from there x
I’ve just phoned the vets and Elizabeth’s biopsy results are in. But the vet who is treating her isn’t in today so I have to wait for him to phone me when they reopen on Tuesday as the receptionist couldn’t tell me 😞 Tuesday is going to be a stressful day as it’s also the day Harrison has his thyroidectomy 😞 She did say she could get another vet to phone me with the results but I’d rather it be the vet who’s treating her as he’s familiar with her now and he’s the head vet
I hate the waiting. Good luck for the results on Tuesday. Also for Harrison’s op. Sending healing vibes to the furries and a hug for you Claire 🤗
Thank you everyone. Vets just phoned and Elizabeth’s lumps are fatty lipomas. No cancer what so ever 🙂 Just got to keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t grow. I’m so relieved that she’s ok. She also hasn’t bled for nearly two weeks so still don’t know what all that was about
Yay that’s brilliant news, so pleased for you all! :hug:So glad she’s still had no bleeding bless her, hopefully it was a UTI and it’s all gone now never to return! So glad it was all good news xx