Bill & Ted
Forum Buddy
So sorry Claire it wasn’t the best news hope whatever these lumps and bumps are can be sorted x
I’m afraid it isn’t great news about Elizabeth. The vet could feel all sorts of lumps and bumps inside her and even got a second opinion She offered to do a scan there and then but admitted that she wasn’t an expert with ultrasounds and recommended that I take her on Monday when the vet who’s really experienced is in so Elizabeth is off back to the vets on Monday for a scan. The vet was lovely and has guinea pigs of her own. Please keep those fingers crossed as I’m worried sick Elizabeth is still bright and alert. I’ll update again on Monday x
Even more reason to think they are fatty lumps.
Crossing everything for you and Elizabeth, sounds quite positive so far though so hopefully just fatty ones Great she hasn’t bled since Sunday too bless her, hopefully no more and she’s back to normal very soon. Hope you’re doing ok xx