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Please keep your fingers crossed for Elizabeth - passing blood.

So sorry Claire it wasn’t the best news :hug:hope whatever these lumps and bumps are can be sorted x
Thinking of you both and I’m hoping Elizabeth’s lumps and bumps can be sorte d or controlled ❤️
Aw sorry it's not good news! Hopefully the experienced vet will be able to find out exactly what they are and it's good news for her ❤️
I’m afraid it isn’t great news about Elizabeth. The vet could feel all sorts of lumps and bumps inside her and even got a second opinion 😞 She offered to do a scan there and then but admitted that she wasn’t an expert with ultrasounds and recommended that I take her on Monday when the vet who’s really experienced is in so Elizabeth is off back to the vets on Monday for a scan. The vet was lovely and has guinea pigs of her own. Please keep those fingers crossed as I’m worried sick 😞 Elizabeth is still bright and alert. I’ll update again on Monday x

Oh dear, so sorry to hear you and Elizabeth are going through this. Best wishes for Monday x
Thank you for your well wishes everyone. Elizabeth has had her scan. She has no bladder stones, womb infection, cystic ovaries or any other tumours. However, the lumps on her tummy may be cancerous 😞 or they may not so she’s having a fine needle biopsy on Thursday as they couldn’t do it today. For now, she’s to carry on having the baytril as her course doesn’t finish until Wednesday but her bleeding has at least got much better. Vet is going to prescribe her another antibiotic beginning with T (he has to order it in) in case she has another sort of infection somewhere that has caused the bleeding. I’m kind of feeling relieved but also worried about these lumps that she’s had for around a year which I was told we’re fatty
Good to hear that the scan didn't show anything sinister. Try not to worry about the lumps, they may well just be fatty lumps.xx
I’m so glad the scan went well and no stones or anything. 🤞these lumps are just fatty tissue X
I’m so pleased there is no stone. Hopefully it’s just an infection that the ABs will clear up soon. Try not to worry about the lumps. 😘
Good news about the scan results, and if she has had the lumps for a while then there is a good chance they may just be regular fatty lumps.
She really is receiving the absolute best care and you are doing a wonderful job :hug:
The more I’m feeling around on her underside, the more lumps I am finding 😞 they’re only small but they’re there. She has the two near her nipples that are the ones the vet was worried about one of which she’s had for well over 6 - 12 months, one on her chest area which is quite big but she’s also had this one for well over 6 - 12 months and two small ones towards her side. Could this mean that she could have mammary cancer which has spread or could they still be fatty lumps? I’m feeling very stressed out 😞
Just to offer a little bit of reassurance. My girl buttercup also has a few lumps on her belly and around her mammary glands. We recently found one on her chest too. We got them tested and they all came back clear. They ultrasounded her and found a mass in her uterus. At the moment the decision is to leave it and monitor her closely. The uterine mass was an incidental finding as she clinically is well other than the lumps. I know it’s easier said than done but please don’t worry too much until those results come back.
My other girl bled loads when she first started getting bladder issues. She was fine and then out of no where was passing lots and lots of blood. I convinced myself she had a pyometra. I know how scary it can be. But the positives are that the scan came back clear of anything sinister. And she is okay in herself. Best of luck sending big hugs xx
Thank you. I shall try and stop stressing until the results come back. I just have a bad feeling 😞 I’m sorry that your girl has a uterine tumour @Josie_lg but it’s great that all her lumps came back clear and that she’s doing well in herself. I know of someone else whose piggy had a uterine tumour and although he had his sow spayed, it wasn’t cancerous. I’m so relieved that Elizabeth’s scan came back clear, I’m just so worried about these lumps x
I’ve just come across this thread from December last year which I replied to and it would seem that Elizabeth had the nipple lump back then. I remember that she’d had her lumps for a few months prior. If she has mammary cancer from December 2021, wouldn’t she be have died by now or at least be showing other symptoms? Guinea pig mammary tumor
Elizabeth has had her lumps biopsied. As with the ultrasound, we got to stay in the room with her and she was such a good girl ❤️ Now for the nail biting wait for the results. He thinks fat came out but wanted to send them off anyway as one looks a bit suspect… Please keep your fingers crossed for her. She hasn’t bled since Sunday so vet wants to hold off giving her more antibiotics x
Crossing everything for you and Elizabeth, sounds quite positive so far though so hopefully just fatty ones 🤞 Great she hasn’t bled since Sunday too bless her, hopefully no more and she’s back to normal very soon. Hope you’re doing ok :hug: xx
Crossing everything for you and Elizabeth, sounds quite positive so far though so hopefully just fatty ones 🤞 Great she hasn’t bled since Sunday too bless her, hopefully no more and she’s back to normal very soon. Hope you’re doing ok :hug: xx

Thank you and I hope it’s positive. She weed in the nurses hand as she was holding her and no blood or anything. I’m ok, just stressed and will feel better when the results come back. Hope you’re ok? x