Pigging Out

How long did Ellie say for him to be on antibiotics? You don’t want to risk the abscess returning. It may not be the antibiotics affecting the appetite. I’ve often seen piggies sudddnly start to eat well and then get a bit gassy. Do you have any Emeprid? x
Ellie has not said how long he should be on it. But she gave us a month's worth of it in case we need more she said. She also said she'd prefer to see us again after 10-14 days to see if the antibiotics is working. Yes we do have Emeprid.

I've told Keith what you said. He read up that normal dose of antibiotics is supposed to be 5 days (?).
Simon always prescribes at least two weeks, and often more, especially for abscesses. Zoltan, who arrived with an abscess that tracked through his whole body, needed 11 weeks of metronidazole.

Definitely give the Emeprid. I think you’ll see his appetite pick up x
Pepper had 6 weeks of Zithromax to make sure his abscess didn’t return. You’ve only got to leave a tiny bit of bacteria in for it to return. I hope Bryce is ok.
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Thanks for the advice. Hubby will talk to Ellie tomorrow about Bryce and what we can do. He is eating his veggies, pea flakes, forage dried leaves today but has stopped eating hay, which we don't know why. He hasn't had soft poop today.
As long as they’re eating grass I don’t worry about them not eating hay. It always seems to be the last thing they want to eat when they’ve got an abscess. Definitely have a chat with Ellie and see what she suggests xx
The problem was Bryce was eating loads of hay and grass for a few days before he stopped doing it yesterday, when he started eating his veggies by himself and the soft poops started. We don't really know why and we can't really distinguish any patterns with regards to what was happening to him. 🤷‍♀️😞 At least his poops are back to normal today.
So yesterday, we tried to bond Bryce and Whitney again in the lawn. They were fine the first 10-15 mins, just growling, sniffing each other and just going around the cage we put. Well after that, Whitney decided to get so close to Bryce and sniff his bum and nip it. Bryce did the same thing when Whitney turned around. Next thing, full on scuffle so I had to separate them again and check if any managed to get bite marks. Thankfully both of them got none. I had to calm down Bryce again because he was teeth chattering for 5 mins even after I got him separated already.

So today, hubby decided to get rid of their ratan chair. It's damaged from their bite marks anyway and that chair is already 25 yrs old according to hubby. Plus it's not really being used apart from being a piggy area. It's quite big and difficult to clean and have access too. We went to Argos to get a table that we can put instead. So here's the result. They both have a bigger play area and they both can still see each other better. Please don't mind the too many bowls of food on Bryce's side (the one near the portable heater/aircon). We are encouraging him still to eat anything and everything. Our whole living room is separated in half so they can both still have free run at the same time.

So yesterday, we tried to bond Bryce and Whitney again in the lawn. They were fine the first 10-15 mins, just growling, sniffing each other and just going around the cage we put. Well after that, Whitney decided to get so close to Bryce and sniff his bum and nip it. Bryce did the same thing when Whitney turned around. Next thing, full on scuffle so I had to separate them again and check if any managed to get bite marks. Thankfully both of them got none. I had to calm down Bryce again because he was teeth chattering for 5 mins even after I got him separated already.

So today, hubby decided to get rid of their ratan chair. It's damaged from their bite marks anyway and that chair is already 25 yrs old according to hubby. Plus it's not really being used apart from being a piggy area. It's quite big and difficult to clean and have access too. We went to Argos to get a table that we can put instead. So here's the result. They both have a bigger play area and they both can still see each other better. Please don't mind the too many bowls of food on Bryce's side (the one near the portable heater/aircon). We are encouraging him still to eat anything and everything. Our whole living room is separated in half so they can both still have free run at the same time.

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What an amazing set up for floor time!
I'm very sorry that Whitney is such a ... well guinea pig sow probably describes it best. :(
But it's a great setup.
Reminds me a bit of past times when my girls didn't want to live together.
I don't know why Whitney decided she doesn't want to be with Bryce anymore, after his op. She wasn't like this when Bryce had op in the past. I think it's because we had Vegas that time who was the top pig and she was still a baby and she knows Bryce was above her in the order. And now they are only two, she decided she can challenge him now. Flipping pain in the bum! 🙄😑🤷‍♀️
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Update on Bryce:

We would take Bryce to see Simon/Kim in Cat & Rabbit tomorrow. Hopefully we can get a emergency appointment when we phone at 8am. I phoned them yesterday for appointment but the couldn't give me one until Thursday next week. Receptionist advised me to just phone at 8am tomorrow for emergency appointment.

He is eating some hay, pea flakes, veggies and grass but not much. We are still syringe feeding him. The area where Ellie has inserted a needle last week to drain the abscess has a tiny hole where some liquid abscess are now leaking. Ellie said last week that when she squeezed it, loads of liquid came out, which makes us think the antibiotic is at least working. But on Monday, I noticed that Bryce's bottom right tooth is now a bit slant and a little bit discoloured. He is also grinding his teeth. Last week Ellie trimmed the top front teeth coz a spur on it has grown and was making it hard for him to pick up food. I checked today and his upper teeth are also starting to slant, but mostly the right side tooth, like the bottom front right side.

I'm not sure what we're going to do with him. He has really had a hard time recovering from gas the last time. It took him a week to recover from that. The previous 2 ops he had in the past took him a few days each to recover as well. This is what worries me if the only solution for him is to get another op. Hubby is hesitant about it, plus the cost as well. I don't know if it's right if the worst thing is to put him to sleep if that's the case. 😭😞