Interesting. I knew about the vaccines, neutering and temp bit, space however, I didn't and I'm not surprised at all.
There's a couple of single buns up for adoption near me and toying with the idea of adopting one however I need to be absolutely sure before I even consider it really.
Do rabbits need a friend like pigs? I always thought they did but there's lots of single buns about.
What's your setup like? I assume you can't lock them into a hutch at night as it's way too small. How do you stop predators? We have foxes and many cats that roam and would be a massive worry for me. (This is one of the reasons I swayed to having a shed for the pigs.)
I know pigs and rabbits can't share a cage but can they share a room/shed? I understand bordetella is part of the issue here.
Thanks for sharing all this information, even if I don't adopt a bun I'll at least have the knowledge and be able to share and advise those who may consider a bun in the future.