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Peppers poorly 😭

Sending Pepper healing vibes and hugs to him and you. Glad you managed to get an appointment so quickly.
Oh no! I hope the vets goes okay and Pepper is okay
Just got back from the vets.

Pepper has very crackly breathing and she can’t hear his heart. So the plan is ABs and pain meds for a week and then if no improvement a scan of his heart in case it’s heart failure 😞

I’m hoping it’s a URI and I’ve caught it early. He was fine this lunchtime. 🤞🏻

I’ve been prescribed dog Loxicom 0.56 twice a day

And 0.56 of penicillin twice a day. I’ve not got any experience of this. Does this sound about right? @Wiebke?

I haven't but I'm sure someone will respond soon who has, you've done the best thing and all being well the meds will work their magic those and treats and cuddles of course 💕
Oh no. I’ve given him some already. Bloomin heck. 😡
I’ve just called them and they said 1 dose won’t hurt him (yeah right). I’m going back tomorrow to collect something else for him but it will be a tablet that I have to crush.

I’m so cross and worried now. Imagining that he will be dead in the morning 😭

I can’t believe they have made this mistake. They are the local vet hospital that is on our list of approved vets.

Poor you, you must be worried sick right now. As an addendum, I'm aware that right now you're not thinking about the financial aspect but I don't think they should charge for the alternative medication or if he needs to be seen overnight.