Adult Guinea Pig
I always feel at least a little bit closure when I get my babies' ashes back 

Hi there.Thank you
Yes, my gut feeling is that there’s something more sinister going on. As he’s lost weight over time and he is eating little bits of food. I’m not an expert, but I’ve been through dental issues and this seems very different
Can I ask how they diagnosed this? Scan / X-ray?I'm so sorry about little Bobby, unfortunately both my experiences of drooling/regurgitating were due to tumours/cancer, one was stomach cancer and the other, a tumour on the thymus. Everything crossed for a dental issue which can be resolved ❤
Can I ask how they diagnosed this? Scan / X-ray?
I’ve seen my girl do like a cat hair ball gagging movement a few times this week after food.
I posted a video on my previous thread.
She then pawed at the side of her face like she was trying to get something out maybe?
I’m so sorry to hear your girl is struggling.Hi there.
I’m so very sorry to hear of the loss of your little one
I would like to ask some advice as I am experiencing very similar symptoms from my girl currently.
Sorry if it’s a long one..
Ellie has been on/ off her food for about 2 weeks now.
Vets said her belly feels soft / supple (unsure if that’s because she hasn’t eaten much)
Not eating very much for herself at all
She was nibbling at hay / pellets / veg but very little and also straight away would go to bed hunched up afterwards.
She’s very eager to eat soft things like lettuce but again straight after she does
she’s going to bed..
strange thing is with how little she has eaten she has only lost about 40g since Thursday afternoon, not sure if that is a lot.
Sunday she seemed totally fine eating and happy enough, then Monday even more downhill and barely got up all day apart from me giving meds.
It’s not consistent which makes no sense at all.
Critical care is a very hard battle.
I gave it with some apple baby food last night which made it softer and it’s gone down easier but still only managed 12ml.
sorry again about your boy, I hope you don’t mind me messaging, I feel like I’m in the same boat and sick with worry I’d just like to know what’s going on even if it is bad news x
I’m so sorry to hear your girl is struggling.
I’m sorry I can’t be of more help, all I can recommend is a good vet. We always travel miles (from Manchester to Northampton) for the C&R clinic, but there are quite a few good vets recommend on here.
I have seen similar symptoms with dental issues, but also with other issues that cause pain.
Can you phone your vet regarding symptoms not improving?
Sending love!
So very sorry for your loss. You made the right decision for her, she was obviously very loved.Sadly she was PTS last Friday
I got the X-ray in the end as she seemed to be struggling with breathing.
They confirmed fluid on her lungs, and along with her other pain / issues I thought it be best to let her go peacefully
Still strange to know she is gone. Miss her dearly and sad I couldn’t help more x
Thank you so much, I'm still wondering if it was the right decision and if i could have done more for her as she was so young.BIG HUGS
I am so very sorry for your loss and that you have had to make the most heart-breaking but also the most loving decision that we can make for one of our pets. If it helps you any, I would have made the same decision as you.
We tend to forget just how small bodies our piggies with their big personalities have and that we can take them only ever so far...
She will always live on in your heart and your memories but it takes some - rather painful - time to get used to no longer having her around physically in all the little unthinking ways that have connected you. Be kind with yourself as you grieve.
Thank you so much, I'm still wondering if it was the right decision and if i could have done more for her as she was so young.
The vet said about draining the fluid, but also that it could come back again.
Then to put her through that along with the other issues she was having weeks before (possible kidney stones / stomach pains) didnt seem fair.
its so sad she just became ill out of nowhere, i wonder if i started feeding her too much kale that started the issues.
I'm just happy she is out of pain now.
Sad i couldnt bring her home due to the cost of the treatment and another £275 for a casket with her ashes, such a shame as I have my other girls with me. so i just got a clipping of her hair <3
Feelings of guilt and intense soul searching are typical for the onset of the grieving process and expression of the depth of your love and care but not of any failures. As humans we are wired to reflect everything that happens onto ourselves, even where they it doesn't apply.
There is nothing you have done wrong or you could have done to change the outcome. You simply cannot make any genetic timebombs disappear just by sheer willpower and love; that is entirely out of your control. Some piggies are sadly born with a short straw.
Please keep in mind that guinea pigs do not have a concept for an average life span but that they live in the here and now. If you have given your girl plenty of happy todays filled with love, then you have given her exactly what she wanted from her life and you haven't failed her in any way. It is the quality of life that counts for our pets - the quantity is our own human owner's desire because we treasure their presence in our own much longer lives so much and do not want to lose them at any age - it always happens far too soon.
If you struggle with your strong and rather unexpected feelings taking you in unexpected directions, you may find our grieving guides helpful for yourself to make more sense of your experiences and know where to get support if you need it: Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children
Thank you so much for your very kind words.
That has out things into perspective for me a bit more.
Bless her, she was very much loved![]()