Adult Guinea Pig
Fingers firmly crossed for tomorrow.xx
That’s ok, thanks so much!Sorry Becci, I've only just seen this thread.
Good luck with the vets appointment tomorrow & hopefully the gorgeous Aliona won't need a spay. Although healing vibes & a speedy recovery if she does.
My old girl Ellie was 6yrs & had hcg injections for her ovarian cyst, but my vets aren't exotics & don't see many guineas, so weren't willing to operate on her. But the hcg injections lasted 12months, then the cyst started to grow again so she had another pair of jabs at 7yrs. Which lasted until she passed at 8yrs.
She didn't have any textbook signs, just reoccurring uti's & bad bleeds from her genitals.
Sounds like the c&r do multiple spays in a week so that's reassuring
Ellie had an ultrasound (conscious) to find the cyst. She just had a bit of a shave of her undercarriage, then the gel & ultrasound. Took about 15mins
(.... & a few springs of coriander/grass).
Fingers & paws all crossed here for you.
take care & safe journey too
Luv the girls & I xx
I think GG ointment would help sooth her nipples. It’s worth a try xThanks Claire Yes sure she’ll be glad to have it done and get back to normal! So will me and Luigi! xx
Her nipples look so itchy and horrible, do you think I should I put any cream on them like GG’s or something? Didn’t want to put anything on before vets but don’t want her to be too uncomfortable waiting until then!
Thanks so much @eileen! Don’t worry though as her appointment is at 9.30am so an early start and wouldn’t want you to go so out of your way! Good luck with your little boy and his neutering! xxI'm sorry Aliona needs a spay.gg ointment works well for dry crusty areas.you are the best piggie mum.if you want a lift to C AND R clinic let me know.i have a looney boar who needs neutering.