Merab's Herd

My girls love Oxbow Critical Care so I’m hoping Micah does too.
He may not need syringe feeding anyway once the Emeprid kicks in and he begins to feel more comfortable.
He is eating- just not at his normal rate yet.
The vet nurse was impressed with his poop output while she was looking after him in recovery.
He’ll be fine - he’s just had surgery so he’s bound to be a bit off for a while
Well, Bill and Ted are glad they have still got theirs! But are a little jealous of Micah moving next to the gorgeous Jemimah 💕❤️💕 Lucky Boy!
Get well soon xx
Glad all went well and he's now home recovering :nod:

The girls all wish him healing vibes for a speedy recovery....

Now they're pestering me for a handsome husboar like him! :drool: :luv: :love: :wub:
No girls - no! Just no! You can't share with Heathers herd either! X
How is Micah today? Hope he's eating now, though he might still be a bit sleepy from the anaesthetic and a bit tender around his nether regions!
Yes, how is he! Hope he’s on the mend down there. It will be all worth it in a few weeks Micah x
Micah has been very quiet today - recovering from the anaesthetic. He was hardly eating so I stepped in with syringe feeding to encourage him.
He took his meds well but really doesn’t like syringe feeding.
My top is now liberally smeared with Critical Care :))

I did get some down him though.
Resistance is futile.

He’s beginning to brighten up and as he was eating hay when I went to give him his next syringe feed I left it - may try some more later when he gets his Emeprid.

I moved his cage down to be beside the girls hoping that would perk him up. He was definitely more alert but the girls were much more interested in the veggies.

We’ll see how he progresses but I think he’s coming round properly now.
My top is now liberally smeared with Critical Care :))

My boy Jasper took three days to start eating properly after his castration and I always ended up wearing just as much Critical care as he took in! 😂

Jasper sends his sympathies and lots of encouraging wheeks and hopes Micah feels back to normal soon (as do I)!
My boy Jasper took three days to start eating properly after his castration and I always ended up wearing just as much Critical care as he took in! 😂

Jasper sends his sympathies and lots of encouraging wheeks and hopes Micah feels back to normal soon (as do I)!
Thank you.
We could start a new fashion for piggy slaves.
How do you wear your Critical Care?
Micah is definitely feeling better today and eating normally which is a relief.
He’s very interested in his new neighbours :D

He’s been rumble strutting very happily at them. Priscilla is definitely interested.
Jemimah rumbled at him in passing and Phoebe showed some interest.

Only 5 weeks and 5 days to go :nod:
Micah had his first post- op check today.
All is well with the wound but Kiri wasn’t happy with the weight he’s lost.
Back to the syringe feeding to top up what he’s eating for himself.
Managed to get the best part of 4ml into him plus some mashed banana. He likes it.
Going to try a bit more soon and again when we get home.

Going out for a meal with friends tonight.
There’s a lovely Italian restaurant in Marlborough.
@Betsy and I went there for lunch a few weeks ago.
Aw, come on Micah, get munching on more banana so you can be as BIG and strapping as Bill and Ted x
Mashed banana sounds yummy, might some of the weight loss be down to the excitement of living next door to the girls now? Theo didnt lose much weight from neutering but he did drop 50g in the week he discovered ladies existed!
Mashed banana sounds yummy, might some of the weight loss be down to the excitement of living next door to the girls now? Theo didnt lose much weight from neutering but he did drop 50g in the week he discovered ladies existed!
That’s a relief to know as he is quite excited, especially when the girls are at the bars.
He is eating something for himself and I’m topping up with the syringe.
He loves his mashed banana- wouldn’t let go of the syringe this morning and polished off about 10ml of banana with some Critical Care mixed in.
He weighed in at 628g this afternoon which is about what he was when I got him.
I’m still learning with such a tiny piggy.
So today Micah was eating less and more lethargic.
I had to work so my wonderful husband took him to the Veterinary Hospital.
He has a slight infection so he was given a shot of painkiller and antibiotic. He’s come home with Baytril and more Emeprid.
I’m going to have fun tomorrow morning getting those into him plus his Loxicom and syringe feeding.
Hopefully we’ve caught the infection quickly.
He was much brighter when I got home and had given him some syringe feed.
He’s such a tiny little thing too.
Ah, poor little Micah, he is having a rough time but hoping he’s turned a corner now for a full recovery x