We have had a very exciting afternoon introducing Micah to the girls.
They were all out playing together while I reorganised and extended the cage.
Micah rumbled and strutted pretty much non stop.
He attempted to hump all 3 girls who were not too keen on that.
We had chasing - noise - and at one point Priscilla was spotted with a tuft of fur in her mouth!
However there was no sign of injury and I can’t see where the fur came from.
They are now all in the larger cage together.
We’ve had some chattering and chasing but nothing too worrying.
The cage is now 6x2 with a 3x2 add on to make the L shape.
3 bowls, 3 water bottles, 3 fleece tunnels and 3 wooden hideys, a hay tunnel and a carrot cottage with extra large door ( to accommodate Jemimah’s bum) means they have plenty of space, nowhere to get trapped and enough hay piles and food so no pig can’t eat.
It’s very quiet at the moment- they’re probably exhausted.