Merab's Herd

He's such a handsome little floof! Best of luck for his op, but I think any vet who can do such a successful spay should be able to do a routine neutering no problem :)
When he comes to stay he can have playpen time next to your girls, I have a 2 bunny business playpens plus a secure extra 2 grid high 4 grid wide multiply cable-tied C&C wall that does somehow all fit together into securely partitioned playpens, as long as I dont actually need to use my floor for anything!
Why would you want to use your floor?
The playpens sound ideal. For now he's going to be getting his playtime after the girls as he's staying in his playpen while the girls are free roaming.
When they're together they will teach him to come home when I call - or at least when they feel like it - or when there's veggies going in the cage:D
We are now just over 2 weeks into the newly formed herd and they have really settled well.
Phoebe is still skittish but getting better. She loves everypig.
Merab is just getting on with being Merab.
Priscilla and Jemimah have sorted themselves out and look as if they’re becoming good friends.
Today, for the first time, Priscilla came out of the cage by herself and happily explored further afield. She and Jemimah trotted around together part of the time. She’s learning from Jemimah and giving Jemimah the active companionship she’s been missing since Keziah died.
We’ve had 2 noticeable seasons which was fun.
I love my little herd.

What size is your cage and what shape?

I have a 2 by 6 c and c cage for my group of four Guinea pigs, would you say thats enough space for them?

I'm thinking on the lines of maybe adding one more Guinea pig to the group if the cage will allow it.

What type of run do you have for your four and what size roughly?
My outdoor run is 230 cm long and 115 cm wide I think it's big enough for four guinea pigs or maybe one or two more?

I thank you in advance for any help given.:roll:

What size is your cage and what shape?

I have a 2 by 6 c and c cage for my group of four Guinea pigs, would you say thats enough space for them?

I'm thinking on the lines of maybe adding one more Guinea pig to the group if the cage will allow it.

What type of run do you have for your four and what size roughly?
My outdoor run is 230 cm long and 115 cm wide I think it's big enough for four guinea pigs or maybe one or two more?

I thank you in advance for any help given.:roll:
I currently have 3 sows in a 2x5 c&c to which I added a 2x2 extension
Micah is in a Ferplast 100 cage which is temporary until he’s safely post neutering.
We are moving soon and my plan is to extend the C&C cage for all 4 piggies- assuming the girls all accept Micah.
Quite how I’ll extend the cage will depend on their new room when we move.

I don’t have an outdoor run - too many birds of prey here.

Do you have sows or boars?
2x6 sounds fine for 4 sows but I do know that boars need space.
Have a read through the housing section of the forum, you will find guidance on their space needs there
I currently have 3 sows in a 2x5 c&c to which I added a 2x2 extension
Micah is in a Ferplast 100 cage which is temporary until he’s safely post neutering.
We are moving soon and my plan is to extend the C&C cage for all 4 piggies- assuming the girls all accept Micah.
Quite how I’ll extend the cage will depend on their new room when we move.

I don’t have an outdoor run - too many birds of prey here.

Do you have sows or boars?
2x6 sounds fine for 4 sows but I do know that boars need space.
Have a read through the housing section of the forum, you will find guidance on their space needs there

I have 3 sows and one boar.
I was thinking of adding one more sow to the group.

I don't understand what you mean with the outside run and birds of pray, most runs have lids on them?

I have 3 sows and one boar.
I was thinking of adding one more sow to the group.

I don't understand what you mean with the outside run and birds of pray, most runs have lids on them?
What sort of run are you thinking of? I don’t think I’ve seen one with a lid x
What sort of run are you thinking of? I don’t think I’ve seen one with a lid x
I have already got two of these runs DSC_0023.webp
I put them together and open up door and put a bendy bridge over the ledge so they can run between the two like one big run.

I got these from petplanet website.
I’ve never seen them before!
Just go onto petplanet website and look in the product list for rabbit and Guinea pig runs, it should be there.

They have two doors an folding back top for easy access to catch your piggies and they fold away for ease of storage.

I love them

I have 3 sows and one boar.
I was thinking of adding one more sow to the group.

I don't understand what you mean with the outside run and birds of pray, most runs have lids on them?
It’s the fact that I don’t want to risk the piggies being scared by the birds of prey rather than any risk of them being caught
It’s the fact that I don’t want to risk the piggies being scared by the birds of prey rather than any risk of them being caught
Or cats, or rats... we have quite aggressive seagulls and magpies too! Indoor piggies can always order a grass takeaway, Piggle often phones me and orders a window box of grass and clover delivered to her indoor playpen :)
Cage cleaning day today.
The girls happily back in a lovely spotless cage - well apart from a few poops :nod:

Micah next. He’s still confined to his playpen while I clean his cage.
Zoomies and popcorns and lots of excited wheeking as he smelled girls in the hay bag.
He was caught trying very hard to chew his way out.
It’s his big day on Tuesday- a visit to the Plum Fairy


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Good luck for Tuesday Micah! Remind the Plum Fairy to leave you lots of tasty snacks in exchange for those bits you don't need, Theo got lots of watermelon when the Plum Fairy visited him, then 6 weeks later he got some lady friends and a big new cage, so its a good thing to do he says!
Christian and Dennis would like to let Micah know that a visit to the Plum Fairy is OK. It hurts a bit after but then the pain goes especially if your Slave has yummy Metacam. In 6 weeks you'll meet your new wifelets.
Vet called to say Micah’s little op went well. He now has no plums :no:
I think from her comment when she examined him that he was a particularly blessed little boy :))

Anyway he’s recovering well and I’ll pick him up soon if they’re still happy with him.
Quarantine is over so as soon as he’s feeling better I will move his cage down to be beside the girls.
That should bring some excitement to life
Vet called to say Micah’s little op went well. He now has no plums :no:
I think from her comment when she examined him that he was a particularly blessed little boy :))

Anyway he’s recovering well and I’ll pick him up soon if they’re still happy with him.
Quarantine is over so as soon as he’s feeling better I will move his cage down to be beside the girls.
That should bring some excitement to life
Glad his op went well! Theo also used to be particularly blessed in that department, I think that makes the surgery easier if there's a rather obvious target :)
Keep us posted when he's home and settled- he might be a bit quiet for a couple of days but then he should be back to normal, I remember getting a cute photo of Theo 3 days post op standing on top of his haycube rumblestrutting with his face covered in watermelon! Theo would like to emphasise the importance of watermelon in a midsummer post-op recovery process :)
Good to hear Micah’s plum removal went well :bye: I’m sure he’ll get along with the girls after the time is up and have a fab life :luv:
Micah is home and quite subdued which is to be expected.
He’s just had his Emeprid which he took well.
I tried a bit of Critical Care - he wasn’t too keen.
Some went down his tummy, some went over his towel, some went over his slave and some we managed to get into him.
He’s nibbling at the moment so I’ll see how he’s doing tomorrow before I step in with serious syringe feeding.

I also have 2 girls both having a strong season!
Sending you hugs, sounds like you're having a slightly trying time!
Sending Micah healing vibes. When Bracken had to be syringe fed he didn't like Critical Care but he loved Science Selective Recovery and couldn't get enough!