Merab's Herd

That's very clever of him!
Piggy daddy did a similar thing yesterday, running the dishwasher when the kitchen sink is blocked, not realising they are connected... so the dishwasher water came straight up the kitchen sink plughole and made things much worse! I am waiting for a handyman who reckons he can fix it all for £30 I do hope he can!
Piggy daddy did a similar thing yesterday, running the dishwasher when the kitchen sink is blocked, not realising they are connected... so the dishwasher water came straight up the kitchen sink plughole and made things much worse! I am waiting for a handyman who reckons he can fix it all for £30 I do hope he can!
Piggy daddy did a similar thing yesterday, running the dishwasher when the kitchen sink is blocked, not realising they are connected... so the dishwasher water came straight up the kitchen sink plughole and made things much worse! I am waiting for a handyman who reckons he can fix it all for £30 I do hope he can!
Hope you can get your blockage sorted.
I was very impressed that a phone call in the morning resulted in an afternoon visit.
Yes I really could when I came to visit. She isn't at all nice and healthy looking or plump!
Cage cleaning today.
Before I had finished putting everything back together Jemimah and Phoebe had climbed back in, pooped generously and were complaining about the lack of food!
Obviously I was failing my slave duty today :(

Finally the cage was put back together, furnished and food added. All 3 girls now happy. Slave left to vacuum the whole downstairs!


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OK girls, it’s time for your weights to be checked and make sure all is well. The bribes are ready.
Priscilla you need a trim and wipe around your bum.

Phoebe - I hate it when you catch me. I hate being held. I’m going to hide in my pouch.

Jemimah- let’s get it over with.

Priscilla- absolutely no way. I am not going to stay still. I am not going to cooperate with the indignity of having my bum cleaned and fur trimmed. You are not going to groom my long crazy fur. Ism going to wriggle and chew up your top.

All perfect weights. All in good health.
Priscilla eventually had a very quick wipe and trim!


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Looking forward to meeting them this summer! Ollie and Theo are looking forward to meeting them too when they will see them next door at playpen time but they say please dont tell their wives that :) Theo is still wondering if anyone would notice if he did a ginger wife swap and exchanged Puggle for Phoebe...? Being a bloke Theo thinks only in 1970s style risque retro comedy like Benny Hill and Fawlty Towers... better warn your lovely girls!
These girls have never encountered a boar - except possibly Priscilla if she really is Phoebe’s mother.
This should be exciting for them.
Jemimah might notice if Puggle came home with us instead of Phoebe though.
Priscilla probably wouldn’t care :D
Neither of my lovely boars are particularly manly, Ollie is a perfect suave gentlemen and Theo tries his best but comes bottom out of 6 for herd rank! Even at over a year old and approaching 1200g Theo's still the runt of the litter and tries keep everypig happy then it all goes wrong for him poor chap... he has absolutley no idea how he ended up with 5 ladies and 26 sqft of territory, he has to take a lot of naps for his little boar brain to compute this information... I think when he sees 3 extra ladies walk past it might all be a bit much, he can't count to big numbers!
Oh Jemimah and when I met you I thought you were sweet and innocent! Looks are clearly deceiving!
Jemimah says it’s ok. She was spayed last year and she can have as much fun with the boys as she wants.
She’s never met a boar but wouldn’t mind if they’re as handsome as Bill and Ted
:yahoo: We’ll keep our blanket nice and warm for you, we know you ladies like big handsome boars but there’s plenty of room for all of us, cosy up! :hug::luv::hug:Love Bill and Ted 💕💕❤️💕💕
We found a new toy to eat / play with when we were out today
Ooh please let us know if its popular, I was looking at those (and the nibble and dig meadow) online yesterday because little hyperactive Tallulah-oolah-woolah-hippo is pretty demanding regarding chewable entertainment! I got some grass-cakes-and-apple-tree-sticks hanging things but they are £6 each and only last for 24 hours...