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Ill pigs. I’m losing the joy I once had for my babies.


Forum Donator 2023/24
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
The Wirral and Liverpool (Uni)
Hi guys!

For those of you who don’t know, I have three piggies, all of which are battling and on meds for a supposed uti and I have another pig who has been fighting bloat and bladder stones for almost 5 months.

I have to give them so many meds each day, I’m a full time uni student as well and it’s so so exhausting.

I’ve been back and forth to the vets countless times, it’s embarrassing. I’ve began to become so anxious of them and guinea pigs videos or content makes me anxious.

I miss the time when my guinea pigs brought me nothing but joy, but now I’m so exhausted and anxious because of their health I’m really struggling to enjoy being an owner like I once was. My vet is very helpful and will reply to my messages on his answer machines, but just being here alone with my own thoughts, desperate to see my guinea pigs make a recovery I’m really really struggling.

Is there any way I could phone someone on this forum for some advice? I’d just really love to verbally talk to another human who understands as it’s starting to really really affect me. If not don’t worry. I’m just so desperate to feel the joy I once had for my beautiful guinea pigs, I want to hold them in my arms again without feeling terrified.
I can not imagine how tough this is for you, sending you so much love.

The immense amount of love we have for these animals is amazing, but unfortunately that spreads between the good and the bad. I can imagine you feel defeated and hopeless, please do not give up but please know they love you so much and I can see what an amazing owner and person you are.

I too, have been to the vets over 12 times this past month with my guinea pigs and my dog, it is so upsetting and tiring, you feel like you want to give up then feel guilty that you are having these thoughts, but please understand this is normal and you are allowed to be tired.
Anxiety is normal and unfortunately a part of life, do you have family or friends you could speak to? Even if no one on here can offer you that service of a phone call (not saying no one will but I can not speak for anyone else) but I find that even having these conversations through threads make me feel less alone, we also have more chatty sections where we just speak about our lives and anything else - General Chat

You may find it helpful to speak to your vet about taking more serious action, sometimes you get stuck behind a rock and a hard place.
One of my boars went under anesthetic which was risky but he had been constantly ill for a month so this was a step I had to take. This went well for him, and even finding out he has a terminal diagnosis it brings me peace. Just to be clear I am not saying this will be the same for you, but just an experience I have had recently.
Unfortunately progress isn't linear and in such small fragile animals it can be very up and down.

You may find allowing yourself to feel these emotions and being understanding of how hard this is for you may allow you some peace, and some release during this very stressful time.

I am keeping you in my thoughts and wishing things get better for you soon, you are so strong. x
I can not imagine how tough this is for you, sending you so much love.

The immense amount of love we have for these animals is amazing, but unfortunately that spreads between the good and the bad. I can imagine you feel defeated and hopeless, please do not give up but please know they love you so much and I can see what an amazing owner and person you are.

I too, have been to the vets over 12 times this past month with my guinea pigs and my dog, it is so upsetting and tiring, you feel like you want to give up then feel guilty that you are having these thoughts, but please understand this is normal and you are allowed to be tired.
Anxiety is normal and unfortunately a part of life, do you have family or friends you could speak to? Even if no one on here can offer you that service of a phone call (not saying no one will but I can not speak for anyone else) but I find that even having these conversations through threads make me feel less alone, we also have more chatty sections where we just speak about our lives and anything else - General Chat

You may find it helpful to speak to your vet about taking more serious action, sometimes you get stuck behind a rock and a hard place.
One of my boars went under anesthetic which was risky but he had been constantly ill for a month so this was a step I had to take. This went well for him, and even finding out he has a terminal diagnosis it brings me peace. Just to be clear I am not saying this will be the same for you, but just an experience I have had recently.
Unfortunately progress isn't linear and in such small fragile animals it can be very up and down.

You may find allowing yourself to feel these emotions and being understanding of how hard this is for you may allow you some peace, and some release during this very stressful time.

I am keeping you in my thoughts and wishing things get better for you soon, you are so strong. x
Thank you so much. It’s just the worst feeling in the world seeing them all lie there so tired and only occasionally eating. Meep is only two and I’m so so worried for her. She’s just a little baby.
I’m so sorry that you’re gabbing a hard time wroth your three. It I’d good that the vet is helpful but I understand your listing the joy.

One thing I will say is that you have to take care of yourself as well, else you can’t care for them.

As suggested above, do post in the general section of the forum. There is a thread that was started for those who are struggling but you are more than welcome to start your own. And there’s a thread where you can rant to get things off your chest. Sometimes simply writing something down can relieve the stress.

It’s really tough on you but know you are doing your absolute best and I’m sure they appreciate it. I am sorry to say that it is unlikely that anyone will share their number with you for you to call. You have to remember we are all faces behind keyboards and you don’t really know what someone is like. So its safer to keep it on here.

I hope there is some improvement soon and you can begin to enjoy your piggies again.

PS is there any chance you could take them home for your parents/other responsible adult to care for them? You don’t want to burn out given how stressful uni can be.

Pet Owners Anxiety - Practical Tips For Sufferers and For Supporters
A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)
Who’s struggling?
What you're feeling is still love it's just the dark side people don't like to talk about. When you love someone or something the more you worry about them and grieve them when they go. The more you love life with them the more you fear life without them. The more you care about making them happy the more broken you feel when you can't ease their suffering. Sadly part of pet ownership is the difficult times but it sounds like you've really had a tough time of it lately. Try and find the joy in the little moments I struggled with anxiety, depression and loneliness when I was at uni and it's absolutely horrible but take it step by step day by day look for the little rays of light. Keep a journal if it helps you and if you feel like breaking keep going for 2 weeks then look back and see the progress you've made life is always changing and it's easy to feel like you're stuck this way forever but in 2 weeks time things will be different for better or worse you will have more memories more rays of light you'll be able to look at those 2 weeks looking at the bigger picture looking at what you've achieved and what you can work on in the next two weeks. And if listening to strangers on the Internet ramble on about what helped them isn't working for you, your uni will have a counselling service or see your doctor.
What you're feeling is still love it's just the dark side people don't like to talk about. When you love someone or something the more you worry about them and grieve them when they go. The more you love life with them the more you fear life without them. The more you care about making them happy the more broken you feel when you can't ease their suffering. Sadly part of pet ownership is the difficult times but it sounds like you've really had a tough time of it lately. Try and find the joy in the little moments I struggled with anxiety, depression and loneliness when I was at uni and it's absolutely horrible but take it step by step day by day look for the little rays of light. Keep a journal if it helps you and if you feel like breaking keep going for 2 weeks then look back and see the progress you've made life is always changing and it's easy to feel like you're stuck this way forever but in 2 weeks time things will be different for better or worse you will have more memories more rays of light you'll be able to look at those 2 weeks looking at the bigger picture looking at what you've achieved and what you can work on in the next two weeks. And if listening to strangers on the Internet ramble on about what helped them isn't working for you, your uni will have a counselling service or see your doctor.
That’s the most incredible advice I cannot thank you enough
Also have any of you got any insight as to whether nuggets cause bloat?
Nuggets as in pellets? I don't think so but only feed 1 tbsp per pig per day. If they're filling themselves up on pellets they might not eat enough hay which they need loads of for healthy digestion. I think there's a feeding guide somewhere in the guides section but I'm rubbish at linking guides
Have any of you got any insight in to hay from dustfreehay or hay types for a pig with bloat? They don’t seem to be very big fans of the standard. Was thinking of the soft or the meadow/timothy mix? Just wanted to check they won’t be too hard on bea’s tummy, as I just want them to eat a bit more :) If you don’t know yourself would you be able to tag some people in who may? Sorry about all these questions :))
Please understand the most of us have been in a similar place to you, and you will receive nothing but support and understanding here.
You really are doing an amazing job under very difficult circumstances.

I remember sitting at the kitchen table at 3:30am just sobbing as I was so exhausted and trying to syringe feed a very ill guinea pig. I felt so alone and overwhelmed (I do live with other people) and just questioned everything I was doing.

So I started to look for the very small things that could make a huge difference.
I had a friend over for coffee (one who wouldn't judge the state or my house or the critical care all down my t-shirt).
I got a family member to take over a couple of syringe feeds and some med sessions to give myself a very small break.
I started writing a list at the end of the day of things that had gone well and things that hadn't, and made a plan how to improve 1 thing the next day (just 1 thing - it doesn't sound a lot but it makes you realise things are getting better and you are moving forwards).
I started reading a light hearted book.
I avoided social media or anything that just made me feel worse about things.

Good luck with it all - you are doing great.
Please understand the most of us have been in a similar place to you, and you will receive nothing but support and understanding here.
You really are doing an amazing job under very difficult circumstances.

I remember sitting at the kitchen table at 3:30am just sobbing as I was so exhausted and trying to syringe feed a very ill guinea pig. I felt so alone and overwhelmed (I do live with other people) and just questioned everything I was doing.

So I started to look for the very small things that could make a huge difference.
I had a friend over for coffee (one who wouldn't judge the state or my house or the critical care all down my t-shirt).
I got a family member to take over a couple of syringe feeds and some med sessions to give myself a very small break.
I started writing a list at the end of the day of things that had gone well and things that hadn't, and made a plan how to improve 1 thing the next day (just 1 thing - it doesn't sound a lot but it makes you realise things are getting better and you are moving forwards).
I started reading a light hearted book.
I avoided social media or anything that just made me feel worse about things.

Good luck with it all - you are doing great.
That means so much and this is why I love this forum, the feedback is always so understanding and reassuring. Thank you so much. Truly. The critical care shirt part made me laugh a lot :))
Have any of you got any insight in to hay from dustfreehay or hay types for a pig with bloat? They don’t seem to be very big fans of the standard. Was thinking of the soft or the meadow/timothy mix? Just wanted to check they won’t be too hard on bea’s tummy, as I just want them to eat a bit more :) If you don’t know yourself would you be able to tag some people in who may? Sorry about all these questions :))
Hay is hay, generally speaking. Apart from alfalfa which aimed at babies or pregnant sows as it has a high calcium content. Just anything grass based is what you’re looking for.
It can be pricy but i have found that oxbow hay is one of my pigs favourite. I live in the UK and they are on the bog-standard pets at home timothy hay but when i treat them with the oxbow stuff they go crazy for it.
Like this - Petlife Oxbow Orchard Grass Hay for Small Pet, 1.13 kg https://amzn.eu/d/6zBHURG

You may find this link helpful - https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk...rrhea-bloat-gi-stasis-no-gut-movement.152679/

Critical care may be something helpful for you and your pigs in this time, but can take up quite a bit of time. Basically support feeding and keeping your pigs guts going, this could be something you speak to your vet about next time if you haven’t already.

If after removing vegetables and massaging etc. and you aren’t seeing any improvement in bloat you can ask your vet about gut stimulants.
If not fibreplex is something sold everywhere like amazon or Animed Direct.
Hay is hay, generally speaking. Apart from alfalfa which aimed at babies or pregnant sows as it has a high calcium content. Just anything grass based is what you’re looking for.
It can be pricy but i have found that oxbow hay is one of my pigs favourite. I live in the UK and they are on the bog-standard pets at home timothy hay but when i treat them with the oxbow stuff they go crazy for it.
Like this - Petlife Oxbow Orchard Grass Hay for Small Pet, 1.13 kg https://amzn.eu/d/6zBHURG

You may find this link helpful - Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)

Critical care may be something helpful for you and your pigs in this time, but can take up quite a bit of time. Basically support feeding and keeping your pigs guts going, this could be something you speak to your vet about next time if you haven’t already.

If after removing vegetables and massaging etc. and you aren’t seeing any improvement in bloat you can ask your vet about gut stimulants.
If not fibreplex is something sold everywhere like amazon or Animed Direct.
She on emeprid, fibreplex, metacam and calpol. I’m doing all I can but unfortunately she’s still blowing up. And combined with a uri she’s really struggling but I’m going to try my best :) Thank you for the advice.
She on emeprid, fibreplex, metacam and calpol. I’m doing all I can but unfortunately she’s still blowing up. And combined with a uri she’s really struggling but I’m going to try my best :) Thank you for the advice.
I guess all I could personally recommend is cutting veg down as small as possible as if she is eating hay and getting some nuggets she should be okay.

The probiotics mentioned in the gut section, of the thread I linked previously, may also have a positive effect on your little girl.

It sounds like you are already but last thing would be support feed, if you were perhaps worried about cutting out veg as that is generally where they get their vitamin C etc.

Sending you so many healing vibes, you are truly strong and as others have mentioned before do not feel embarrassed or nervous to reach out to a health care professional or a councillor, which depending on where you live your uni should have one.
I guess all I could personally recommend is cutting veg down as small as possible as if she is eating hay and getting some nuggets she should be okay.

The probiotics mentioned in the gut section, of the thread I linked previously, may also have a positive effect on your little girl.

It sounds like you are already but last thing would be support feed, if you were perhaps worried about cutting out veg as that is generally where they get their vitamin C etc.

Sending you so many healing vibes, you are truly strong and as others have mentioned before do not feel embarrassed or nervous to reach out to a health care professional or a councillor, which depending on where you live your uni should have one.
Thank you very very very much :)))
She on emeprid, fibreplex, metacam and calpol. I’m doing all I can but unfortunately she’s still blowing up. And combined with a uri she’s really struggling but I’m going to try my best :) Thank you for the advice.
You are not just trying, you are doing your best. Please know that, especially in the harder times like now 😊

You have been given amazing advice above. I hope that the ‘unburdening’ on here has really helped you.
Hay is hay, generally speaking. Apart from alfalfa which aimed at babies or pregnant sows as it has a high calcium content. Just anything grass based is what you’re looking for.
It can be pricy but i have found that oxbow hay is one of my pigs favourite. I live in the UK and they are on the bog-standard pets at home timothy hay but when i treat them with the oxbow stuff they go crazy for it.
Like this - Petlife Oxbow Orchard Grass Hay for Small Pet, 1.13 kg https://amzn.eu/d/6zBHURG

You may find this link helpful - Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)

Critical care may be something helpful for you and your pigs in this time, but can take up quite a bit of time. Basically support feeding and keeping your pigs guts going, this could be something you speak to your vet about next time if you haven’t already.

If after removing vegetables and massaging etc. and you aren’t seeing any improvement in bloat you can ask your vet about gut stimulants.
If not fibreplex is something sold everywhere like amazon or Animed Direct.
Sweet bea also has stones? So would I have to be careful with calcium content or is it pretty much anything other than alfalfa? I just wanna get them eating as much as they can, while they’re still eating on their own, be it not as much as normal :)
You are not just trying, you are doing your best. Please know that, especially in the harder times like now 😊

You have been given amazing advice above. I hope that the ‘unburdening’ on here has really helped you.
It absolutely has :,) I am infinitely grateful to this incredible forum :,))
You are not just trying, you are doing your best. Please know that, especially in the harder times like now 😊

You have been given amazing advice above. I hope that the ‘unburdening’ on here has really helped you.
@Siikibam Would I be able to get your opinion given you are online? Sorry I’m just on the way to PetsAtHome at the moment :))
Sweet bea also has stones? So would I have to be careful with calcium content or is it pretty much anything other than alfalfa? I just wanna get them eating as much as they can, while they’re still eating on their own, be it not as much as normal :)
Please do not worry about the contents of hay, they’re about the only thing you don’t have to worry about with pigs.
As long as it is grass based hay you will be fine, as you are going to pets at home the timothy hay is fine, you can try the different flavoured ones as a treat but I am not sure of their additives, you should be able to see by looking on the back of it.
Please do not worry about the contents of hay, they’re about the only thing you don’t have to worry about with pigs.
As long as it is grass based hay you will be fine, as you are going to pets at home the timothy hay is fine, you can try the different flavoured ones as a treat but I am not sure of their additives, you should be able to see by looking on the back of it.
Thank you so much, I’ve seen some of your pigs aren’t very well at the moment also and I really appreciate you taking the time you get to help others.
Sending you huge hugs and lots of support.

I agree with what has been said - hay is hay. You don’t worry about its nutrient content at all. Not least because each batch is going to be different; the soil it is grown in is different, means different nutrients etc,

Nuggets - one tablespoon per day of a grass/hay based pellet and ideally it’s grain free.

Alfalfa needs to be avoided for any pig, particularly bladder pigs. It is not technically even needed for the young or pregnant.

Calcium wise, keep water filtered, pellets limited and high calcium veg fed very limited.
Thank you so much, I’ve seen some of your pigs aren’t very well at the moment also and I really appreciate you taking the time you get to help others.
Yes, I totally empathise with you because as you said I have a pig on a ton of medications, and most people on this forum have had many a similar issue.

The support this forum and the people on it provides is unmatched and although i’m not a vet, if i have a chance to help or even support anyone else, I will always do my best to do so. :luv:
Yes, I totally empathise with you because as you said I have a pig on a ton of medications, and most people on this forum have had many a similar issue.

The support this forum and the people on it provides is unmatched and although i’m not a vet, if i have a chance to help or even support anyone else, I will always do my best to do so. :luv:
You are such a star! Please make sure to take time to do things for yourself also :))
Just in pets at home now. All the timothy is labelled for rabbits! :( Is there any that’s suitable for pigs?
Don't worry, it's all fine for guinea pigs too. It's labelled for rabbits because then there isn't VAT on it - something to do with rabbits being a food animal according to the law ...

It’s absolutely fine. Any grass hay is absolutely fine for piggies (and rabbits!)