Hot weather warning for the UK - Member questions and heatwave feedback

Does it matter how thick sheets are to hang over windows? Would a duvet cover be ok? Also, is any light colour ok or is white best?

Hope these aren’t silly questions!

We use bed sheets, duver covers and even old mattress covers here (anything we have old spares of for the back of the house; the mattress cover actually fits perfectly over our bit kitchen window, which is the biggest source of quickly heating up the kitchen as soon as the morning sun hit its).

A thicker cover is more effective (especially as they take longer to dry out again when you wet them on a really hot day as a further insulation), as are light colours since they absorb heat less.

However, you choose the thickness for how much light you still want/need to come into the room. A thinner sheet can also be more easily held by a window flap to fix it in place (which is why we use them on the streed side, which gets the afternoon/full evening sun, so it is not quite as straight forward and you want to think about the situation.

If in doubt, try a little practice with some bedding of yours and see what works best for you. ;)
Second hand bedding from a charity shop is dirt cheap and also a good way of recycling as is any old bedding you have.
We use bed sheets, duve covers and mattress covers here (anything we have old spares of for the back of the house). A thicker cover is more effective (especially as they take longer to dry out again when you wet them on a really hot day as a further insulation), as are light colours since they absorb heat less.

However, you choose the thickness for how much light you still want/need to come into the room. A thinner sheet can also be more easily held by a window flap to fix it in place, so it is not quite as straight forward and you want to think about the situation.

If in doubt, try a little practice with some bedding of yours and see what works best for you. ;)
Second hand bedding from a charity shop is dirt cheap and also a good way of recycling as it any old bedding you have.
Thank you again!
are pet cool mats suitable for our babies? was going to try to get one of these but worried about chewing!


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are pet cool mats suitable for our babies? was going to try to get one of these but worried about chewing!

No, they wouldn’t be suitable for rodents - they are most definitely a chew risk and you don’t want them coming into contact with the gel inside.
are pet cool mats suitable for our babies? was going to try to get one of these but worried about chewing!
Guinea pigs have died from eating the gel inside when they have chewed through. Anything gel filled that can be chewed is a big no no. :(
No, they wouldn’t be suitable for rodents - they are most definitely a chew risk and you don’t want them coming into contact with the gel inside.
oh of course what an idiot🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ i didn’t know if i could wrap them up or something, me not thinking properly in this heat!
I am wondering @Wiebke whether keeping some critical care recovery food chilled in the fridge might be a good idea, especially seeing as I have an oldie recovering from gut stasis and another very skinny oldie, plus a kidney problem piggy... if a couple of mls of chilled critical care every few hours might be helpful for the old and frail, on the very hot days?
I'd be interested to know what you think, if this might be helpful or not- today is thankfully quite cool here but the forescast is for 28 degrees on Sunday, 32 degrees on Monday, and 35 degrees on Tuesday- very worrying for the senior and poorly piggies...
I am wondering @Wiebke whether keeping some critical care recovery food chilled in the fridge might be a good idea, especially seeing as I have an oldie recovering from gut stasis and another very skinny oldie, plus a kidney problem piggy... if a couple of mls of chilled critical care every few hours might be helpful for the old and frail, on the very hot days?
I'd be interested to know what you think, if this might be helpful or not- today is thankfully quite cool here but the forescast is for 28 degrees on Sunday, 32 degrees on Monday, and 35 degrees on Tuesday- very worrying for the senior and poorly piggies...

Difficult to say. Normally a slightly warm feed and warm water do go down better with a piggy feeling off. It is worth a try when it gets hotter again to see whether it goes down better.

We are promised 31 C for Sunday and 36 C for both Monday and Tuesday, which would mean a new all time heart record for Coventry. I wouldn't be surprised if temperatures climbed even higher on the day. The current record from 2019 stands at 35.2 C. :(

Anyway, Edward's problem tooth is looking a bit thicker than normal now that it is growing out more and I can see it better. It could potentially hark back to some trauma when the cage flap was slamming in his face but that is not for me to say. Simon may want to take an x-ray to see what is going on and then make any decisions based on that.
The tooth is looking a bit more more solid white; but I don't know whether that is because it is thicker.
The forecasts are now saying it could be 40 degrees in London on Monday (!). The worst we’ve had so far has been 33 where we managed to keep indoor temps in the coolest room to 27 (and still Winnie showed no interest in her cool packs so hopefully she was feeling ok)… but I’m actually quite worried about 40. The air cooler we bought doesn’t seem to make any real difference so I don’t know what the minimum temp we can achieve will be if it’s 40 outside. Almost wondering if we should try and see if we can stay with family in the south west for a couple of days! But Winnie is not a good traveller and gets nervous in new places so don’t want to stress her that way either, unless totally necessary. My other last resort option could be to smuggle her into the office which has good air con!

Really hate this heat… I just hope it doesn’t actually get to 40!
The forecasts are now saying it could be 40 degrees in London on Monday (!). The worst we’ve had so far has been 33 where we managed to keep indoor temps in the coolest room to 27 (and still Winnie showed no interest in her cool packs so hopefully she was feeling ok)… but I’m actually quite worried about 40. The air cooler we bought doesn’t seem to make any real difference so I don’t know what the minimum temp we can achieve will be if it’s 40 outside. Almost wondering if we should try and see if we can stay with family in the south west for a couple of days! But Winnie is not a good traveller and gets nervous in new places so don’t want to stress her that way either, unless totally necessary. My other last resort option could be to smuggle her into the office which has good air con!

Really hate this heat… I just hope it doesn’t actually get to 40!
This is really terrifying and I'm starting to panic now. My two have been fine so far, but I can't imagine what it will vbe like on Monday and Tuesday. When it was 33 outside their room went up to 28 at one point. But if the outside temp is 40 I don't know what more I can do...
Were forecast 38°c here for Tuesday our house usually stays cool but it got up to 24° inside last Tuesday and I know next weeks going to be a lot hotter. I struggle with the heat myself so I'm not sure how we're going to cope.
Must admit I'm getting quite concerned as well now. With a couple of elderly animals and several with health conditions making them high risk.. 37-38 is a pretty scary thought. I've got bottles freezing in the freezer, ready..although they're taking their time! Cardboard cut to fit the windows once I've covered them in foil to hopefully keep some of the heat out.
It's worrying to think really, there's only so much you can do.
I've got everything crossed the thunderstorms appear early and it doesn't get as hot as predicted.
Its going to be a very difficult few days, I’m dreading it. I’m planning to set some early morning alarms to come down and open doors to get some air flowing through while it is as cool as it can be. Predicted 29 degrees by 9am isn’t going to be any fun.
We've just splashed out on a (£150 off!) portable aircon in a last, desperate attempt to keep us all cool next week. We really struggle to keep our bedroom cool and trying to get a clingy baby to sleep in a 29⁰C room was not fun! Definitely not in the budget or savings plan but we're also very much running out of ideas, and we're in the extreme heat warning zone for next week 😅
Must admit I'm getting quite concerned as well now. With a couple of elderly animals and several with health conditions making them high risk.. 37-38 is a pretty scary thought. I've got bottles freezing in the freezer, ready..although they're taking their time! Cardboard cut to fit the windows once I've covered them in foil to hopefully keep some of the heat out.
It's worrying to think really, there's only so much you can do.
I've got everything crossed the thunderstorms appear early and it doesn't get as hot as predicted.
Just be careful with the foil if you have double glazed windows. I was researching this recently and read a lot that said if it’s placed inside the window the heat can case the glass to break. It put me off!
The forecasts are now saying it could be 40 degrees in London on Monday (!). The worst we’ve had so far has been 33 where we managed to keep indoor temps in the coolest room to 27 (and still Winnie showed no interest in her cool packs so hopefully she was feeling ok)… but I’m actually quite worried about 40. The air cooler we bought doesn’t seem to make any real difference so I don’t know what the minimum temp we can achieve will be if it’s 40 outside. Almost wondering if we should try and see if we can stay with family in the south west for a couple of days! But Winnie is not a good traveller and gets nervous in new places so don’t want to stress her that way either, unless totally necessary. My other last resort option could be to smuggle her into the office which has good air con!

Really hate this heat… I just hope it doesn’t actually get to 40!

See how things are on Monday and on Tuesday morning and decide then.
Travelling with guinea pigs

Monday is promised to be here a full 3 degrees over the the local heat record from 2019 and we are also getting our first tropical night. :(
Thanks! And thanks for the link! I’ll be glad when autumn comes!
Thanks! And thanks for the link! I’ll be glad when autumn comes!
Same here.

I am currently looking after six 5 year olds that are showing their age and am not looking forward to the heat. The extra stress on the body can easily tip a somewhat fragile balance.

You can find all our helpful information guides on a wide range of topics via this link here in thematical order. You may want to bookmark the link: Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection
Just be careful with the foil if you have double glazed windows. I was researching this recently and read a lot that said if it’s placed inside the window the heat can case the glass to break. It put me off!

Balls, good point! 😅 to be fair, I can just stick up the cardboard, it'd probably still knock it down a couple degrees as it's not a warm room anyway.
Looking at my weather app, Tuesday has gone down by 4c already and is going to have thunderstorms, so hopefully they get a wiggle on and arrive Monday and all this prep will be for nothing!
Would white correx do any good on the windows inside? We have spare sheets just sitting around.
Joining in to say that I'm super worried too. Pigs and I live in a very old building converted into flats with high ceilings and huge single glazed sash windows on two walls of every room. It gets disgustingly hot, especially towards the evenings as the rooms have been heating up all day (even with curtains closed). Would love to use the tin foil or wet towel trick but my window size and style just doesn't allow it. Current forecast here is 37 on Monday and 35 on Tuesday.

My plan of action is prepping frozen water bottles, and I'm going to try and buy some ceramic tiles tomorrow that I can pop in their cage to keep them cool. I considered setting up a smaller cage for them in the hallway (no windows there, so it's usually the coolest part of my flat) to leave them in while I'm out at work on those days. I'd only have space for 3x2, though, and they're used to their 5x2 setup so I'm not sure about that.
Same here.

I am currently looking after six 5 year olds that are showing their age and am not looking forward to the heat. The extra stress on the body can easily tip a somewhat fragile balance.

You can find all our helpful information guides on a wide range of topics via this link here in thematical order. You may want to bookmark the link: Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection
That sounds stressful with the older ones, let’s hope this heatwave isn’t as bad as they think or at least short, and we can get more normal temperatures soon.
Joining in to say that I'm super worried too. Pigs and I live in a very old building converted into flats with high ceilings and huge single glazed sash windows on two walls of every room. It gets disgustingly hot, especially towards the evenings as the rooms have been heating up all day (even with curtains closed). Would love to use the tin foil or wet towel trick but my window size and style just doesn't allow it. Current forecast here is 37 on Monday and 35 on Tuesday.

My plan of action is prepping frozen water bottles, and I'm going to try and buy some ceramic tiles tomorrow that I can pop in their cage to keep them cool. I considered setting up a smaller cage for them in the hallway (no windows there, so it's usually the coolest part of my flat) to leave them in while I'm out at work on those days. I'd only have space for 3x2, though, and they're used to their 5x2 setup so I'm not sure about that.
You could try wet towels hung in the room, I put them on a clothes horse in the middle of the room it brings the temperature down by several degrees.
I have to be out most of the day today and I'm a bit worried even though it's only going to get up to 28-29 today they say.
I've hung damp sheets over the windows (inside as outside not possible) Similar to @ratatellie I've got 2 single glazed sash windows in each room.
I've also got wet sheets hanging up in the middle of the room. They've got two frozen water bottles and I've got a cuddlesack cooling in the fridge which I'll put in the cage just before I go out.

Monday and Tuesday I'll be at home all day (was due to go to a friends on Tue but have cancelled that so I can look after my poor piggies) So I'll be here to keep renewing the wet sheets and do whatever else I can for them. But I'm scared for them.
We've just splashed out on a (£150 off!) portable aircon in a last, desperate attempt to keep us all cool next week. We really struggle to keep our bedroom cool and trying to get a clingy baby to sleep in a 29⁰C room was not fun! Definitely not in the budget or savings plan but we're also very much running out of ideas, and we're in the extreme heat warning zone for next week 😅
Best investment we have really, portable aircon. 😁👍 We had ours for 4/5 years now. We got it because of the piggies too. We had a teddy breed of piggy that time (Bunny) that struggled with heat during that summer. So hubby decided to buy a portable aircon, because electric fans and air coolers really weren't enough. Hubby and I are sharing the benefit of it too. 😁😂
I went out and picked up some tiles this afternoon and popped them into the cage. So far both pigs are scared of them but it's still relatively cool in here, so I hope they'll be used to them by the time the temperature picks up. I have some water bottles in the freezer too - do I just wrap these in a sock and put them in? Is it best to put them out in the open or closer to their hiding spots?