Hot weather warning for the UK - Member questions and heatwave feedback

I've spent most of the afternoon in a panic. Toffee and Biscuit's room is on the 'cool' side of my flat - faces north west, only gets the sun late afternoon. But despite that the temperature went up to 28.8! I've got two frozen water bottles in the cage (which they don't seem very interested in), wet sheets hanging up, a fan (which is pretty useless) and I've finally managed to get the temperature down to 26.1. I don't know what else I can do. This morning i had the windows wide open but before the sun came round I closed them and pulled the curtains across.
I must admit they seem perfectly happy but as I said I feel quite worried.
I've spent most of the afternoon in a panic. Toffee and Biscuit's room is on the 'cool' side of my flat - faces north west, only gets the sun late afternoon. But despite that the temperature went up to 28.8! I've got two frozen water bottles in the cage (which they don't seem very interested in), wet sheets hanging up, a fan (which is pretty useless) and I've finally managed to get the temperature down to 26.1. I don't know what else I can do. This morning i had the windows wide open but before the sun came round I closed them and pulled the curtains across.
I must admit they seem perfectly happy but as I said I feel quite worried.


If your piggies are not interested in the frozen bottles, then they are not overheated. so please take a deep breath! :tu:

Keep in mind that yours may be used to higher temperatures already as you have had several warmer days and nights in the city.

It it is the sudden big temperature up and down swings and extreme temperatures over 30-40 C (which can happen more likely in a hutch, shed or on in the way of a hot breeze even in the shade) which are the real killers. Which is the reason why we recommend to bring piggies indoors as even if it is hot inside, it is still less dangerous for them.
We have managed to stay around 22/23C depending on which end of the room your in! Upstairs is much hotter.
I am not opening any windows yet, the wind is warm, and we will just get hotter.
Boys have a couple of ice bottles they are ignoring.
Thank you for the hot weather guide Wiebke, I will be using sheets outside again. Goodness knows what the neighbours think! I am just glad we stayed cool inside. 😎
By keeping all the blinds closed most of the day we’ve managed to maintain about 22 C
Frozen icepods are being ignored so I had been assuming they were fine.
Glad to be reassured.
Priscilla also had her summer furdo today.
She was not happy
We have managed to stay around 22/23C depending on which end of the room your in! Upstairs is much hotter.
I am not opening any windows yet, the wind is warm, and we will just get hotter.
Boys have a couple of ice bottles they are ignoring.
Thank you for the hot weather guide Wiebke, I will be using sheets outside again. Goodness knows what the neighbours thinks! I am just glad we stayed cool inside. 😎
The sheets really work, don't they? I guess that with money being tight, we will see more of them as this and similar tips will make the rounds. :tu:

I am just the crazy guinea pig lady on our street and we've been doing it for several years now. No windows open here yet, either - but I am used to waiting and then really try to get as much fresh morning air through the house as possible, even if it means getting up very early. Upstairs is a lot hotter since heat rises...
I wish it was worth me putting a couple of towels through on a cold wash with no detergent that could be draped over parts of their cage during the day. It's not, because my washing machine is temperamental and has a mind of its own, but I feel like I could be trying something more.

If your piggies are not interested in the frozen bottles, then they are not overheated. so please take a deep breath! :tu:

Keep in mind that yours may be used to higher temperatures already as you have had several warmer days and nights in the city.

It it is the sudden big temperature up and down swings and extreme temperatures over 30-40 C (which can happen more likely in a hutch, shed or on in the way of a hot breeze even in the shade) which are the real killers. Which is the reason why we recommend to bring piggies indoors as even if it is hot inside, it is still less dangerous for them.

Thanks @Wiebke I think I'm beginning to relax a bit now. the temperature is gradually going down slowly. 'Only' 25.5 now.
I re read this thread today and found it ever so helpful. My pigs have been out on the grass all day (in the shade) as our north facing garden has been cooler in the shade than their room which is south facing and gets the worst of the sun. They’re now back in their room which has cooled down considerably with the blind closed and fan on

anyone know why its hotter in here today now than yesterday at its highest temp?! we’ve had windows open all night, covers up as soon as the sun hit windows and fan on but the temp just keeps creeping up.. 26.3 degrees atm yet outside definitely isn’t as hot, what have we done wrong?!
Thank you for this advice! I hope it’s okay for me to ask a couple of questions about this.
My room gets really warm (where they’re kept) and I’ve already got blackout blinds which I keep closed, as well as keeping a fan on. I have also opened the vents above my window. It still feels quite hot in there and I wondered if it would be okay to open my windows? I have a fly net that I can lay over their enclosure. The met will just be over the top of the cage since the lid is wire whilst the rest of the cage is wood and Perspex. I’ve attached a picture that is similar to theirs except my pigs’ one is 5 foot x 3 foot.
Also, I’ve given them a Beaphar anti parasite treatment (14th May) and have just bought the fly strike spray. Am I able to use both on them at the same time or is the anti parasite effective enough?
They seem to be pretty happy, they’re walking around and eating a lot but just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can!

Thank you in advance.


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Thank you for this advice! I hope it’s okay for me to ask a couple of questions about this.
My room gets really warm (where they’re kept) and I’ve already got blackout blinds which I keep closed, as well as keeping a fan on. I have also opened the vents above my window. It still feels quite hot in there and I wondered if it would be okay to open my windows? I have a fly net that I can lay over their enclosure. The met will just be over the top of the cage since the lid is wire whilst the rest of the cage is wood and Perspex. I’ve attached a picture that is similar to theirs except my pigs’ one is 5 foot x 3 foot.
Also, I’ve given them a Beaphar anti parasite treatment (14th May) and have just bought the fly strike spray. Am I able to use both on them at the same time or is the anti parasite effective enough?
They seem to be pretty happy, they’re walking around and eating a lot but just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can!

Thank you in advance.

Opening windows on a hot day can just let more heat in so it’s not always a good idea.

Regarding the treatments, please don’t use either of them.
If your piggies have an active case of mites, then you need to take them to a vet and get the correct prescribed treatment. The correct treatment is three separate treatments with two weeks between each treatment. The beaphar products are too low dosed to cure any active case. They may temporarily suppress the mites but you will find them come back in force as it will not kill them. No pet shop products are strong enough to deal with mites, hence we will not recommend them.
If you do not have an active case of mites, then you dont need to use the beaphar product anyway. We don’t recommend using any preventative products as they, as mentioned are too low dosed anyway, but can cause resistance to form so if you do ever have to deal with mites, then it can be a lot harder.
The fly strike spray is also not needed. Most long term keepers will not use anything like that - I know 35 years down the line I still won’t. Keeping the cage clean, removing wet areas and poop picking twice a day (more if you can) and checking your piggies bottoms several times a day is enough.
yes same here😔 are yours using frozen water bottles?
i’ve got to pop out but so nervous about leaving them i’m putting it off lol, as you say though theres not much more we can do and removing 2 bodies from the room will probably actually help to lower the temp in here!

If there are hasn't been much of a breeze overnight, then it is hard to flush out the hot air despite your efforts. Heat builds up with every passing day in a heatwave as the walls soak up the sun and reflect it overnight.

Add some fridge cooled snuggle safes for extra cool (won't last more than 2-3 hours but are more gentle for lying down on this afternoon) but your temperatures are still far below any fatal temperatures and your piggies will have had time to accustom that bit more to the warmth. So no need to panic whatsoever! :tu:

It is temperatures well over 30-40 C as they can build up in hutches and on a sunny lawn/anything in the way of a sun heated breeze (which can be over 50 C, including what comes through an open window in the heat of the day) that are the killers. Even if it is hot and uncomfy in the house, it is still within the safe limits. It should not be as hot today as yesterday and by tomorrow the cold front will have reached you, too.

Temperature comparison Reast Anglian Guinea Pig Rescue 2020.jpg
If there are hasn't been much of a breeze overnight, then it is hard to flush out the hot air despite your efforts. Heat builds up with every passing day in a heatwave as the walls soak up the sun and reflect it overnight.

Add some fridge cooled snuggle safes for extra cool (won't last more than 2-3 hours but are more gentle for lying down on this afternoon) but your temperatures are still far below any fatal temperatures and your piggies will have had time to accustom that bit more to the warmth. So no need to panic whatsoever! :tu:

It is temperatures well over 30-40 C as they can build up in hutches and on a sunny lawn/anything in the way of a sun heated breeze (which can be over 50 C, including what comes through an open window in the heat of the day) that are the killers. Even if it is hot and uncomfy in the house, it is still within the safe limits. It should not be as hot today as yesterday and by tomorrow the cold front will have reached you, too.

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yeah i couldn’t believe how hot it was this morning, i’m just glad its cooled down throughout the day!

i’ve found that the piggie shed doesn’t actually get as hot as outside temperature which is really intresting! i would still never leave them in there on a warm / hot day, but just goes to show what a bit of insulation can do! i think yesterday hottest point was 31/32 degress outside however pig shed only got to 26/27 (which is still way too hot to be in!) if i remember correctly so it kept it about 4 degree’s cooler.

yeah i couldn’t believe how hot it was this morning, i’m just glad its cooled down throughout the day!

i’ve found that the piggie shed doesn’t actually get as hot as outside temperature which is really intresting! i would still never leave them in there on a warm / hot day, but just goes to show what a bit of insulation can do! i think yesterday hottest point was 31/32 degress outside however pig shed only got to 26/27 (which is still way too hot to be in!) if i remember correctly so it kept it about 4 degree’s cooler.


Could you trial whether placing additional sheets (watered if gets really hot) will keep your insulated piggy shed cooler than the house?
Yet another reminder for tomorrow's heat peak and more hot eweather on the way.
Yet another reminder for tomorrow's heat peak and more hot eweather on the way.

Keeping the house cool today has been a nightmare, not helped by the smoke alarm going off for no reason. All blinds and curtains closed and windows open upstairs, front door open downstairs. But it needs doing, it still hit 24C in their room today.
Keeping the house cool today has been a nightmare, not helped by the smoke alarm going off for no reason. All blinds and curtains closed and windows open upstairs, front door open downstairs. But it needs doing, it still hit 24C in their room today.

24 C is not a problem; piggies can get gradually used to higher temperatures.

The problem comes when temperatures suddenly jump into the high twenties and especially over 30 C.
Older/frailer piggies with underlying issues are most at risk.

Make sure that you have a jug with cool water in the fridge and use more of the cooling tips in the hot weather guide if temperatures climb much higher tomorrow. We are facing over 30 C here with a very sultry night; as long as it cools down well overnight you can at least flush out some of the heat that has built up inside the house first thing in the morning. All the best for tomorrow. I will be VERY happy if I can keep it to 24-26 C, depending on how low I can work indoors down early in the morning.
24 C is not a problem; piggies can get gradually used to higher temperatures.

The problem comes when temperatures suddenly jump into the high twenties and especially over 30 C.
Older/frailer piggies with underlying issues are most at risk.

Make sure that you have a jug with cool water in the fridge and use more of the cooling tips in the hot weather guide if temperatures climb much higher tomorrow. We are facing over 30 C here with a very sultry night; as long as it cools down well overnight you can at least flush out some of the heat that has built up inside the house first thing in the morning. All the best for tomorrow. I will be VERY happy if I can keep it to 24-26 C, depending on how low I can work indoors down early in the morning.

Yeah the jug's in the fridge. I've closed their window because I'm not happy with the apparent low of 12C overnight, but I've kept mine open and theirs I'll be reopening once I wake up. My house tends to be cooler outside than in downstairs, but upstairs is another matter. The trees have all got foliage which blots out a lot of the light (and therefore heat) but once afternoon hits it skyrockets. I can't open the downstairs windows, so it'll be the door again tomorrow too.

It's like summers back in Donaghadee. You could keep the blinds and curtains closed to keep as much heat and light as possible but it wasn't fullproof and you'd still get the humidity at 100% by 4 or 5am. Not something I minded saying goodbye to.
I was up at 5am, couldn't get back to sleep. Came downstairs and it was fairly cool outside, no sun on the back of the house yet.

Have opened the window in the front room and had the back door open now for a few hours and the air is still nice and cool.

Frozen water bottle in with the girls and will close the window and door once the sun gets on them!
I’ve finally given this a try! It only dropped to 21 in the pig room overnight despite it being colder outside because there wasn’t a breeze at all.
I had been putting the sheet up on the inside of the window but thought I’d do it the proper way today! So I have now cemented my crazy weird neighbour status. 😂2FDD910D-DB6D-490C-A970-565BF08DC580.webp
I’ve finally given this a try! It only dropped to 21 in the pig room overnight despite it being colder outside because there wasn’t a breeze at all.
I had been putting the sheet up on the inside of the window but thought I’d do it the proper way today! So I have now cemented my crazy weird neighbour status. 😂View attachment 207036

I only got the temperature in the piggy lounge down to 22 C (lack of air movement) and the next night will be even hotter with the bricks soaking up even more sunshine... But the piggies will adapt to the gradually building up warmth from day to day.

You will hopefully find that the sheet makes a noticeable difference because the sun doesn't burn directly on the glass. I really miss my shutters from Switzerland - they would let in air but keep the sun off the glass.
Here in the UK, I need to bunker in once the outdoors temperature on the shade side gets higher than the room temperature.

My indoors temperature in the lounge only went up 2 C over the course of the day yesterday thanks to the sheets on either side (from 21-23 C) and I haven't needed to make use of my fan or any cooling elements yet. I need to wrap up the street side in the afternoon; the sun will go down directly opposite so I have to wait until late before I can create through drafts.
I may have to resort to extra measures this afternoon but as long as I can keep the temperature build-up in the room low, I am doing well and the piggies will be able to cope. I expect the room ending up with 25-26 C by tonight as temperatures will climb above 30 C today, followed by a very sultry night so tonight and especially tomorrow are going to be the big headache before cooler air moves in and the night-time temperatures are falling again for a few warm but not hot days.

It is hot nights when it doesn't cool down that are the big challenge because houses in the UK are not designed to cope with them at all; they were built to keep the heat in as much as possible! In most houses you cannot open all windows for maximum flushing in evenings and early mornings, for instance. :(

The more you can keep temperatures down at the start of a heat wave, the more you will profit later on.
The rising humidity during a heat wave is more of a problem for me than the heat.

PS: It is the the hot breeze coming through an open window or blowing into the shade and the full sun on the cage, hutches and runs that are the real killers. :(

All the best!
Does anyone know when this heat is meant to pass? The piggy room is north facing and usually stays pretty manageable, but I'm having quite the time of it with my salamanders, and myself! I'm half marathon training and pretty sure I got a touch of sunstroke yesterday in spite of making sure I went out early.
Does anyone know when this heat is meant to pass? The piggy room is north facing and usually stays pretty manageable, but I'm having quite the time of it with my salamanders, and myself! I'm half marathon training and pretty sure I got a touch of sunstroke yesterday in spite of making sure I went out early.

I'd thought it was only meant to be 4-5 days but actually, looking at Rochdale's weather forecast for the week, I'm very wrong. I'm Irish, I'm built for this heat less than even the goblins are.
Does anyone know when this heat is meant to pass? The piggy room is north facing and usually stays pretty manageable, but I'm having quite the time of it with my salamanders, and myself! I'm half marathon training and pretty sure I got a touch of sunstroke yesterday in spite of making sure I went out early.
The coming two days are the hottest this week although the heat will linger in the Southeast; here in the Midlands temperatures will stay in the mid-twenties until the weekend but thankfully somewhat cooler nights again than the coming two.

The heat will however return again one the coming weekend could be hotter and could last for longer. :(
Damn.. my mostly Scottish blood isn't cut out for this at all 🤣
I'm going to have to resort to shifting some other animals into the piggies room I think, my poor elderly hamsters are high risk, the salamanders will have to manage with ice packs.
The coming two days are the hottest this week although the heat will linger in the Southeast; here in the Midlands temperatures will stay in the mid-twenties until the weekend but thankfully somewhat cooler nights again than the coming two.

The heat will however return again one the coming weekend could be hotter and could last for longer. :(

The BBC are saying 34C for my part of the world (north London) next weekend!
Could someone please attempt to explain open/closed windows to me please? My partner and I don’t understand still!

We had the windows open all night to let in the cool air. Got down to 21.1. The windows are still open. There is a very slight breeze. It’s now 21.3.

We’re completely south facing unfortunately, minus the front door and one useless non opening window on the east.

The sun is hitting the back of the garden now. Do we close the windows now or just before the sun hits the house?

Curtains and blinds always closed.

Yesterday we started at 20.2 and hit 23.8.

Thank you!
Damn.. my mostly Scottish blood isn't cut out for this at all 🤣
I'm going to have to resort to shifting some other animals into the piggies room I think, my poor elderly hamsters are high risk, the salamanders will have to manage with ice packs.

All the best!
I've just been to water down the downstairs big sheets on the sunny garden side to create an insulating layer of evaporating cooler air between the glass and the sheets; it helps additionally to keep indoors cooler for as long as the sun is fully on them (until early afternoon when we get the sun coming onto the street side). I've not needed to water them since the last hot day in June.

Neither am I built for high humidity or heat (the first even less than the latter; in high humidity I can feel ill at just 25 C). I was the one feeling distinctly faint about a third into the tropical dome of the Eden Project when hub was just starting to deliberate whether he wanted to take off his coat (everybody else had done that by then). I had to rush to the exit and wait ages for him to come out. But I can deal better a little better with dry heat than him. Blame it on my two grandmothers...

Anyway, all the best!
Could someone please attempt to explain open/closed windows to me please? My partner and I don’t understand still!

We had the windows open all night to let in the cool air. Got down to 21.1. The windows are still open. There is a very slight breeze. It’s now 21.3.

We’re completely south facing unfortunately, minus the front door and one useless non opening window on the east.

The sun is hitting the back of the garden now. Do we close the windows now or just before the sun hits the house?

Curtains and blinds always closed.

Yesterday we started at 20.2 and hit 23.8.

Thank you!

Close the windows now as it is starting to be hotter outside than indoors to keep indoors as cool as possible for as long as you can. You open the windows again once it is cooler outside than indoors.

All the best. The sun will unfortunately heat up the room quickly when it comes fully on it. If needed, move your piggies out of the room until the direct sun has moved off again in case the heat in the room climbs into the higher twenties and you have a cooler space elsewhere.