Hot weather warning for the UK - Member questions and heatwave feedback

Hope your furry children are alright Engel. It’s awful isn’t it ! Temperatures will be lower so we breathe a bit better and relax a bit more ! I hope you managed to sleep ok
Unfortunately the nights at the end of a heat wave are usually the most unbearable ones. :(
When the humidity rises due to thunder storms and the heat is still up.
I hope it cooled down during the night!
Its cooler, hurrah! 🎉
Never thought I would be celebrating a weather forecast with a high of 26C later.
Husbands planning a trip to the (air conditioned) office to celebrate, after 2 days of hanging out with the piggies.
I have taken all the sheets of our windows, and we have light again, until the weekend, when I think I may be putting them all back on!
Thanks very much for all this advice. My two piggies have been indoors for the last few days due to the heat and although they’ve found it hard, they seem to be ok. My question is, can I put them back outside tomorrow morning (before I go out to work) when it’s set to be about 18 degrees - nearly 20 degrees cooler than today - or will the temperature drop be too much of a shock for them? Thanks in advance for any advice 🙏

Its not a temperature drop at this time of year which is the issue (if the temperature is still within their comfort range and not below 15 degrees), it’s the outside temperature full stop!
No, it being cooler today won’t cause any problems but if there is any chance of it being too hot outside then you shouldn’t put them back out. 18-20 is absolutely fine for them to be outside but you’ve got to be sure it is definitely that temperature in the hutch - ie 20 degrees outside, could mean 25 in the hutch as hutches trap heat
Finally some relief!
The room the animals are in got to 29. Upstairs was 32. I had to open all the windows at 9pm despite it still being 29 outside so it didn’t change the temperature indoors but we needed some air exchange!
Much fresher this morning, all windows open again as I try to cool it down. It’s still going to be somewhere between 27 and 30 here today so the animals are staying indoors
The high today is allegedly 20C, and right now it's "17C, feels like 17C". Good old weather forecasts, as wrong as ever!
I’m so glad it’s cooler out, I just wish for the house to hurry up and cool down! 25 in the pig room and 26 in my bedroom! 🥵
All back to semi-normal here. The piggies are back in their cage in their own room. I had the windows wide open in there all night and it feels much more comfortable and they don't seem any the worse for their experience. It's actually still very warm and the forecast for later is 27 so can't relax yet but after the last couple of days that feels manageable.
Much more comfortable temperatures here this morning. The piggy room is at 23C and everyone is comfortable again. To be honest the two skinnies have seemed fairy unfazed by the heat, maybe its the lack of a furry covering that makes the difference.
so much cooler today than yesterday! we had a bit of rain after ‘31’ degrees yesterday, thermometer reading 36.5! and it was like a completely different day after that, absolutely lush! girl’s went back in hutch last night as temp dropped to about 18 lowest outside, 20 in shed. our room reached a whooping 29.7 yesterday.. it was only at this point the girls moved slightly closer (but never touching) to the ice packs to chill out, so glad its cooled down today. hopefully thats the end of the ‘heatwave’ for 2022! hope everyone and their pets are all doing okay!❤️
Well since I can't turn the new fridge freezer on for 4 hours I'm tempted to just use the food from the freezer as ice packs, better than having them go to waste entirely. Need to work out how to wrap it so curious goblins don't try eating it, mind.
Has just started raining here! Yay! The humidity last night was terrible

I ended up on the kitchen floor on a big pile of piggy fleeces because the bedroom was a 30 C sauna. Not that I was able to do more than doze a little every now and then but it was at least bearable. The humidity is always much greater towards the end of a heatwave and is the real sting in the tail of it. :(

The piggy lounge has ended up at 26/27 C by yesterday evening, but since we started the day at 23 C and had the sun on the room all day long, that is only a 3-4 C rise over the whole course of another local record heat beating day without any air con - which is more than respectable and still well within the piggies't comfort zone! I had only a couple of piggy sitting on their cooled snugglesafes (but not plastered to them); the others all ignored them.
Damp bedsheets may look excentric, but they really do work without hitting the energy bill even further.

Anyway, my oldies are still all here, including Edward. I am off to bed now that the cooler, fresher air has finally reached us this afternoon to give my poor old body a chance to recover from the double battering of a bad spell of Covid and the heat at the same time, so I can finally start my recovery and stop feeling like a 90 years old chicken that tried to cross a busy road.
I ended up on the kitchen floor on a big pile of piggy fleeces because the bedroom was a 30 C sauna. Not that I was able to do more than doze a little every now and then but it was at least bearable. The humidity is always much greater towards the end of a heatwave and is the real sting in the tail of it. :(

The piggy lounge has ended up at 26/27 C by yesterday evening, but since we started the day at 23 C and had the sun on the room all day long, that is only a 3-4 C rise over the whole course of another local record heat beating day without any air con - which is more than respectable and still well within the piggies't comfort zone! I had only a couple of piggy sitting on their cooled snugglesafes (but not plastered to them); the others all ignored them.
Damp bedsheets may look excentric, but they really do work without hitting the energy bill even further.

Anyway, my oldies are still all here, including Edward. I am off to bed now that the cooler, fresher air has finally reached us this afternoon to give my poor old body a chance to recover from the double battering of a bad spell of Covid and the heat at the same time, so I can finally start my recovery and stop feeling like a 90 years old chicken that tried to cross a busy road.
Relax and chill, hope you feel better very soon, your tips have been a godsend x
I ended up on the kitchen floor on a big pile of piggy fleeces because the bedroom was a 30 C sauna. Not that I was able to do more than doze a little every now and then but it was at least bearable. The humidity is always much greater towards the end of a heatwave and is the real sting in the tail of it. :(

The piggy lounge has ended up at 26/27 C by yesterday evening, but since we started the day at 23 C and had the sun on the room all day long, that is only a 3-4 C rise over the whole course of another local record heat beating day without any air con - which is more than respectable and still well within the piggies't comfort zone! I had only a couple of piggy sitting on their cooled snugglesafes (but not plastered to them); the others all ignored them.
Damp bedsheets may look excentric, but they really do work without hitting the energy bill even further.

Anyway, my oldies are still all here, including Edward. I am off to bed now that the cooler, fresher air has finally reached us this afternoon to give my poor old body a chance to recover from the double battering of a bad spell of Covid and the heat at the same time, so I can finally start my recovery and stop feeling like a 90 years old chicken that tried to cross a busy road.
I hope you can now recover and have a well needed sleep. Thank you for your tips and piggy caring around your covid. I hope you start to feel better soon xx
Feel better soon @Wiebke. Thank you so much for all your lifesaving tips and have certainly saved many pigs.

I definitely don’t think covid in a heatwave was my best idea either!
These days are confusing.. 24.2 inside, outside “22 but feels 24” with a slight breeze.. sunny/cloudy..

So curtains and blinds closed but windows open or not? Can’t tell.
Feel better soon @Wiebke. Thank you so much for all your lifesaving tips and have certainly saved many pigs.

I definitely don’t think covid in a heatwave was my best idea either!

It's definitely not the cleverest of ideas! Just my usual perfect instinct for the worst possible timing...
These days are confusing.. 24.2 inside, outside “22 but feels 24” with a slight breeze.. sunny/cloudy..

So curtains and blinds closed but windows open or not? Can’t tell.
Was just about to comment the same thing, 24 outside but it still 27 in living room and 26 in piggy room, so humid, my girls seem to be fine atm happily wheeking everytime I open the fridge 😂
These days are confusing.. 24.2 inside, outside “22 but feels 24” with a slight breeze.. sunny/cloudy..

So curtains and blinds closed but windows open or not? Can’t tell.


Go with what feels more comfortable for you; there is not much in it.

If the stronger cold front with noticeably cooler, fresh air has not reached where you are yet, then the outside air will likely still be fairly humid and muggy.

Go with what feels more comfortable for you; there is not much in it.

If the stronger cold front with noticeably cooler, fresh air has not reached where you are yet, then the outside air will likely still be fairly humid and muggy.
Thank you and thank you for the guide. The sheets over the windows outside and dampened has made the biggest difference. The highest we reached was 26.4 inside which is amazing for south facing. Outside reached 36/37.
Thank you and thank you for the guide. The sheets over the windows outside and dampened has made the biggest difference. The highest we reached was 26.4 inside which is amazing for south facing. Outside reached 36/37.
The sheets really work with even higher temperatures - and they have the advantage that they will do that without using any energy; you still use noticeably less water than with a heat relieving shower. The sheets will also continue to work even in the case of a heat related power outage; which may happen sooner or later with the much faster than expected global warming.

That is important in case you ever find yourself with that emergency - it's good to know some low tech measures to help keep you from panicking. :tu: