Hector and Kiki

Seriously though do they not pee on the carpet?
No never, Kiki and Hector jump back into the cage for a pee! They have a mat at the side of the sofa we sometime get an odd poop on the mat but nobody has ever peed on the carpet. Can’t say the same for Ginger and Posh though!
Master Boris used to flop out and sleep anywhere on the floor with he was younger. He always did it when I couldn't get to my phone to take a picture though!
You should post that on sleeping beauties ❤️
Poor Kiki had to have an operation on Thursday. I noticed a tiny lump on her shoulder a couple of weeks ago, didn’t really think much about it, probably just a small cyst. I made a mental note to keep checking it and noticed that it had doubled in size by the end of last week. I booked an appointment with out new exotics vet in Falmouth, the soonest date was Thursday but that was fine. Anyway Paul had a good feel around and took her off where he took a small sample using a needle and had a look under his microscope. My cyst or abscess theory was incorrect, there was no dead white cells (white cells make up pus/gunk) as you get in cysts or abscesses. He thought the cells looked very strange and offered to remove the lump that afternoon. Luckily we had taken a packed lunch just in case for her and Hector had come along to hold Kiki’s hand too so off they went together

We picked her up at 6.00 pm and everyone was amazed how well she was recovering. The pair had been cuddled up together and Kiki was also eating really well too. The last two days have been uneventful! Apart from the wound you really would not have known she has had surgery, she even been popcorn this morning, much to my horror

She was given fantastic care from the vet Paul and a lovely vet nurse who also has four guinea pigs. All the drugs were exactly what I expected to be given, I have been really impressed throughout. Kiki has a post op check up on Tuesday which I’m sure she will get a clean bill of health, she is such a plucky brave small lady and done so well

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So glad Kiki has done well after her surgery and I hope she will recover quickly.
Good that you caught it so promptly
Yes it just goes to show! I was convinced it was a cyst or abscess. Always better to get any lumps and bumps checked out. I am so glad I have found this fab vet who’s not 300 miles away (Simon at the C&R) 😊
Yes it just goes to show! I was convinced it was a cyst or abscess. Always better to get any lumps and bumps checked out. I am so glad I have found this fab vet who’s not 300 miles away (Simon at the C&R) 😊
Do they know what is was yet? Fatty lump?
Do they know what is was yet? Fatty lump?
No sadly it wasn’t a fatty lump, he thought it was a tumour. I was offered the opportunity to have it sent off to find out if it was benign or otherwise but I’m of the opinion there is no chemo or other treatment and we think we have caught it quickly. There is a small chance it could come back, they are keeping the sample for 3 months just in case
Well done for spotting the lump so soon.
It's fantastic you have found a good vet.
I hope Kiki recovers quickly and that's the end of it.
Yes, I’ve had such bad experiences with some of the vets down here I’m so relieved I found a great vet. 🤞let’s hope so, she is so full of beans, she’s amazing!
Glad Kiki’s op went well, let’s hope that will be the last of it ❤️
Kiki says thank you Dignified Sir George, the metacam is going down well but the yucky Emiprid is off straight down slaves front, I don’t like that stuff and I’m protesting with a nip 😈
Sir George says try to take it nicely and see if you can get a yummy green bean after x