Hector and Kiki

Thanks everyone for all your support. We are back home after seeing the lovely Paul. Hector has a Trichofolliculoma
Had to look it up as didn’t know how it was spelt. He inspected a few cells under the microscope. It’s a common benign lump filled with dead cells and hair matter, nothing to worry about and not causing him any pain. We will just keep an eye in it for now. It’s only small and Paul thinks the risk of anaesthesia outways any benefits of removing it at present as it’s not causing any problems at all.
So we are all relieved especially Hector as he’s not the bravest boy at the vets even when he’s not the patient!
That's great! My Stripe is nervous at the vet, too, it's written in his chart!

So happy for him!
I’m glad it’s nothing to worry about. Phew. It’s obviously exhausting going to the vets. 🥰
Hector you look super comfy, lovely to hear your vet trip was short and you shared your picnic, with your friends.
Hector would like to say a big Hello to everyone after his operation on Thursday to remove a harmless lump on his hip. he’s had it for almost 9 months and it was checked out by our wonderful vet Paul Hall in July. We thought the time was right to get it removed was right as it was starting to get bigger. very pleased to say he is doing really well and his wound looks incredibly clean dispite his wife’s attempts to groom it. Leave him alone Kiki!

I’m glad Hector is doing well. Bless his little wifey Kiki. Nursing him back to health.
Aww so glad Hector is doing well, and Kiki sounds like she is being a very good nurse!