Hano's herd

I'm going to take mine to get their nails done but they just aren't growing! Stripe has slightly longer nails but they're still relatively close to the quick.
I only had to take the tiniest bit off Gus and Walter as they had their first nail clip
early this month. Bucky and Steve had razor claws so I just took the sharp ends off lol, but it was their first trim (and my first time doing it)!
Ah how lovely! Beautiful photos ! You should feel proud …..deep clean and nail cut 🥰
Thank you! I do feel very accomplished (but a little tired out) :roll:
It’s been a busy couple of weeks! But all pigs are doing well :) Bucky and Steve are growing in confidence (and size!), whilst Walter and Gus are still like an old married couple sometimes, but so far no actual problems :roll:

Bucky and I had some cuddle time the other night, and he is a lot more obliged to it than the other 3! ❤️

What do you use? I've used crazy colour for decades and it's very affordable.
Still not over how adorable Bucky and Steve are! I also think Steve has taken a shine to my partner.. then again, they all seem to love him! Suppose all I am to them is their loyal slave:roll::xd:

All boys weighed, deep cleaned and nail clipped yesterday! :D Currently on the night shift…

Bucky is definitely the cuddliest of the piggies so far! He even tolerates me petting his head whilst he’s in the cage sometimes, and he’s always waiting for me at the bars :luv:

So unfortunately my sweet little Bucky has a respiratory infection. His breathing had become noisy, so I booked him in right away and the vet confirmed I’d done the right thing after listening to his lungs! :(

He’s on 0.2ml of Baytril for 7 days. He’s fortunately my most ‘tame’ piggy when it comes to handling, which makes things easier considering it’s my first time medicating a sick pig at all. He’s all snuffly and sneezy, but still eating and drinking normally thank goodness. I’m weighing him every morning. ❤️

This was him this morning after his 2nd dose.. he peed on me during cuddles and I got a sharp tiny nibble to my thumb when giving him his meds, but I think that was an accident. He’s always explored with his mouth haha

Little update on Bucky: he’s doing much better! He’s more lively, eating well and that awful breathing noise has gone. He will finish his course of antibiotics on Friday, but so far so good :luv:

Here he is getting his obligatory nibble of carrot after taking the yucky medicine
