Hano's herd

So today, after I got an assignment finished, I decided to try and have a little bonding session on the sofa. All was great, they’d climb onto me for veggies, sat in my lap at one point, and I didn’t pressure them into anything more than what they wanted to do :)
However, we did have a little hormonal spike whilst having sofa time.. Gus started mounting Walter, which is the first I’ve seen of it with these two. It went no further than Walter telling him off, bit of lunging and squaring up, and then they settled back down. Teenage boars, eh? :doh:


Gorgeous photos.
Do you think Gus wanted to be boss pig on the sofa? Any new environment is likely to cause a little moment, we always used a used pee pad on the sofa(or any new environment), so it smelt of both boys, and they had familiar smells.
Gorgeous photos.
Do you think Gus wanted to be boss pig on the sofa? Any new environment is likely to cause a little moment, we always used a used pee pad on the sofa(or any new environment), so it smelt of both boys, and they had familiar smells.
Good point! I think that’s what must have happened :hmm: Thanks for the tip though, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind next time!
Thought I’d make a thread for photos of my boys! Gus is the tri-colour and Walter is the agouti 🥰 they’re approx 6 months old and have been with me since 16.06.24, I adopted them after their last owner lacked the time to care for them properly.
Beautiful boys... very sweet xx
So yesterday, another pair of 10 week old boars may have joined my family of spoiled piggies.. pictures to follow, they’re just being given time to settle in right now. I weighed them when they arrived, now I’m just checking all is well with their eating and drinking but leaving them to it - they were out exploring last night when we were asleep!

Walter and Gus are doing great, they look so at home lounging about in their cage on a lazy afternoon, it’s lovely to see. Walter comes up to me when he sees me - I’m obviously a walking vending machine :xd:
They’re both coming out of their shells now, running around and popcorning. They’ve definitely landed in good hands! :luv:
Photo spam (sorry, they have my face in it lol)! So today was weigh day for Gus and Walter. They were so good, and are getting sooo much better with being held! Success :D

Since getting Bucky and Steve on Thursday, I’ve given them a few days to settle in, other than feeding, cleaning round them etc. Today, I sat down with them and it turns out they’d do anything for a pea flake! Steve is so small compared to Bucky, and a little more shy :love: can’t wait to get my Kavee voucher so I can spoil them all!


How did you get them so used to being held?
Honestly, I just tried to keep doing it a bit every day! But today was the first time I’ve handled Walter and Gus in a few days, and instead just focused on offering them food/treats, talking to them etc. Both can still be a pain to catch, but I just get them into a carrier rather than using my hands anyway! :)
Bucky is getting braver by the day. He let me give him small pets earlier whilst hand feeding some romaine. His claws are like razor blades, we’ve had a few cuddles but you’d think I was attacked :xd:

Baby Steve really is the cutest little thing. He’s so fast, it’s hilarious! He’s still shy in comparison to his brother, but he’s coming around ❤️
Walter and Gus this morning before their daily clean, excuse the poop lol💩 they’ve really come out of their shells. Walter is constantly coming up and watching me through the bars, Gus is never too far behind :roll:
I'm going to take mine to get their nails done but they just aren't growing! Stripe has slightly longer nails but they're still relatively close to the quick.