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What does the fact that I'm Australian have to do with whether or not I eat meat? :S

Sorry I annoyed you, I wasn't trying to accuse anyone or start another debate. I was defending what a previous poster had said against vegetarians who also ate dairy.

Sorry I offended you. I'll be honest and say I felt bad I posted that because I was worried I'd offend someone.

Really not trying to make any enemies, I think I'll steer clear of this thread for now!

no enemys made here,i was offended but i get over thinbgs easily (hugs) x
And yes, I do realise that it is natural for humans to eat meat. I have nothing against people who eat meat as I realise it is probably healthier, but people must accept that it is worse for the environment. Thanks :)
And yes, I do realise that it is natural for humans to eat meat. I have nothing against people who eat meat as I realise it is probably healthier, but people must accept that it is worse for the environment. Thanks :)

hmmm,i wont make any comment on if its bad for the enviroment or not lets just say there are many things that are worse
Yes there are certainly other things that are terrible for the environment!
A vegetarian diet is much healthier than a meat eating one, if it's done properly. I eat meat because I'm not good at eating all the stuff I should whilst being vegetarian. Just pointing out that you're far less likely to be ill in the long run as a veggie x
A vegetarian diet is much healthier than a meat eating one, if it's done properly. I eat meat because I'm not good at eating all the stuff I should whilst being vegetarian. Just pointing out that you're far less likely to be ill in the long run as a veggie x

hmmm not trying to start a fight but i dont believe any of that,i truthfully have seen more sick vegetarians than meat eaters x
Sorry to the original poster, as this has gone completely off topic. Maybe we should start a new thread about vegetarianism (is that even a word? :P). There are definitely pros and cons to both, and it depends on what you eat as a vegetarian (ie. lentils, veggies etc.) and as a meat eater (lean meat etc.). Sorry for changing the topic!
snap, my sister used to be a vegetarian and was always sick, thin and pale. She coverted and looks a different person :)

my mum has a friend who to this day is eating everything that she is meant to to be a healthy vegetarian and she faints quite often and looks pale and sick,she has had all sorts of tests and the doctor has recommended she switch to a diet with meat in it and she wont,she will probably die eventually if her body suffers like that:...
Ok, I didn't intend to offend anyone, it was a response to all the people who had made a point that they were vegetarian, as if that meant they were had removed themselves from the animal eating food chain - which I felt I had to point out was incorrect if they ate dairy.
I was actually vegan myself for many years, but unfortunately I had to revert to eating meat because I ceased menstruating for the entire time I was. And yes I did read lots of books and get advice on getting all the nutrition I required, my body is just sensitive.
I was a youth contact for the Vegetarian Society, and campaigned on animal rights. So I do know about the livestock industry, and I try to eat little meat, locally sourced and organic when I can afford it - I don't have a huge amount of cash.
But whether or not I am veggie isnt the issue. I just wanted to make a reply to those who had previously made statements about their own vegetarianism.
This is just a debate, its not meant to get personal. I really don't want to lose friends because of this... It's my birthday today! :))

Happy birthday Rosie2009 :)
There is absolutely nothing in meat that you can't get from other foods, what do you think the animal you're eating ate? They made their own flesh out of eating a vegetarian diet and if they didn't the animal they ate did. Humans do this too. How many obese vegetarians do you know?! We gain nothing from eating other animals, if people are fainting etc it's through a general lack of food not a lack of meat. As i said I eat meat, but i eat it because i like it not because i think it's healthier for me at all.
There is absolutely nothing in meat that you can't get from other foods, what do you think the animal you're eating ate? They made their own flesh out of eating a vegetarian diet and if they didn't the animal they ate did. Humans do this too. How many obese vegetarians do you know?! We gain nothing from eating other animals, if people are fainting etc it's through a general lack of food not a lack of meat. As i said I eat meat, but i eat it because i like it not because i think it's healthier for me at all.

i understand,Truthfully as well as the fact that i love meat i do not have the taste buds to be a healthy vegetarian,i would be one of the unhealthy ones as it is if i dont eat a few servings of red meat a week i feel rundown,i have spoken to my doctor about a vegetarian diet as i wanted to give up meat at one point but the doctor advised against it xx
I started a discussion thread so if we want to discuss it we can do so there! I don't want to block up this unrelated thread.
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