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We can't change the world, so why worry about even trying? Just do your thing. That is my argument. People get so wound up about everything.
Dare I say worse things happen at sea?

What happened to "Be the change you wish to see in the world"? If everyone had this attitude, nothing would ever improve! Everyone would just live in their comfortable little lives without so much as a thought for the pain and suffering that goes on in our world. Yes, we shouldn't think about it all the time, but if we don't, how can we expect the world to become a better place?

If noone cared that people were being murdered and raped, there would be no justice system.

If noone cared about animals, millions more would be suffering.

I can't believe anyone could just sit back and say "What's the point in even trying?".

How about climate change? Yes, it seems like there is nothing we can do, but if we don't even try what hope do we have?

There are so many guinea pigs out there suffering, and we do what we can to help them! Yes, we can't save all of them, but that doesn't stop us from trying!

In the world we live in we can't just sit back and do nothing.

Make a difference.
Can everyone just agree in future if a thread may be upsetting to mark it in the title.
There isnt going to be an end to this otherwise. Everyone has their own opinions and rightly so.
I do not eat meat, and find it very hard to look at it in supermarkets etc, so i would have found seeing a piggie in a freezer upsetting too, but as said it the food chain, and they have to eat.
friends everyone? ^)
remember discussion is what makes this forum so valuable x
What happened to "Be the change you wish to see in the world"? If everyone had this attitude, nothing would ever improve! Everyone would just live in their comfortable little lives without so much as a thought for the pain and suffering that goes on in our world. Yes, we shouldn't think about it all the time, but if we don't, how can we expect the world to become a better place?

If noone cared that people were being murdered and raped, there would be no justice system.

If noone cared about animals, millions more would be suffering.

I can't believe anyone could just sit back and say "What's the point in even trying?".

How about climate change? Yes, it seems like there is nothing we can do, but if we don't even try what hope do we have?

There are so many guinea pigs out there suffering, and we do what we can to help them! Yes, we can't save all of them, but that doesn't stop us from trying!

In the world we live in we can't just sit back and do nothing.

Make a difference.

That's all fine & dandy. ;)

Personally, I consider myself a realist. I accept the things I cannot change because if I didn't I'd probably give myself a stroke or heart attack worrying about it all. Like I have accepted that you all will never change your minds, and that's fine. :)

I love my animals and give them the best care I can give them, and that's all I can do. I admire people that do more, like Bonnie and others...but there's only so much time and money that I can offer, sorry if this sounds selfish but me and my animals come first.
Yeah Michael Jackson cared and looked what happened to him, God rest him! 8...

Realist here too I am afraid. I recycle, I do my bit for climate change and do what I can for the causes I believe in. We live in a so what society. People already think I'm crazy for doing what I can for the furries I take in. rolleyes
aussiegirl you speak a lot of sense. I find it incredible how people can get so incensed by something like a snake eating a small furry animal. Snakes have to eat just as our furry cats and dogs do and as has been said just because thier meat is in a tin we think nothing of it. Why shouldn't people keep snakes as pets if that's what they want. Personally I never could because of the feeding issue, I wouldn't like to buy and feed mice, rats etc but that doesn't mean I would slate anyone else for doing it. Maybe the title of this thread should have read 'upsetting content' but I bet there would still have been this much debate over it. Anyone who is not vegetarian but is complaining about snakes eating meat is I'm afraid a hypocrite.

S & T. Sorry I miss your point on MJ. What did he care about and how did that contribute to his death? Totally off topic isn't it?
Yep Wind just trying to inject a bit of humour I'm sorry I will be deadly serious from now on. :x :(|)

Get told me! -c
It's not nice but at the end of the day other animals have to eat too.

Humans go buy frozen whole chickens/other meats - it's no different to frozen guinea pigs. I don't - I'm a vegetarian!

Totally agree! thats why i am also veggy!
This is a difficult one to call on whether or not it should be closed as it's pretty clear that the OP did not expect the following posts and reactions. I think at the end of the day we either understand the pet food debate or we don't, but as has been mentioned already on this thread, this debate has been dealt with time and time again on this forum, and the moderating team decided quite a while back at the requests of new and long term members that threads discussing this subject be closed rather than go around and around time and again.

I will change the title of the thread to include a warning but to be honest it sounds like all has been said already, both sides have put their points across. There will be a close eye kept on this thread to ensure it doesn't degenerate, if it does, it will be swiftly closed.
Bonnie i totally agree. I'm fed up of coming across threads like this. Its not the OPs fault but its a subject that i feel should be closed, regardless of it being a debate or not. This is a forum for people who love animals so we dont need threads like this. Its very upsetting

I am sorry if you are fed up with the posts like this, but I was merely just saying what I saw as I have never seen this before. I think people should be allowed to say something on the forum, if they feel like they want to say something and I just wanted to say this. I dont disagree with snakes eating animals, I really dont. If people say I dont like threads like this, then other people could say "right anyone who posts pictures of gps who have not being looked after shouldn't cos they are upsetting" I should have put something in the title, but this bloody thread has caused people to have a major debate, which is pants. I feel everyone has a right to express something if they have seen something which has shocked them.

But to all who has found this upsetting, I am really sorry.
I don't think anyone is blaming you for starting the thread, you were upset by something and sharing it with us, it's just that like so many things on here there will be very strong feelings (like the Pets at Home eternal debate rolleyes)!

I'd have been shocked by it too. Snake food and Pets at Home - 2 things most people on here will never agree on! :))

It's not really your fault, Wales1000, it's just when people turn the topic into someting it's not and want to fight about it. I have nothing against your initial post because i've never heard of anything like that either nor did i think they did that. I thank you for sharing your unique experiences and hope you will continue doing so.
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I am sorry if you are fed up with the posts like this, but I was merely just saying what I saw as I have never seen this before. I think people should be allowed to say something on the forum, if they feel like they want to say something and I just wanted to say this. I dont disagree with snakes eating animals, I really dont. If people say I dont like threads like this, then other people could say "right anyone who posts pictures of gps who have not being looked after shouldn't cos they are upsetting" I should have put something in the title, but this bloody thread has caused people to have a major debate, which is pants. I feel everyone has a right to express something if they have seen something which has shocked them.

But to all who has found this upsetting, I am really sorry.

It was not a personal dig at you! if you have on this forum for a while you will notice that posts to do with snakes etc pop up all the time and every single time it turns into an argument and is closed. It seems stupid to me that threads are still allowed to be put on. I'm sure i read on another one that posts to do with this subject would be closed but obviously i was wrong. This subject has been spoken about time and time again that is why i am fed up of it not because of you.
Not your fault at all hun, it is nobodies fault its just debate. These things come around every now and again, it will stop for a few months then we'll get back on the roundabout and be debating again! :(|)

Question Time for Guinea Pigs! rolleyes (That was a joke, I feel on this thread I have to make that known!) :(|)

to all the folks that are vegetarian, and are telling us with pride, do you realise that the dairy industry and the beef industry are intertwined, and that the dairy cow and her calves also suffer. How about the shoes you are wearing, the palm oil in your food, the components in your mobile phones?

My point being that unless you are a Jain monk, we all have a negative impact on other animals. Just turning on your computer, eating a biscuit, driving your car, doing the garden. Every action we take impacts on other living beings. None of this is black and white, we all make our own individual decisions about what we feel is morally acceptable, or what we can cope with.

Anyway, I'm off to have lasagne for my tea. :)
x and hugs
Nice one Rosie! :(|) We all do what we can if we all thought the same the world would be a dull place.

to all the folks that are vegetarian, and are telling us with pride, do you realise that the dairy industry and the beef industry are intertwined, and that the dairy cow and her calves also suffer. How about the shoes you are wearing, the palm oil in your food, the components in your mobile phones?

My point being that unless you are a Jain monk, we all have a negative impact on other animals. Just turning on your computer, eating a biscuit, driving your car, doing the garden. Every action we take impacts on other living beings. None of this is black and white, we all make our own individual decisions about what we feel is morally acceptable, or what we can cope with.

Anyway, I'm off to have lasagne for my tea. :)
x and hugs

I feel that statement was put in to start all this off again..

Whilst i agree that we all live and do what we feel is morally acceptable, i will :x as there is a massive difference to doing day to day things, and things that we know will harm.
Sorry, actually just entering into the debate, didn't realise it had finished! I'll be off then. :)

to all the folks that are vegetarian, and are telling us with pride, do you realise that the dairy industry and the beef industry are intertwined, and that the dairy cow and her calves also suffer. How about the shoes you are wearing, the palm oil in your food, the components in your mobile phones?

My point being that unless you are a Jain monk, we all have a negative impact on other animals. Just turning on your computer, eating a biscuit, driving your car, doing the garden. Every action we take impacts on other living beings. None of this is black and white, we all make our own individual decisions about what we feel is morally acceptable, or what we can cope with.

Anyway, I'm off to have lasagne for my tea. :)
x and hugs

Hi Rosie,

Whilst I see your point, did you know that the livestock industry is one of the most damaging on the planet? The emissions are phenomenal, and the amount of water used is huge!

By all means, eat meat, that's your choice. But know that eating meat is probably the WORST possible thing you could do for the environment. Switching to a vegetarian diet is arguably the best thing you can do to help the planet.

I'm sorry this sounds like an attack, but I'm offended that you're criticising us, when we are trying hard to make a difference.

Oh, and I don't consume dairy either.

We all do what we can I guess, but don't get angry at vegetarians when you know that what we do is better for the environment.

I'm not trying to make everyone become vegetarian, but I would like you to look at this website: Click on the 'For the planet' button to see my point!

Sorry if I've annoyed anyone.
:)) Some of this is pathetic. It's like a Michael Jackson song in parts. We all know how to help the planet etc it's our choice how we do it, we don't need a guinea pig forum to tell us we're all grown ups, though this thread doesn't sound much like it! On the original post I can totally see why it upset you, I'd find it hard to look at so i purposely don't. Snakes have to eat, it's nature. Keeping any pet can be seen as cruel. This could go on forever and it's silly how it went from snakes to saving the environment?! Some people are far too sensitive.
That's horrible.

I know it's nature and that they are bottom of the food chain but it's still not very nice.

There's a video on youtube of someone feeding a LIVE Guinea pig to their pet snake!
I don't even know how I found it...I just saw this poor Piggy up against a wall and this snake getting closer and closer...
I soon realized that no one was going to save the poor Piggy...

I didn't watch it. Don't worry. I closed it straight away.

At least the piggies they sell for food...Are already dead...
It's still not very nice but people are more likely to buy them like that...Rather than buying a live one for their snakes next meal.

It's still really upsetting.
I couldn't do such a thing.

I like snakes but things like this...Are one of the reasons why I could never have one for a pet.
rats and mice sure, a snakes hunt those things, I really doubt a snake hunts or even sees guinea pigs in the wild, there such scares animals i just don't see that happening. That's the only problem i have with that, if its not done in the wild then they shouldn't eat it.
Then you get into territory where no animal should be a pet because they were not originally domesticated. There are snake owners that love their snakes every bit as much as we love our piggies...

I look at my cat right now all curled up asleep (and snoring!) and its hard to imagine that she's related to an animal like a lion or tiger, but she is.

I don't think of it like that. As an example rats have been pets for over 100 years. And that's fine, because domestic rats couldn't live outside - snakes are not really ever domestic. Some animals are just not made for pets or to be made domestic and I personally think snakes are one of them.

In the 'wild', if you call it that, then it's fine, it is nature as I said. But snakes do not benifet from being pets and could survive fine in the world. All that happens with keeping them as pets, is a load of innocent rodents suffer. Live, or dead.
I don't think of it like that. As an example rats have been pets for over 100 years. And that's fine, because domestic rats couldn't live outside - snakes are not really ever domestic. Some animals are just not made for pets or to be made domestic and I personally think snakes are one of them.

In the 'wild', if you call it that, then it's fine, it is nature as I said. But snakes do not benifet from being pets and could survive fine in the world. All that happens with keeping them as pets, is a load of innocent rodents suffer. Live, or dead.

A very fair point.

Though I do feel somewhat sorry for snakes as being at the baddies of this debate. Feeders aren't just fed to snakes but a whole shee-bang of meat eating animals.

My personal opinion is that an animal in captivity should be fed a diet appropriate to its requirements. It is immoral, cruel and selfish (and illegal) to feed an animal an inappropriate diet; so, no vegetables to a cat and no meat to a guinea pig. If I was considering buying an animal that would require for it to eat meat (whole or parts of) I would do a lot of research into that animal before making my decision on whether to purchase that pet. Note that I would not research into feeding that animal an alternative diet; if I didn't like it, I simply wouldn't buy that animal. This is because it's easy to come across information on the internet which will agree with what you want yet be fundamentally wrong.

This is my personal opinion. I am not so arrogant that I would ever pass judgement on somebody who would buy a carnivorous animal and feed it appropriately (a meat-based diet). However my open-mindedness is restricted to owners who feed their pets animals with respect and good faith in that the feeder animal was humanely culled and that the owner doesn't express delight in seeing the destruction of something small and fuzzy, much like what MommaPiggy was referring to in their post.

--- side point is that people only began to become upset when someone began to call carnivore/omnivore-animal owners "sick in the head". I hardly think that one person beginning to call other people names is merit to decide a topic shouldn't be discussed because it's upsetting as it was the name-calling (sorry. Opinion expressing, was it?) that triggered the upset and not that there were two sides discussing their opinions which are different.
Hi Rosie,

Whilst I see your point, did you know that the livestock industry is one of the most damaging on the planet? The emissions are phenomenal, and the amount of water used is huge!

By all means, eat meat, that's your choice. But know that eating meat is probably the WORST possible thing you could do for the environment. Switching to a vegetarian diet is arguably the best thing you can do to help the planet.

I'm sorry this sounds like an attack, but I'm offended that you're criticising us, when we are trying hard to make a difference.

Oh, and I don't consume dairy either.

We all do what we can I guess, but don't get angry at vegetarians when you know that what we do is better for the environment.

I'm not trying to make everyone become vegetarian, but I would like you to look at this website: Click on the 'For the planet' button to see my point!

Sorry if I've annoyed anyone.

i wasnt going to keep posting but
i do feel rather annoyed at this,no matter how many vegetarians will read this I'm going to say what i think and that is WE ARE MADE TO EAT MEAT!!

I'm never going to stop eating a food i love just because you say it is bad!
i rescue dogs,do lots of charity work,donate to many causes,help and house mostly desperate and rescue animals.I do my bit for the world and if i must say i exceed what most people do!
i do not need to cut out meat to show i care,there are many people who do more than there fair share and just because we eat meat does not mean we want to make the world worse,We are carnivores doesnt that show that we arent meant to live on diets much like what our GP's consume?

and yes i agree that what happens to the meat we eat before they are slaughtered is down right disgusting and i personaly hate the meat industry but i refuse to eat like a guinea pig to make others happy!

and yes i know you are aussie as i can see by your name but then you should also know australia is one of the proudest meat eating countries and saying things like this will not make us feel bad!
i know i will probably offend many but i see no reason to be putting down people that eat a healthy diet as has just been done so all I'm doing is defending the meat eating population.xxxxx
Yes Bonnie I agree (that makes a nice change doesn't it...hehe) I was a veggie but had to give it up for health reasons, nobody should be made to feel bad for what they do or don't do.

My God, if we worried about where our clothes came from we would be walking around naked.

If we worried about the food we were eating we would starve!

If we worried about the beauty products we used we would go around minging!

Ok, I didn't intend to offend anyone, it was a response to all the people who had made a point that they were vegetarian, as if that meant they were had removed themselves from the animal eating food chain - which I felt I had to point out was incorrect if they ate dairy.
I was actually vegan myself for many years, but unfortunately I had to revert to eating meat because I ceased menstruating for the entire time I was. And yes I did read lots of books and get advice on getting all the nutrition I required, my body is just sensitive.
I was a youth contact for the Vegetarian Society, and campaigned on animal rights. So I do know about the livestock industry, and I try to eat little meat, locally sourced and organic when I can afford it - I don't have a huge amount of cash.
But whether or not I am veggie isnt the issue. I just wanted to make a reply to those who had previously made statements about their own vegetarianism.
This is just a debate, its not meant to get personal. I really don't want to lose friends because of this... It's my birthday today! :))

Hi Rosie,

Whilst I see your point, did you know that the livestock industry is one of the most damaging on the planet? The emissions are phenomenal, and the amount of water used is huge!

By all means, eat meat, that's your choice. But know that eating meat is probably the WORST possible thing you could do for the environment. Switching to a vegetarian diet is arguably the best thing you can do to help the planet.

I'm sorry this sounds like an attack, but I'm offended that you're criticising us, when we are trying hard to make a difference.

Oh, and I don't consume dairy either.

We all do what we can I guess, but don't get angry at vegetarians when you know that what we do is better for the environment.

I'm not trying to make everyone become vegetarian, but I would like you to look at this website: Click on the 'For the planet' button to see my point!

Sorry if I've annoyed anyone.
i wasnt going to keep posting but
i do feel rather annoyed at this,no matter how many vegetarians will read this I'm going to say what i think and that is WE ARE MADE TO EAT MEAT!!

I'm never going to stop eating a food i love just because you say it is bad!
i rescue dogs,do lots of charity work,donate to many causes,help and house mostly desperate and rescue animals.I do my bit for the world and if i must say i exceed what most people do!
i do not need to cut out meat to show i care,there are many people who do more than there fair share and just because we eat meat does not mean we want to make the world worse,We are carnivores doesnt that show that we arent meant to live on diets much like what our GP's consume?

and yes i agree that what happens to the meat we eat before they are slaughtered is down right disgusting and i personaly hate the meat industry but i refuse to eat like a guinea pig to make others happy!

and yes i know you are aussie as i can see by your name but then you should also know australia is one of the proudest meat eating countries and saying things like this will not make us feel bad!
i know i will probably offend many but i see no reason to be putting down people that eat a healthy diet as has just been done so all I'm doing is defending the meat eating population.xxxxx

What does the fact that I'm Australian have to do with whether or not I eat meat? :S

Sorry I annoyed you, I wasn't trying to accuse anyone or start another debate. I was defending what a previous poster had said against vegetarians who also ate dairy.

Sorry I offended you. I'll be honest and say I felt bad I posted that because I was worried I'd offend someone.

Really not trying to make any enemies, I think I'll steer clear of this thread for now!
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