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It's like the Pet shop v rescue threads these threads pop up now and again. We go around in circles. I couldn't have been nice for the OP to see this, you wouldn't expect it. If it were me I would expect a cute little guinea pig not a deep frozen one.

But at the end of the day we can't help them, its sad. I understand people do get upset by it and of course like with fur we can choose not to support it which I do. We cna sign petitions, lobby if needed but in this country people come before animals and some won't agree with that but what can we do.

All we can do is give support to those that need our help. :)
Well said Louise. I think that OP of this thread didn't mean to start a debate. She was just shocked by what she saw. It is probably best if we all agree to disagree instead of going round in circles xx
Could a mod please close this thread? It's clearly causing distress to people and isn't going anywhere useful Thanks :)
Could a mod please close this thread? It's clearly causing distress to people and isn't going anywhere useful Thanks :)

I see no distress, only debate! -c Why Close a thread when people are debating? I would suggest possibly not reading it!
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In all honesty, if the mods go around closing all threads there will be nothing left to discuss. As long as it keeps within the rules I can't see a problem. :)
Long post but please read - x

I have read through this debate and I must say I find it fascinating to read everyones views on the subject.
This is a long post however I do feel that this is relevant and will answer a lot of the questions posed in the other posts.
Please have a read and don’t take offence as none is intended AT ALL.

I don't know many on here however you may have read some of my posts and you have probably realised I am a HUGE ANIMAL LOVER... all of my spare time is spent researching, studying, and caring for my various different pets as well time on some of my other favourites out there in the world that I can't keep as a pet8...
Giant Anteaters, Bats, Wolves and Tropical Fish.
I do find it quite strange myself to think that some people find the idea of keeping an animal that eats other animals as a pet a strange idea!
Within my small family we have 2 Cats, 2 Guineas, Fish, a Hamster, a year old Cornsnake and a 5 year old Royal Python.
All of which are cared for to the highest standards, with utmost care and love given. not to mention the treats and pampering!. We also take great care in securing each of their habitats to ensure the safety of ALL the animals in our care.
On the topic of Feeding Live food whilst I personally DO NOT feed live food to my Snakes I do not have a problem with this practice.
The feeding of live prey to reptiles is extremely rare in the UK nowadays. Currently, it is NOT Illegal to feed a live vertebrate to another, unless unnecessary suffering is caused. Those involved with reptiles may argue that a mouse/rat/GP produced for food has no conscious awareness of its position and therefore would exhibit no fear. Whilst I absolutely do not encourage live feeding the need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns; snakes in the wild feed on life prey, there are no carrion feeding snakes, which would mean not being able to feed them frozen food, therefore having to feed them live mice. otherwise could this not be deemed as 'cruel'.
Tea dragon you made some very good points in your post -
For many keepers of carnivorous Animals such as snakes, the practice of feeding a pre killed mouse rather than a live one is one of preference mostly because this reduces the harm done to there beloved and probably expensive pet.
I am a member of many Reptile forums and this is widely the case. Most snake owners understand the fact that a snake is an animal whose instinct it is to strike and hunt for there dinner in much the same way it is instinct for the Lion to chase the Gazelle, without this stimulation the animal would not have the exercise it requires to stay healthy and happy.
Lincolns mummy not to single you out however you made a good point. I know you mentioned that you may know of someone who chooses not to feed there snake meat at all.. I find this of the utmost cruelty. We wouldn’t dream of not providing our much loved furries with their veggies and hay which we know to be vital to their health. So why would anyone want to inflict there views on what should or should not be eaten on to any other poor animal! In my opinion if you can not respect the instinct and natural lifestyle of an animal and try to replicate this in the best way possible you should not have the right to keep such animal as a pet. A snake should be allowed to retain its instincts to hunt just as we provide shelters for our beloved GPs to retain there instincts to hide!

We spend a lot of time and energy making comments that feeding animals to other animals should be banned or illegal yet this is NATURAL
Animals are built with the natural equipment to reduce pain suffering to the prey as well as itself whilst capturing and killing. Sharks are super fast and have razor teeth. Lions have amazing jaws and teeth and go straight for the kill and Snakes have fast acting venom or constriction capabilities all naturally there to dispatch of there prey quickly and without more harm than necessary. Who are we to decide what is humane or cruel when we eat food that has been kept in far from natural or pleasant circumstances before being herded together and Bolted for mass produced CHEAP frozen food! Yes I am a vegetarian for this exact reason however I would never dream of forcing this belief onto my pets I love them so much...

Thanks for reading this post it is something I feel very strongly about and I hope it has answered some questions as well as raising some points..

Alicia x
I'm not going to bother replying to the posts individually. At the end of the day thats my opinion if you dont like it thats not my problem. I dont see why everyone insists on opening a thread on this every week. This is a forum for people who love animals (well thats what i thought anyway) yet the amount of threads like this that pop up are unreal. Yes you cant stop it but you also cant stop animals being killed for fur etc but that doesnt mean everyone has to agree with it. We all have our own opinons.

And everyone is entitled to their opinion which is what everyone is doing. It's only a debate. Not everyone will agree on everything and it would be very boring if they did.

I think it's interesting to get other people's views on subjects.
This thread has got so boring now. Everyone repeated what everyone else has said. I'm agreeing to disagree. I think its horrible to keep snakes and never would, if other people think its fun feeding other animals to theres then have fun but its not for me
Gosh, calm down people, I was just trying to save feelings! It is a debate but some people are getting angry, so I was just trying to settle the feud :S Sorry for trying to create peace.
This thread has got so boring now. Everyone repeated what everyone else has said. I'm agreeing to disagree. I think its horrible to keep snakes and never would, if other people think its fun feeding other animals to theres then have fun but its not for me

i totally agree,they should never be kept as pets and no matter how long it goes on i will always think its cruel and unfair on the little furries that have no choice in what happens to them,:(:(:(
just a question,i know the reason this thread was posted because the OP was upset about it,but on a guinea pig forum that is based on our love for animals i dont think there should be threads like this,it is rather upsetting:(
just a question,i know the reason this thread was posted because the OP was upset about it,but on a guinea pig forum that is based on our love for animals i dont think there should be threads like this,it is rather upsetting:(

Bonnie i totally agree. I'm fed up of coming across threads like this. Its not the OPs fault but its a subject that i feel should be closed, regardless of it being a debate or not. This is a forum for people who love animals so we dont need threads like this. Its very upsetting
just a question,i know the reason this thread was posted because the OP was upset about it,but on a guinea pig forum that is based on our love for animals i dont think there should be threads like this,it is rather upsetting:(

Not all subjects to do with animals are cute and fluffy. If people are troubled by the thread then they should stay clear of it. Why bury your head in the sand?

I'm certainly not getting angry. I just find it frustrating that whenever a debate happens there are calls for threads to be closed. It does feel like we can't frash a good debate out at times. :(
But you have to think about it....its like someone telling you that your guinea pigs can't eat lettuce because it should be for people only, or something ridiculous like that.

Whether you like it or not, a part of some small animal's "plan" are to be's called the Food Chain.

I, myself could never have a snake or watch it consume a small animal but I accept the reality and understand its necessity. I'm not exactly sure why people are getting overly upset.
Not all subjects to do with animals are cute and fluffy. If people are troubled by the thread then they should stay clear of it. Why bury your head in the sand?

I'm certainly not getting angry. I just find it frustrating that whenever a debate happens there are calls for threads to be closed. It does feel like we can't frash a good debate out at times. :(

i just dont get what there is to debate about,if we all love piggies shouldnt we be siding with them and not the animals that kill them?
Marie you said it better than me, I'm going back to me cleaning...hehe
i just dont get what there is to debate about,if we all love piggies shouldnt we be siding with them and not the animals that kill them?

Can't speak for others but I'm not siding with people that do it I'm just accepting that it does happen as Marie said in the food chain. :)
i dont understand how you cant get upset. I couldnt sit there looking at my piggies and thing "awww your so cute and your brother and sisters might be in a house being eaten by a snake but dont worry guys it nature"
i dont understand how you cant get upset. I couldnt sit there looking at my piggies and thing "awww your so cute and your brother and sisters might be in a house being eaten by a snake but dont worry guys it nature"

Because there are things you cannot change, snakes have eaten small animals since their existence and will never stop eating them. If snakes didn't eat them there would be an abundance, disease would break out, and in turn probably wipe out the human race.

It has nothing to do with how much I or anyone else cares about their guinea pigs.
i hate when people say its something you cant change, that doesnt make it right! we cant stop pedos, rapists, murders etc so does that make it ok as it will never change?

There is a difference in things you cannot change in nature and things you can't change about human behavior.

You can't go to a snake and tell it that punishment will be enforced if it eats that mouse.
Well perhaps the title should be changed to reflect what the topic is about. Granted, yes i agree with that.

Of course if it was done to our guinea pigs we would be outraged and rightly so because we have that emotional attachment.

And all I am saying it is the food chain, it will always happen. There is a big difference from a snake eating food they are supposed to eat and children being abused by dirty ol' pervs. We can't change the world, so why worry about even trying? Just do your thing. That is my argument. People get so wound up about everything. Yes we love animals and we do what we can.

Dare I say worse things happen at sea?
We all have very different views on this.

Yes, it's natural for animals to eat meat, but I think the issue people have with it is that it is animals that they keep as pets who have to be killed, either beforehand or by the snake.

However, feeding meat to snakes is no different to feeding meat to cats, dogs or humans themselves consuming it. It just seems better because this meat is chopped up into pieces and doesn't look like an animal.

Perhaps snake meat should be chopped up so that the sight of it is not so distressing to other customers in pet shops? I believe that it should at least be hidden so that other members of the public, particularly children, can not see it.

It is also not fair to criticise people for feeding small animals to their snakes, when they themselves quite happily eat meat bought from the supermarket. Where is the justice in that?

I personally do not believe that snakes should be kept as pets because of the danger they pose to others, children in particular. However, I understand that many feel as passionately about their snakes as we do about our guinea pigs, so they are still going to be kept as pets.

It's a very difficult situation, and opens up questions about other meat-eating animals such as cats and dogs as well. I don't believe the situation with them is very different. It also forces us to question our own morals and beliefs - can we say that snakes shouldn't be fed frozen animals when humans buy frozen animals (that have been subjected to appalling conditions and horrible lives in most cases) for their own consumption?

Yes, I am vegetarian, can you tell? :P

Here's another vote for agreeing to disagree :)
regardless of wether it happens or not why do people feel the need on a public forum with young people and people who love animals to talk about something so upsetting?
Thats my argument, Its not benefiting anyone by talking about a horrible subject. I find it funny that on a forum about loving guinea pigs a thread like this gets more posts than someone on here showing lovely photos of there piggies in the photo gallery
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