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Sep 20, 2007
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Vale of Glamorgan
I went to our local pet shop to get a big bag of gp wagg and I always have a look at the animals - despite them keeping guineas pig and rabbits together, they always seem clean and have loads of space anyway - we were walking around and my other half said "look here gp for £3" and I thought "what" so I walked over and there was a dead gp in the freezer being sold for I assume snake food. I have never seen that before and I cant get this lovely looking guinea pig, which was in there out of my head now and I feel sad now, but it obviously happens that they do sell them for snake food?
Yes I have seen this before in a garden centre, it really upset me but I know it's illegal for snakes to be fed live food in this country so they are killed beforehand. I couldn't believe that while I have them as beautiful pets, they are just food to something else.
It's not nice but at the end of the day other animals have to eat too.

Humans go buy frozen whole chickens/other meats - it's no different to frozen guinea pigs. I don't - I'm a vegetarian!
That would make me feel sad too. Even though I am not veggie.

Poor thing!
That is awful :0 When I did work experience at Pet City (as it was called then) they use to have freezers with dead animals to buy. These ranged from mice to guinea pigs and made me really sad :( They were kept in boxes though so not visible for all to see. I'm so pleased I am a vegetarian. As Angela said though, other animals have to eat too but I do think that the frozen 'food' should be hidden away somewhere x
Its disgusting. What a pathetic rule that they cant eat them alive but they can be killed them given. I know people who have snakes that dont allow to eat meat so i dont see why others cant do the same. I think people who do it have something wrong with them in the head. My opinion
Its disgusting. What a pathetic rule that they cant eat them alive but they can be killed them given. I know people who have snakes that dont allow to eat meat so i dont see why others cant do the same. I think people who do it have something wrong with them in the head. My opinion

most snakes need mice etc what else would * feed them on?
I'm not getting into a debate. If people like keeping pets that they have to feed animals to then i think there wierd in the head but thats my opinon. this subject has been talked about to death on this forum and all it does is upset people
I'm not getting into a debate. If people like keeping pets that they have to feed animals to then i think there wierd in the head but thats my opinon. this subject has been talked about to death on this forum and all it does is upset people

Sorry but is just plain and simple nature for some animals, whether people think its right or wrong and its something that will never change
I'm not getting into a debate. If people like keeping pets that they have to feed animals to then i think there wierd in the head but thats my opinon. this subject has been talked about to death on this forum and all it does is upset people

i`m not getting into a debate either was simply asking what else a snake could be fed unless its an egg eating snake and then they would be fed eggs..was curious, do * eat meat yourself or are * a vegetarian?:)
The reason that snakes can't be fed live food is because it encourages them to want to eat other live things - including family pets, children and adults! They have to be 'trained' not to want live foods.
I know I could never do this sort of thing, which is why I don't keep reptilian pets. I myself am vegetarian, and proud to be. :)
The reason that snakes can't be fed live food is because it encourages them to want to eat other live things - including family pets, children and adults! They have to be 'trained' not to want live foods.
I know I could never do this sort of thing, which is why I don't keep reptilian pets. I myself am vegetarian, and proud to be. :)


The reason it is illegal to feed live in the UK is because of the Animal Welfare Act. It is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal; suffering in this case would constitute as the suffering, pain and stress of a dying animal being fed to a carnivorous animal. It also constitute's the potential pain and suffering caused to, for example, a snake in the event that its food fights back and injure's it.

It is true that some snakes, often those who have been sold after being caught and who were not captive bred, refuse or must be taught or encouraged to eat frozen or thawed-frozen feeders. A feeder is an animal: pinky, mouse, rat, guinea pig, goldfish, etc. which has been bred and culled at a certain stage of its life with the intention of being a whole meal for a carnivorous or omnivorous animal.
I'm not getting into a debate. If people like keeping pets that they have to feed animals to then i think there wierd in the head but thats my opinon. this subject has been talked about to death on this forum and all it does is upset people

I personally take offence at being told I am considered "weird in the head" for having a cat, which as a obligated carnivore, must be fed meat and meat alone. If people involved in these debates/discussions start throwing phrases like that around, as you seem to have done here, it's no wonder that people become upset.
Obviously it is against the Animal Welfare Act, however I recently visited a reptile and amphibian zoo and was told this was the reason. :)
Obviously it is against the Animal Welfare Act, however I recently visited a reptile and amphibian zoo and was told this was the reason. :)

From what I've learned in reptilian circles, snakes tend to retain their instincts to hunt; it's why even a pet snake can be considered dangerous of it is let loose even if it's fed pre-killed. They aren't considered domesticated animals for this reason.

Those snakes who are or were fed live ignore pre-killed because they don't recognise the pre-killed prey as being food, so don't go for it. This is why reptile owners often have to take certain measures to simulate that the pre-killed is still alive.
To be honest I don't think these types of animals, the massive snakes, should be kept as pets at all but that's a whole different subject that I'm not getting into. I guess they do have to eat and guinea pigs like any animals wether pets or not are still a source of food, even though I wish it didn't happen at all.
Here in the states they sell live feeders, I've personally never heard of frozen ones. I don't have a problem with it. Snakes must eat as well and consume mice and other small animals to live. Really, to expect them to eat anything not to their nature could possibly be considered "cruel" - as everyone has a different definition of the word.

I am not a vegetarian, could never be...
Its disgusting. What a pathetic rule that they cant eat them alive but they can be killed them given. I know people who have snakes that dont allow to eat meat so i dont see why others cant do the same. I think people who do it have something wrong with them in the head. My opinion

so would you rather walk into a pet shop and see a cage of live guinea pigs with a big sign over them saying "snake food"?
it's perfectly natural and at least this way they're not going to suffer. no it's not nice but it's nature; to insult people for owning carnivorous animals is just immature.
this is very sad i would like to say firstly can everyone stop bickering about something that will never stop!
Every animal has to eat and yes i am disgusted that little piggies just like the ones we all own could be killed,we have frozen and live rats and mice here but from what i know petshops here never sell GP's for food only the breeders do.
My step brother use to have a snake and as much as i hated it he use to feed the little ratties to it which as most know I'm also a lover of,this use to disgust me but i realise that the snake have to survive as well,if they could be fed on just snake pellets that would be better but snake pellets alone are not a complete diet for them and asking snake owners to give there animals this food is just like me saying to you that guinea pigs should be fed rabbit pellets,its wrong,
what is bad is when people parade that there snake has killed an animal,above all else i wish snakes were never kept as pets,we will never see the end of them strangling people and biting purely because they arent meant to be domestic pets!
Snakes should be banned as pets, they do not benifet from being kept, they are not domestic as our rats and guinea pigs are, and these animals are killed at various ages for this purpose. In the wild it does count as natural, otherwise - no.
Snakes should be banned as pets, they do not benifet from being kept, they are not domestic as our rats and guinea pigs are, and these animals are killed at various ages for this purpose. In the wild it does count as natural, otherwise - no.

Then you get into territory where no animal should be a pet because they were not originally domesticated. There are snake owners that love their snakes every bit as much as we love our piggies...

I look at my cat right now all curled up asleep (and snoring!) and its hard to imagine that she's related to an animal like a lion or tiger, but she is.
I cam across a terrible video on Youtube a while back, it was a python eating a live piggy. The owner just threw him in. The poor pig didn't know what hit him. It was horrible, and I reported it. Is feeding live animals to other animals illegal in other countries too?

Deanna xx
Then you get into territory where no animal should be a pet because they were not originally domesticated. There are snake owners that love their snakes every bit as much as we love our piggies...

I look at my cat right now all curled up asleep (and snoring!) and its hard to imagine that she's related to an animal like a lion or tiger, but she is.

Yes that's true. I agree that certain snakes don't make great pets, and I think some of the larger or more dangerous ones need to be kept in specialist places or zoos, but there are people out there who love and adore them, and see them as part of their family. I personally would hate to have a snake as a pet, but there are people out there who don't like rodents, or dogs. It's a tricky one inbreeding
This is a highly emotive subject because we love guinea pigs. However snakes and creatures like them have to eat. If the topic upsets you stay away from it.

Personally it doesn't trouble me, there is nothing we can do about it, so why get rattled? (Didn't mean that pun by the way!) rolleyes
Its disgusting. What a pathetic rule that they cant eat them alive but they can be killed them given. I know people who have snakes that dont allow to eat meat so i dont see why others cant do the same. I think people who do it have something wrong with them in the head. My opinion

Other Animals and Lizards need food too, as has already been stated it's nature and it's brutal @)@)
Snakes should be banned as pets, they do not benifet from being kept, they are not domestic as our rats and guinea pigs are, and these animals are killed at various ages for this purpose. In the wild it does count as natural, otherwise - no.

You cannot make one rule for one and not the other! If one animal then it has to be all animals! After all you only have humans to blame! mallethead
I'm not going to bother replying to the posts individually. At the end of the day thats my opinion if you dont like it thats not my problem. I dont see why everyone insists on opening a thread on this every week. This is a forum for people who love animals (well thats what i thought anyway) yet the amount of threads like this that pop up are unreal. Yes you cant stop it but you also cant stop animals being killed for fur etc but that doesnt mean everyone has to agree with it. We all have our own opinons.
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