GPAW Competition - Create a cookie or biscuit that looks like your guinea pig

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I haven't done it myself personally, but I remember watching my mom decorate cakes when she had a cake decorating business. I included a video that shows how to use the grass tip with buttercream icing.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone's dessert that they are making!
Oh dear - this is well above my level.
I was thinking of making some brown blob shaped biscuits and putting a mouth, eyes and nose on them.
I haven't ruled out using a Sharpie if necessary, because surely they aren't that toxic, and the kids have eaten way worse things in their time :whistle:
Oh dear - this is well above my level.
I was thinking of making some brown blob shaped biscuits and putting a mouth, eyes and nose on them.
I haven't ruled out using a Sharpie if necessary, because surely they aren't that toxic, and the kids have eaten way worse things in their time :whistle:
Do these biscuits have to be edible or inedible 😂 How on earth do you do black 🤔
I didn't have time today, so I've only got Saturday evening to accomplish anything... I was thinking a digestive with some melted chocolate drawn on top! 🐹
Due to lack of time, it was the minimalistic approach I was going for :hmm:

Oh dear - this is well above my level.
I was thinking of making some brown blob shaped biscuits and putting a mouth, eyes and nose on them.
I haven't ruled out using a Sharpie if necessary, because surely they aren't that toxic, and the kids have eaten way worse things in their time :whistle:

@Swissgreys You can buy black food colouring pens... Or you used to be able to, it looks like a black felt tip.
Do these biscuits have to be edible or inedible 😂 How on earth do you do black 🤔

@Bill & Ted you can also buy black food colouring in paste form or maybe just melt some Bournville dark choc to make a very dark brown to improvise for black? Just don't let the chocolate get wet or you'll end up with a lumpy, thick mess! :doh: X

You can make temporary piping bags with a square of greaseproof paper/baking parchment folded in half diagonally.
Then fold one of the folded, double layered corners to the top with no fold.
Then kind of roll/wrap the rest of the original folded edge in a semicircular fashion until it meets the two end edges together.Making a cone shape.

Fold over the rough pointy edges so it doesn't unfold & fill to a third maximum level to pipe on features (there clear as mud 😂 )
Or drag over to paint with a skewer! Lol! X
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I wish I could participate, but $67 is just too much at this time. I may participate on the outtakes thread.
I wish I could participate, but $67 is just too much at this time. I may participate on the outtakes thread.
:eek: :yikes: I thought it would only be about $1 or $2 maximum for you?
Its 50 pence a go here in the UK so only £1 for two goes.

Enjoy your outtakes baking & eating tho 🍪🍪😋 xx
I thought the 50p stood for 50 pounds!
Don't think I'd have entered either ;)
I'm glad it's not as much as you thought :tu:

We like to confuse... At least in the US you have cents & dollars, not like the UK both p's with pounds & pence or GBP that also adds to it! :crazy: :D
Don't think I'd have entered either ;)
I'm glad it's not as much as you thought :tu:

We like to confuse... At least in the US you have cents & dollars, not like the UK both p's with pounds & pence or GBP that also adds to it! :crazy: :D

That is much better! It translates out to be about 67 cents not 67 dollars! Glad I posted that as I'm sure there are other members in the US that would be confused too!

edit: What is GBP?
That is much better! It translates out to be about 67 cents not 67 dollars! Glad I posted that as I'm sure there are other members in the US that would be confused too!

edit: What is GBP?

GBP = Great British Pounds
USD = US Dollars
AUSD= Australian Dollars
CHF = Swiss Francs

Thats how banks express different currencies without having to resort to special symbols. You wouldn't likely have come across it unless you travel abroad a lot. ;)
I didn't have time today, so I've only got Saturday evening to accomplish anything... I was thinking a digestive with some melted chocolate drawn on top! 🐹
Due to lack of time, it was the minimalistic approach I was going for :hmm:

@Swissgreys You can buy black food colouring pens... Or you used to be able to, it looks like a black felt tip.

@Bill & Ted you can also buy black food colouring in paste form or maybe just melt some Bournville dark choc to make a very dark brown to improvise for black? Just don't let the chocolate get wet or you'll end up with a lumpy, thick mess! :doh: X

You can make temporary piping bags with a square of greaseproof paper/baking parchment folded in half diagonally.
Then fold one of the folded, double layered corners to the top with no fold.
Then kind of roll/wrap the rest of the original folded edge in a semicircular fashion until it meets the two end edges together.Making a cone shape.

Fold over the rough pointy edges so it doesn't unfold & fill to a third maximum level to pipe on features (there clear as mud 😂 )
Or drag over to paint with a skewer! Lol! X
😆 well I’ve got greaseproof paper and a bag of icing sugar, but I’m off to see what I can find. Not good with macrami but OH is quite good at making birds etc so he will understand the cone folding. I did have a nylon bag somewhere but it’s probably in the back of the “dump it in there cupboard“ 😆 Thanks for the tips, I’m think I might have seen some colouring in Morrison’s but chocolate sound much nicer 😁
Hope everyone has fun baking, or setting the house on fire @Bill & Ted :D :)) (Can’t you just get the OH to do it and pretend it’s yours?! :D:whistle:)
I’m terrible at baking so don’t think I’ll be trying, my pigs won’t appreciate the smoke and screams! XD
I have edited the original post so it is clear we are talking 50pence rather than 50 pounds. We want this to be accessible to as many people as possible.
I am still chuckling at some of the suggestions for what is going to be produced.
Hope everyone has fun baking, or setting the house on fire @Bill & Ted :D :)) (Can’t you just get the OH to do it and pretend it’s yours?! :D:whistle:)
I’m terrible at baking so don’t think I’ll be trying, my pigs won’t appreciate the smoke and screams! XD
I thought that but he says he’s keeping out it! His shortbread is divine mines a bit chewy 😂
I have edited the original post so it is clear we are talking 50pence rather than 50 pounds. We want this to be accessible to as many people as possible.
I am still chuckling at some of the suggestions for what is going to be produced.
never noted and read it as 50p
Hope everyone has fun baking, or setting the house on fire @Bill & Ted :D :)) (Can’t you just get the OH to do it and pretend it’s yours?! :D:whistle:)
I’m terrible at baking so don’t think I’ll be trying, my pigs won’t appreciate the smoke and screams! XD
You could cut out some cardboard and decorate, who’s to know 😉
You could cut out some cardboard and decorate, who’s to know 😉
Hahaha Luigi’s easy enough I suppose, just a circle with some rolls drawn on and eyes and ears! :))
Well I must be mad but I’ve popped to shop for a few bits and thought and I might give it a go after all, at least I might give someone a chuckle! :D And after my rubbish brain week I’m sure I could happily eat a big ol’ stack of biscuits! :drool::)) (As long as idiotic brain is now well behaved or I can’t use the oven! 🤦‍♀️)
You could cut out some cardboard and decorate, who’s to know 😉
Was it @VickiA or you B&T that suggested Ryvita previously? :))
Cardboard should be easier to cut lol!

Surely that's the best way to bake?
I thought you said it was the ONLY way to bake?.... Not sure why I thought you said that? 🍷 :))
Are you going to 'dunk' your biscuits in it when finished too? ;)
I thought you said it was the ONLY way to bake?.... Not sure why I thought you said that? 🍷 :))
Are you going to 'dunk' your biscuits in it when finished too? ;)

Sadly, I won't be taking part in this baking competition as I have my Covid jab tomorrow morning and will be sat with my feet up for the rest of the day being waited on hand and foot by the OH (Yeah right in my dreams maybe!) so will just have to enjoy looking at everyone elses creations.
Was it @VickiA or you B&T that suggested Ryvita previously? :))
Cardboard should be easier to cut lol!

I thought you said it was the ONLY way to bake?.... Not sure why I thought you said that? 🍷 :))
Are you going to 'dunk' your biscuits in it when finished too? ;)
It was me with my exemplary baking skills! 😳
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