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mmm.... pink.

Does anyone else eat them in sections?
I take the cream bit off and eat that... then I eat the sponge omnomnom!:woot:
I lick off the top, scoop off the cream with my tongue, and then lick off the coloured walls, and eat the sponge!
I lick off the top, scoop off the cream with my tongue, and then lick off the coloured walls, and eat the sponge!

Phewww! I had a horrible thought people were going to think I was stranger than they already do!
Its the best way though! I've tried to eat it together.... its not the same.
Phewww! I had a horrible thought people were going to think I was stranger than they already do!
Its the best way though! I've tried to eat it together.... its not the same.
I have serval methods of eating food lol!
Go in straight away, like a lion. Or lick and sip gracefully...not gracefully, probably eagerly I rephrase!
I just shove them in:D

hahahahaha I have to admit... if I'm in a rush and need a snack i'll shove it all in and go. I bet its really attractive.. I feel like a hamster. Yano when your mouth is so full you cant really chew lol.
@Flutterby One thing I actually can't eat is a cream egg... seriously... that texture inside, my mouth just doesn't understand if its a solid or a liquid?!

@Chief Guinea Pig APPLE PIE! I don't even really like apple pie... but Mc Donalds apple pie is different. Although... I always get ulcers after because i forget the apples are SOOOO hot!
Lol. This thread is good. I like the yellow French fancies. Mmm.

I see there is a riot about creme eggs apparently they have changed the chocolate in them. And a lot of people are upset.
I saw that @Julie M ! apparently there using cheap chocolate instead of there cadburys chocolate! Cheeky! and apparently yano you get the packs of 5?! well there a pack of 4 now! and the same price! SCANDALOUS! :yikes::yikes::yikes:

OH isn't happy... he liked to munch his way through 5 cream eggs... now there's only 4.. I'll have to buy a box of 4 and then a single one!
It's terrible. :box: I had one the other day and they aren't as nice.
They need to sort themselves out, why on earth would you change a recipe for something that's worked for so long and is popular? Grr!
They have shot themselves in the foot really!

Could you imagine the outcry if my kipling changed the recipe of the french fancies! There would be war! :P :P
Lol. This thread is good. I like the yellow French fancies. Mmm.

I see there is a riot about creme eggs apparently they have changed the chocolate in them. And a lot of people are upset.
What colour have they changed them to?
I LOVE creme eggs too! I also read that they no longer use dairy milk chocolate for them. it's now just a 'simple cocoa recipe' and they have made the boxes of 6 into boxes of 5! Scandalous!
I LOVE creme eggs too! I also read that they no longer use dairy milk chocolate for them. it's now just a 'simple cocoa recipe' and they have made the boxes of 6 into boxes of 5! Scandalous!

Is this exaxtly what I said?!? Hahahaha literally even down to the scandalous bit! How weird! Great minds think alike! :D
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