Eriathwens piggies

Got a call this morning, Tillys going in tomorrow for her xrays. She's not doing so well today, she's having some trouble lifting her head but fingers crossed once we know whats going on we can get her more comfortable. She's still trying and active even if she looks ungainly while doing to.
She's going to get a bath in a little bit as she's a bit damp with urine but other than that seems happy.

Dropped Tilly off, burst into tears as soon as I got back to the car 🤦‍♀️ she was happy as larry eating her hay in her carrier but god I hate leaving her. She's being done at lunchtime so it'll be a while until I hear from them. I'm so nervous about what they find. I'm hoping it's as simple as arthritis and we can move her meds to 8 hourly.

Fingers and paws crossed here for Tilly. Waiting is the worst part. Sending a big hug.
try not to worry, I know, it’s really hard waiting. Let’s hope it’s something easily helped with medication. we are all rooting for her x
Tillys home, she has arthritis and hip dysplasia but luckily her spine is fine!
We're going to continue medically managing her and see how she goes, I asked to move her pain relief to 3xs a day which we're going to try. But all in all, there didn't seem to be anything awful going on, although I didn't get to speak to the vet.

Not thrilled that she was due pain relief at 2pm and wasn't given it, and that I wasn't contacted for hours.. but it is what it is.

Shes had to have another bath upon getting home as she was covered in urine again but she's walking very well considering. I do wonder if a smaller living space may help her as she's been in her carrier all day. Obviously more space than that, but something to consider.

Good to know it's something manageable. We found splitting the pain meds across the day helped. We gave Metacam at breakfast and dinner time and the Gabapentin at lunchtime and bed time.

Tilly is such a lovely girl, hope she continues to thrive.xx
Yes I'm glad it isn't spinal at least, and I was worried about possible bone cancer. I've requested a copy of the xrays just to see how bad it is for myself seeing as I didn't get to speak to the vet, hopefully I'll have those Monday.

She made me laugh just now, I got her cleaned up as her nose was a bit gunkier than normal and I come back after throwing away the wipes and she's blown a snot bubble... 😅
She's happily munching away on her hay right now but she's not having the best day, whether it's from getting her meds late yesterday or because we've messed with them moving them to different times, but it still doesn't seem to be bothering her. She's such a strong little thing. I'm letting her rest today to see how she goes, it was a long, stressful day for everyone yesterday.

Making sure she stays hydrated 😅 she's a lot stronger than she was this morning, I dont know why she struggles so much over night.. my only guess at the moment is that from my understanding in human chronic pain, one of the best treatments is distraction and during the day she has me coming in and out to bring her things or take her out to do things.

Shes loving it bless her 🤣 since it seems she's enjoying herself I've set her up snacks so she can watch Eurovision with us and she's happily tucking in.
Of course Mabel still needs syringe feeding and also likes the TV when there's flashing lights so she's down as well.

I've been thinking of making these 2 a little OAP pair so they both stop getting run over by the younger piggies. It'll make things a bit easier for me, too. But it seems a shame to reduce the space Mabel has when she does use it all.

Gorgeous. There’s plenty of flashing lights on Eurovision. Bonkers. Hope they’re enjoying it 🥰
Ah two lovely girls ! I’m glad it was better news for Tilly ❤️❤️
Keep munching girls and 🤞 for Olly UK
I was sent Tillys xrays today, they're not great but also not as bad as I was expecting and I don't think the hip dysplasia is bad enough to be causing the level of lameness Tilly has. I mean.. some days she's just dragging her legs behind her 😬 I'm not a vet so maybe I'm just not seeing what they see..but either way I'm going to be making her an appointment to discuss possible treatments for her neuro issues when I pop in later to collect more metacam.

Some days it feels never ending.. having finished up syringe feeding Tilly and Mabel (Tillys been having some soft poops so figured some extra feeds wouldn't hurt) and doing meds at 2am, I pick up Pippin to give her her pain meds and she's bloated 😔 I throw in some fresh hay, complete disinterest. I thought she was quiet a few hours ago at pellet time but she's a quiet girl usually and she ate when I put some pellets in front of her so I didn't think too much of it. Anyway, some emeprid and an hour of syringe feeding later I've left her nibbling at a pile of hay. I can feel her guts are full of poop so it's been a sudden thing, not sure what happened apart from she's a little bit snotty and has some eye discharge. I'm going to get her an appointment tomorrow if I can. Fingers crossed for poops tomorrow!

I checked in on Tilly before putting their lights out and she was snuggled up to Banjo, shes quite fond of him even if he does keep stepping and jumping on her 🙄 I do wish he would be more careful with her but she doesn't seem to mind!

Hopefully I can get a few hours sleep before medicating and syringe feeds start all over again 😴

I hope lovely Pippin is ok today and beautiful Tilly and gorgeous Mabel …..they are in loving caring hands these three ❤️❤️❤️
Some days it feels never ending.. having finished up syringe feeding Tilly and Mabel (Tillys been having some soft poops so figured some extra feeds wouldn't hurt) and doing meds at 2am, I pick up Pippin to give her her pain meds and she's bloated 😔 I throw in some fresh hay, complete disinterest. I thought she was quiet a few hours ago at pellet time but she's a quiet girl usually and she ate when I put some pellets in front of her so I didn't think too much of it. Anyway, some emeprid and an hour of syringe feeding later I've left her nibbling at a pile of hay. I can feel her guts are full of poop so it's been a sudden thing, not sure what happened apart from she's a little bit snotty and has some eye discharge. I'm going to get her an appointment tomorrow if I can. Fingers crossed for poops tomorrow!

I checked in on Tilly before putting their lights out and she was snuggled up to Banjo, shes quite fond of him even if he does keep stepping and jumping on her 🙄 I do wish he would be more careful with her but she doesn't seem to mind!

Hopefully I can get a few hours sleep before medicating and syringe feeds start all over again 😴

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Aw, so sweet. Sending rest and recovery to you all!