Engel's Herd

It is nice to have the best of both worlds. I’ve got a pair of each as well.
Oh do you? I thought you just had boys like piggies&buns does! Hehe. What's their names? Have you got any pics?
The boys were my first pair in 2017. They chose me rather than the other way round. And I didn’t intend to get sows but there they were. They joined us in 2018 and blended in really well!

I won’t clutter your thread with photos but you can go look on theirs. The Kigo piggies
Hey @Piggies&buns am I able to use fleece liners during cooler months as long as it Wickes well? Using puppy pads in the sleeping quarters and stuffing it full of hay. As well as under hides (and stuffing them full of hay). With snuggle safes and covers too
Hey @Piggies&buns am I able to use fleece liners during cooler months as long as it Wickes well? Using puppy pads in the sleeping quarters and stuffing it full of hay. As well as under hides (and stuffing them full of hay). With snuggle safes and covers too

I really wouldn’t use fleece as bedding at all in winter. The time it takes for the surface to dry (even after its wicked) after it’s got wet will be so much longer when it is cooler outside, to the point it may not dry at all.
The only way I use fleece in winter is over their bendy wood bridges as it helps hold the snugglesafe warmth inside the hide.

The only time I use fleece is when it is warm enough to not need the snugglesafes. As soon as its cooling down and they need the snugglesafes, the fleece bedding stops.
I really wouldn’t use fleece as bedding at all in winter. The time it takes for the surface to dry (even after its wicked) after it’s got wet will be so much longer when it is cooler outside, to the point it may not dry at all.
The only way I use fleece in winter is over their bendy wood bridges as it helps hold the snugglesafe warmth inside the hide.

The only time I use fleece is when it is warm enough to not need the snugglesafes. As soon as its cooling down and they need the snugglesafes, the fleece bedding stops.
Ok. How do you stop loose substrate falling out the hutch then? I was going to use correx but Jupiter likes chewing it :(
Ok. How do you stop loose substrate falling out the hutch then? I was going to use correx but Jupiter likes chewing it :(

Ive never had a problem with any bedding falling out of any of my hutches.
When the bottom doors are open and they’ve got access to the playpen, sometimes a little hay and bedding gets pulled out but I’ve never seen it as a problem.
Ive never had a problem with any bedding falling out of any of my hutches.
When the bottom doors are open and they’ve got access to the playpen, sometimes a little hay and bedding gets pulled out but I’ve never seen it as a problem.
Ok. Do you line the bottom of the hutch with anything to stop pee destroying the wood? I recall you saying the bluebell has a weak wooden floor
Ok. Do you line the bottom of the hutch with anything to stop pee destroying the wood? I recall you saying the bluebell has a weak wooden floor

When the guineas were in the bluebell I had a sheet of plastic on the base, then newspaper/puppy pads, then the bedding.
Babies are 9 weeks old now. The age that Jupiter and Eileithyia were when I got them (or were meant to be). Little chonks 😁

Everyone's weights this week
Apollo - 545g
Jupiter - 804g
Dysnomia - 569g
Eileithyia-Eris - 838g
I have just had a fright...saw an odd lump on Apollo's behind and thought of the worst...nope just his cherries 😅 (although I thought they weren't visible until 3-4 months, Jupiter hid his until he was almost 4 months)
Right may be a daft question. How much does a guinea pig nibble or bite hurt? I would consider my lot pretty tame. They'll come up to me while I'm cleaning the cage and happily walk about around me. I'll talk to them and they'll talk back, especially Apollo. They'll take food from my hand no problem. Now they're getting a bit brave and getting closer to my hand. They're nibbling things that I hold like poop scoop, measuring spoon which is for their pellets. But they're wanting my hand now. Ive had test bites from rats and that's not too bad. I've been confident with a hamster and he bit me very badly. So as pigs are a lot bigger, you'll find that I don't fancy getting bit by them
My Dexter likes to nip as a way of telling me to put him down. It doesn't hurt as such, doesn't break the skin but it is a bit of a shock when he does it (even though I know he is one who will nip!)
My Dexter likes to nip as a way of telling me to put him down. It doesn't hurt as such, doesn't break the skin but it is a bit of a shock when he does it (even though I know he is one who will nip!)
Well this is when they're in the cage. They want to smell me but idk how to go about it without getting a nasty suprise.

When mine are having lap time they make this weird chatter noise. The type of noise that they make when they're not happy (if you touch near their bum). Never nipped.

I've had pigs 4 months and always made sure my fingers were well away from the munching area. Is that bad
Well this is when they're in the cage. They want to smell me but idk how to go about it without getting a nasty suprise.

When mine are having lap time they make this weird chatter noise. The type of noise that they make when they're not happy (if you touch near their bum). Never nipped.

I've had pigs 4 months and always made sure my fingers were well away from the munching area. Is that bad

if my piggies want to smell my hand (it’s usually only Dex who does it), I tend to offer a part of my hand he can’t get his teeth onto quite so easily! Never offer my fingers to Mr Chompy!
if my piggies want to smell my hand (it’s usually only Dex who does it), I tend to offer a part of my hand he can’t get his teeth onto quite so easily! Never offer my fingers to Mr Chompy!
Trust mr chompy 😁 (that's what I'm calling dex from now on). I've got a connective tissue disorder which makes my skin really stretchy, so even offering the back of my hand, there's skin they can easily get hold of. :/

I'll try and figure out how to go about it.
Right I'm going to free roam them. Kinda. In the same room different space. All the stuff on the right is to block view of sows. 4 hides (going to take one out of cage). Hay. Waterproof cloth on floor to protect carpet. Wooden chew sticks and treats. Looks minimal but should be ok. It's more to allow them to come up to me (wearing thick clothes just in case lol). IMG_20210209_221025918.webp
Ok no one was happy with that. Spent 45 mins with the boys on the floor. As soon as the girls heard them they got upset, then the boys got upset. Then the boys huddled in the corner and then under the radiator for the duration. On the plus side Jupiter came right up to me, started climbing on me then walked away. I also got to stroke him which he never allows unless Ive got him on my lap.

Am I right in thinking pigs aren't these creatures that love human attention (being picked up, hugged, pet ect). Like I know some do, but there is the stereotype of a cuddly fluffball. Mine would much rather spend time with each other, eat, poop, and maybe explore. It's like I'm a magical entity to them. Magic up some food when they yell. 😂

Anyway some picturesIMG_20210209_224839844_BURST000_COVER_TOP.webpIMG_20210209_222201151.webpIMG_20210209_221941050.webpIMG_20210209_221814636.webpIMG_20210209_221826612.webpIMG_20210209_224822606_BURST000_COVER_TOP.webp
The myth of their being cuddly is continually perpetuated. This sets people up with wrong expectations when they get them and find out they may not even like being touched after years!

I think it’s a case of some never like human interaction while some do. But, even for the latter, there is a point at which that interaction cannot go any further. We can’t speak piggy so it will be there always.
The myth of their being cuddly is continually perpetuated. This sets people up with wrong expectations when they get them and find out they may not even like being touched after years!

I think it’s a case of some never like human interaction while some do. But, even for the latter, there is a point at which that interaction cannot go any further. We can’t speak piggy so it will be there always.
That's fair enough. I don't mind either way as long as they're happy, I'm happy. Once back in the cage they were all wheeking and coming up to me taking food so they're definitely ok with me, nor scared or anything.

I saw a post on FB (thought I'd left all the groups but this one popped up which I must have missed, but now gone) that someone wants to buy a pig for their kids and wanted to know if they were good. Everyone was saying they're lovely, don't bite, cuddly, love attention ect. Now I thought the complete opposite and started doubting myself.
Don’t worry about it. The important thing is to be led by your piggies. One of my girls doesn’t entirely mind having a cuddle. And when I used to do lap time, I used to only hold her foot a few minutes. Simply because I knew she preferred to do her own thing next to me. Her friend on the other hand. She would pool and stretch when I had her in my lap.
And the rumbling has started. From what I can tell, all Jupiter BUT I think one of the girls came into season so that maybe why. Nothing nasty. Still popcorning and zooming together (as well as eating, sleeping and whatnot). So nothing to worry about.

I had some one to one with Jupi today. I don't know if it's recommended to seperate from cage mates. At this point I would like to say the boys are bonded but I don't know if that's because Apollo is still a baby.

I feel like Jupi has been left out as I've been busy with mum and babies. I feel like I haven't been there giving him enough attention. Feel a bit guilty if I'm honest, but he doesn't seem too bothered. So today I got him out. He was out for a full 45 minutes!

He kept moving so he had his back against me and slowly moving himself towards my hand. As soon as I started stroking him he'd stop. As soon as I stopped he started shuffling towards my hand again. Looking at me like, 'why'd you stop?'. Despite lacking confidence, I think he enjoyed it.
I would take Apollo out with him as well. They could sit next to you. But don’t worry about not giving him enough attention. Remember that they need attention/interaction with their own kind. Interaction with us has its limits.
I would take Apollo out with him as well. They could sit next to you. But don’t worry about not giving him enough attention. Remember that they need attention/interaction with their own kind. Interaction with us has its limits.
Ok. That's what I normally do and have a snuggly blanket that they bury themselves in with some veggies. I know to continue with that now. Can it have an effect on the bond? No matter how bonded they are? Or is it like a stressful thing for them?
I don’t know whether it can affect their bond. I’ve always taken mine out together except for weighing days and when Toffee injured himself.
Ah babies are no longer being treated like babies. The older pigs no longer accept them taking food from them. It is theirs and if they take it they're going to snatch it back.

Don't worry though no one's getting hurt. Apollo tried his luck earlier and Jupiter just kept shaking his head and omg I didn't realise how far they could stretch their necks! There was some chattering. But tbh Apollo was pushing his luck
Would just like to ask you guys some questions as I know that you both feed Timothy Hay. I understand that it is more pokey than meadow hey. As it's a more poky hay i worry about hay pokes. They're loving timothy now ( only haybox though) and i worry about that eyes. Shall I continue putting this in a tray. Will hay pokes happen regardless?

@Piggies&buns @Siikibam
Would just like to ask you guys some questions as I know that you both feed Timothy Hay. I understand that it is more pokey than meadow hey. As it's a more poky hay i worry about hay pokes. They're loving timothy now ( only haybox though) and i worry about that eyes. Shall I continue putting this in a tray. Will hay pokes happen regardless?

@Piggies&buns @Siikibam

Ideally you feed stalky timothy in a tray or rack, but to be honest, I just laid it flat on the floor (mind just ignore racks).
Mine have gone off the first cut timothy so they have just been having meadow hay for months now (tried timothy again a couple of weeks ago, but they just pick through it).
Mine have very successfully got haypoke from soft meadow hay though, so while you can minimise the risk by feeding stalky timothy in tray or rack, there is going to be a risk with any hay regardless
Ideally you feed stalky timothy in a tray or rack, but to be honest, I just laid it flat on the floor (mind just ignore racks).
Mine have gone off the first cut timothy so they have just been having meadow hay for months now (tried timothy again a couple of weeks ago, but they just pick through it).
Mine have very successfully got haypoke from soft meadow hay though, so while you can minimise the risk by feeding stalky timothy in tray or rack, there is going to be a risk with any hay regardless
I made hay bags but they just sleep and pee in them so I threw them. I have 2 litter trays down with paper litter in the bottom and hay on top as I found they just love eat/sleep/play/rest hay pile (just like you said they would when I first joined the forum). They eat more hay if it's not in a bag and racks scare me. The thought of getting heads stuck and me not finding them until morning. It's more natural (I read about their wild cousins and I know you can't really compare).

I always keep an eye on their eyes anyway as I know hay pokes are common. Am I right in assuming most pigs will have a hay poke at some point in their life?

On a different note, how on earth did you get 4 hides in 12sqft of space?! I've recently bought large bendy bridge (maybe the wrong size. Huge, for rabbits but thinking boys and squabbles, plenty of room to get out the way). I got 4 (one each) and currently a cardboard box. 2 hay/litter trays and 3 water sources. There's easily enough room for zoomies and space away from each other but no room for a fourth hide. I will be getting a elmato or something similar for both pairs to replace cardboard box. I'll post my set up below.

Also disposable paper/cellulose bedding (megazorb,fitch). Are these ok to use in cooler months? Or should I ideally mix with something like aubiose or woodshavings to keep the top layer drier?


(Yes, Jupi is trying to get a lone bit of hay which has landed on the bars despite being next to a huge hay pile)