Engel's Herd

@Piggies&buns @Siikibam

Right I'm preparing the boys cage is there anything I'm missing/forgot to do?

• Thorough clean of the cage. New pads, fleece. Everything.

• New hides that don't smell of anyone. (Just cardboard boxes with 3/4 exits and a bendy bridge.

• 2 water sources at least one pig a part.

• 2 hay piles at least 1 pig a part

I scatter pellets and veggies.

I know this normally applies to older pigs but I thought it'd be good to put into practice before Apollo gets to teens
All looks good!
(i know we’ve talked about sizes before but you’ve got a good sized cage for two boars?)
All looks good!
(i know we’ve talked about sizes before but you’ve got a good sized cage for two boars?)
I mentioned I got the wrong grids, mine are only 12 inches long rather than 14 or whatever the proper ones are. I've made a 3x4 which for me is 12sqft. I've also meshed the grids to be on the safe side.

The girls also have a 12ftsq one below them :)
I mentioned I got the wrong grids, mine are only 12 inches long rather than 14 or whatever the proper ones are. I've made a 3x4 which for me is 12sqft. I've also meshed the grids to be on the safe side.

The girls also have a 12ftsq one below them :)

Perfect size for them.
I hope the transition to their cage goes as well as their introduction has done!
Right. Very uneventful day so far, thankfully. As it's going so well, I'm thinking of transfering them to the cage. What do you think?
Right. Very uneventful day so far, thankfully. As it's going so well, I'm thinking of transfering them to the cage. What do you think?

they seem happy with each other and they’ve been in the bonding pen for hours, so, yes, I’d move them now
Yes don’t worry about that....my dominant does it, starts off rumbling, gets so excited, forgets what he was doing, popcorns off, remembers he was rumbling and then goes back to it!
Haha ok. I know what each behaviour means but I didn't know that they could do it at the same time. Lol that's ok. Happily munching hay now
So lovely to have some good news about a successful bonding.
Glad it’s all gone well.
They are such gorgeous piggies
So lovely to have some good news about a successful bonding.
Glad it’s all gone well.
They are such gorgeous piggies
I'm glad it's done. I didn't think Jupiter would be savage, but was worried his over excitement may lead to unintentional harm. Apollo is still so small in comparison. But as soon as Apollo jumped on him without a reaction I knew they were going to get on.
I laughed so much I scared them 😂
@Piggies&buns I've just had a thought, when keeping pigs in a shed, how do you prevent condensation?

Also when insulating I was going to use what is essentially foil bubble wrap. Would that be ok by itself to insulate the shed or should I put some MDF or ply wood over that?

One more question (sorry I know it's a lot) you can get this reflective stuff to put on windows to stop people peeping in. Am I right in assuming that it goes on the outside of the window?
There would need to be some kind of ventilation in the shed I think. Not sure exactly what. For insulation I used some silver bubble wrap style stuff from wickes.
@Piggies&buns I've just had a thought, when keeping pigs in a shed, how do you prevent condensation?

Also when insulating I was going to use what is essentially foil bubble wrap. Would that be ok by itself to insulate the shed or should I put some MDF or ply wood over that?

One more question (sorry I know it's a lot) you can get this reflective stuff to put on windows to stop people peeping in. Am I right in assuming that it goes on the outside of the window?
The reflective film goes on the inside of the window, not the outside. We have it on one of our downstair windows and works well.
@Piggies&buns I've just had a thought, when keeping pigs in a shed, how do you prevent condensation?

Also when insulating I was going to use what is essentially foil bubble wrap. Would that be ok by itself to insulate the shed or should I put some MDF or ply wood over that?

One more question (sorry I know it's a lot) you can get this reflective stuff to put on windows to stop people peeping in. Am I right in assuming that it goes on the outside of the window?

yes you need to have ventilation - either proper vents added to the shed, or opening A window/door a little each day. It’s a balance as you don’t want lofts of draughty, cold air getting in.

the foil insulation alone is fine - it’s what my thermal hutch covers are also made out of.

The reflective stuff goes on the inside
Update on Jupiter and Apollo. Everything is going well. There doesn't seem to be any bullying/hogging. They let each other eat/drink/toilet/groom/sleep. Little bit of rumbling from Jupiter but that's quickly followed by lots of popcorning which of course sets Apollo off so they both popcorn while following each other around the cage (at speed).

Eileithyia seems a bit more subdued today. She's still eating/drinking and her weight is steady but not herself. Hopefully it'll be just because Apollo has left but I'll keep an eye on her.
yes you need to have ventilation - either proper vents added to the shed, or opening A window/door a little each day. It’s a balance as you don’t want lofts of draughty, cold air getting in.

the foil insulation alone is fine - it’s what my thermal hutch covers are also made out of.

The reflective stuff goes on the inside
There would need to be some kind of ventilation in the shed I think. Not sure exactly what. For insulation I used some silver bubble wrap style stuff from wickes.
The reflective film goes on the inside of the window, not the outside. We have it on one of our downstair windows and works well.
Thank you.

@Siikibam yes that's the stuff I meant not 'foil' 😅. Is it effective in summer in keeping it cooler or not so much?
Thank you.

@Siikibam yes that's the stuff I meant not 'foil' 😅. Is it effective in summer in keeping it cooler or not so much?

I personally haven’t found it kept cooler. As I think I may have said to you previously, I find keeping them cool A LOT harder than keeping them warm to the point where mine move indoors over summer
I’ve no idea. I’ve only had them outside since august.
They’re not in a shed unfortunately. Their hutch is pretty solid and I also insulated it. I stuff it full with hay and the front is covered with a fleece blanket, duvet ad tarpaulin. The biggest part is also stuffed with hay and they have more in the sleeping area, inside their hides. And snugglesafes (2 per pig).
They’re not in a shed unfortunately. Their hutch is pretty solid and I also insulated it. I stuff it full with hay and the front is covered with a fleece blanket, duvet ad tarpaulin. The biggest part is also stuffed with hay and they have more in the sleeping area, inside their hides. And snugglesafes (2 per pig).
Sorry, I assumed you did. How do you clean them out when it's raining? Or do you just get soaked?
I’ve been lucky so far and it’s only been drizzle rather than torrential. But I just tolerate it and get in with it. Friday is a study day so I usually do it after I’ve dropped the kids to school.
I’ve been lucky so far and it’s only been drizzle rather than torrential. But I just tolerate it and get in with it. Friday is a study day so I usually do it after I’ve dropped the kids to school.
Where do you live?! It's been horrendous here! Stand outside and boom... completely soaked. I'd be getting in the hutch with the pigs.😂
I’m in the south east. It was pretty clear yesterday early afternoon. But it did chuck it down later! It’s been raining on and off since Sunday/Monday. Needs must 🤷🏾‍♀️