Engel's Herd

I think 50 g is quite a weight gain, trouble is you won’t know if the girls were transferred over with any other piggies, so keep a keen eye out, hope they aren’t preggers 🤞
Glad to here Cyril is doing well, after minor blip x
Generally you start the pregnancy watch from when they came to you as that is when you can be certain they were not in contact with any boars
I thought so, thanks ☺️

Cyril is doing much better today. I've been giving him some grass to encourage fibre intake which he has devoured. He's been eating hay and veggies too. I'm feeding him every 4hrs now and he's taking 25-35ml with ease.
I think 50 g is quite a weight gain, trouble is you won’t know if the girls were transferred over with any other piggies, so keep a keen eye out, hope they aren’t preggers 🤞
Glad to here Cyril is doing well, after minor blip x
Hmm true. Surely they'd be caged seperate from any other pairs? Especially as they were handed by a family together. As far as I'm aware there wasn't any others transferred. I really hope that they're not pregnant too. Thanks, Cyril had me worried for a bit.
Let’s hope so. Cyril is really chomping well and likes the Critical Care, not many do, some are a right pain the syringe feed x
Let’s hope so. Cyril is really chomping well and likes the Critical Care, not many do, some are a right pain the syringe feed x
I'm quite lucky really they all like science selective recovery feed. Eris like oxbow aniseed but the others haven't tried that. I think oxbow do an apple/banana flavoured one which will be interesting for them to try.
I'm quite lucky really they all like science selective recovery feed. Eris like oxbow aniseed but the others haven't tried that. I think oxbow do an apple/banana flavoured one which will be interesting for them to try.
Mine all love the aniseed flavour.
They weren’t sure about the apple / banana one but accepted it ok
Mine all love the aniseed flavour.
They weren’t sure about the apple / banana one but accepted it ok
I tried mixing baby food that was apple and banana in with the recovery to entice Cyril to eat more but he completely rejected it instead. I tried giving it to the other pigs too and they didn't really like it either. I wonder if pigs have a preference over sweet or savory like people do. My lot don't like anything sweet like fruit and would much rather have veggies.

Update on the squirrel; he's doing well and eating more by himself now. Today he weighed in at 865g which is better than he was on Thursday (836). He's been creeping up each day so I'm pleased with it. He's still squeaking while peeing but it's not every time he empties his bladder now, just every now and again. Tomorrow he has a follow up appointment with the nurse. His incision looks good in my opinion and has started to disappear. Looks more like a few scabs than anything and hasn't been oozing or swelling so it should be a quick appointment. Hopefully by Friday or Monday next week he'll be signed off. I'm still syringe feeding him but this is more as a top up now rather than relying on it so I'm getting more sleep which my body is happy about as feeding every 2 hours (and sometimes fighting to feed) for 70hrs+ takes its toll and something a lot of new owners don't know about. Social media makes it seem all roses and rainbows but not many show the other side of it.
Update- weigh in.
For the most part,everyone has stayed within their 'normal' ranges:
Eris 1174
Mia 1073
Po 1027
Jupi 1068
Basil is now 1006 and feels a chunky boy :))
Cyril is slowly creeping up and is 875

Autumn and Blossom have gained more.
Autumn 1000 +30g gain from last week
Blossom 988, nearly 50g gain

Theyve definitely got bigger fat balls, I haven't seen/felt any movement but they are really fearful when out the cage and being picked up so haven't had a good feel. They actually eat more than my trio do. Easily double the amount :no: I gave them 2 massive handfuls 6hrs ago and I need to refill again. By all means I'm glad they've got healthy appetites, but there's that worry (cage is baby proofed just in case).
Had the vets yesterday and everything went well. Cyril's incision is looking great and almost completely healed externally. Some suture material poked through to the outside world so that was trimmed; Cyril was amazing, letting them trim it without a care in the world.

I cleaned his bits earlier as I noticed a hard smegma build-up around his penis. I managed to remove it but he was a bit sore before I removed it.

Jupiter had the vets too as he kept smacking his incisors together and pushing his tongue against his bottom front teeth. Vet looked in his mouth, even the back, and didn't see anything of concern. His gums by his lower incisors were slightly red. Couldn't feel any abnormalities in his jaw or the soft tissue surrounding. They said they could do x-ray but I know that he'll be under anesthesia which I'm aware is risky and not something that I really want to do unless absolutely necessary. He's still eating and drinking. Taking treats and toileting. Running around and his weight is stable. He's not showing signs of dental issues in my opinion. Not dropping food, drooling, stable weight, front teeth are even/aligned and doesn't favour one side of his mouth over the other. If he gets worse then I'll consider the x-ray.

On a positive note, Jupi handled the situation very well. Sat nicely for the vet. Did paw at her hand part way through, but not as bad as I thought he'd be with having an ophthalmoscope/otoscope type instrument in his mouth for about 5 minutes. He let her have a really good look. Gave him a treat after they were finished which he gobbled up. The dog barking in the other room bothered him much more than the vet in all honesty. So proud of him.

I'm the only one who handles the pigs so didn't know how he'd react to the vet as he's a shy guy anyway. These piggies are full of surprises aren't they!
I looked at Autumn and Blossom today and they looked bigger? So I popped them on the scales (as you do) and yep, they've each gained ~40g in 3 days. Felt their tums too. The fat balls felt hard, not like Eris' or Mia's. I can feel and see movement but I don't know if this is gut movement as it's like a ripple rather than obvious kicking.

Here's autumn enjoying the hay
Blossom hasn't forgiven me foe touching her tum yet 😅

(Autumn is now 1041, bloss is 1020).
It's such a difficult one. Part of me thinks they're pregnant while the other half of me believes they're not. They've got the rapid weight gain, the monstrous appetite (one 5kg box used to last 6 pigs nearly 2 weeks. Now it's lasting 8 pigs 3 days and most of it is going to Autumn and Blossom!) They drink a lot. I rechecked their nails and I think they're younger than 6 months. They're nails are like baby nails, they also come to a fine point and are thin compared to Basil's and Cyril's. Still a 6 month old pig being over 1kg seems a lot to me.
The difference 5 days makes...Screenshot_20220315-144959.webp

Out of nowhere Blossom started chasing and lunging at Autumn so they've been separated. They seem happier apart. Not sure whether to try again in a few days or wait out the 10 weeks.

I went back to P@H where I got them for a bit more information. Nothing else is known about them, but get this, every animal transferred from this other branch to here has had issues. :eek:
Hi all, thought I'd update everyone. All piggies are well. Po and Jupi are as adorable together as always. Very happy boys.

Cyril has really bounced back from surgery and his incision is almost completely healed (externally). Just a couple of tiny scabs left, so hopefully he'll be back on fleece within a week or so. He's now roughly the weight he was pre surgery so I'm pleased with that.

The trio are well settled now and can often be found doing everything together. Basil enjoys his daily head rubs from me and the girls adore him and vice versa.

Blossom and Autumn are still in one piece. I'm going to give them an extra week to see if anything happens, if not I'll pop them to the vets to see what's going on. I can see and feel movement but I'm not sure if its gut or fetal. This upcoming week will be the 3rd week of seeing said movement so we'll see. They're currently still seperated until potential pups arrive or we're told otherwise because Blossom got a bit grouchy with Autumn and was stressing them both out. I didn't want to attempt to re-introduce if they were in later stages of pregnancy because of the stress involved. They're currently living next door to each other.

On a more positive note, Blossom and Autumn are more relaxed being handled now. They're enjoying lap time more and will move about and eat while out. Getting them out the cage is still hit and miss, Blossom is much better than Autumn but with time I'm sure they'll get the hang of things. Blossom prefers being picked up by hand while autumn is more a tunnel type of pig.
Popped Cyril to the vets today as some more suture material was poking out. He did really well. Hopefully that's the end of that now. Only 3 weeks to go before he can move in with his ladies.

Blossom gave birth during the night. Unfortunately the pup didn't survive and I don't know why. Blossom seems ok. She's eating, drinking and pop-corning. Will keep an eye on her though.
Popped Cyril to the vets today as some more suture material was poking out. He did really well. Hopefully that's the end of that now. Only 3 weeks to go before he can move in with his ladies.

Blossom gave birth during the night. Unfortunately the pup didn't survive and I don't know why. Blossom seems ok. She's eating, drinking and pop-corning. Will keep an eye on her though.

I’m so sorry the pup didn’t make it. 😕.

Great news about Cyril. Bet he can’t wait. 😍
What an awful week I've had. Autumn gave birth to a lethal baby boy. He only survived a few hours. 😔 Autumn has been a bit withdrawn so I tried to rebound her with Blossom and it's been successful. She still isn't 100% but she's getting there. To top it all off Mia has started squeaking while peeing again and there's blood. So she's on painkillers, antibiotics and cystease. Huff, maybe next week will be better.
So sorry you lost both little pups and Mia being poorly too what a week, sending hugs x
Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear all of this.
Sending you huge hugs
So sorry about the pup. Hope Autumn rallies soon.
Poor Mia, hope she gets better soon too.
Next week will be better
So sorry you lost both little pups and Mia being poorly too what a week, sending hugs x
Thanks. I mentioned the death of the pups to a P@h employee that knows me better than the rest and they didn't bat an eye and said, "awww, we've got a pair of rabbits, a pair of pigs and a trio of rats that need a home".....no, just no. Still shocked.

I have 8 pigs, 2 dogs and 2 elderly rats; I thinks that's enough. However, if I had a small holding it'd be a different story.
Oh I’m sorry. Poor baby pup. Glad Autumn seems ok and she’s back with Blossom. Hope Mia is ok soon. I hope next week is better for you all.
Mia's on the mend :yahoo:
But autumn and Blossom are going through a really rough patch. Blossom keeps puffing herself up when Cyril is near so I don't know if that will work out. Thinking of trying blossom with basil and the girls if she doesn't take to Cyril.
Mia's on the mend :yahoo:
But autumn and Blossom are going through a really rough patch. Blossom keeps puffing herself up when Cyril is near so I don't know if that will work out. Thinking of trying blossom with basil and the girls if she doesn't take to Cyril.
Fingers crossed it will, it also an option though. Glad Mia is doing well x