I've been so busy recently I've completely forgotten to update this thread. I will hopefully start being more active on here soon.
Autumn and Blossom have settled in really well. They're now both over 900g and have a really healthy appetite. They do drink a lot too so I don't quite understand how they had calcium pees when they came. (Unless they where left with an empty bottle. I know p@h staff do all the cleaning/animal care before opening the store and don't check in the evening before closing. But who knows).
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I've noticed Blossom has a long section of hair near her bum. Her hair is a lot longer than any of the other pigs and feels so silky smooth. It wasn't like this when she came so maybe someone trimmed it? If it does continue to grow I'll just trim it every now and again so it's not an issue.
Autumn is quite a fearful piggy. Her eyes look like they're bulging out of her head but this is only when she's picked up or spooked. When she's relaxed in her cage you can't really see the whites of her eyes.
Mr Cyril has an appointment with the vet on Tuesday for his neuter which is fantastic. I have everything prepped here for him for recovery. Autumn and Blossom are now his next door neighbours and they often exchange kisses and nose boops through the fence and do popcorns and zoomies together. The girls have really come out of their shells since meeting Cyril and it's lovely seeing them grow. I've made sure Cyril can't get to them. It's impossible for him to jump over, crawl under or get through to them....I checked, and triple checked. I even used my rats to see if they could get through (I took piggies out so they never had any interaction and everything was disinfected after)
Po is still chief wheeker and pop-corner. Jupi seems to have something irritating his mouth but I can't see anything. It's like he's trying to get something from by his teeth or tongue but I can't see anything. There was some hair at the bottom of his tooth which had irritated the gum line which I managed to remove so maybe that was it.
The trio are doing well. Happy little family and living their best lives. I can often hear them doing popcorns and zoomies while I'm downstairs.