Thanks so much for your encouraging words everyone!
Couple of things have reared their head this morning. She’s had a bit of diarrhoea, which has been intermittent since all this has been going on.
I will increase her top up feeds today and her water intake.
And sadly, her sore back left hock has turned into bumble foot despite my best efforts to avoid this at all costs
She’s still on antibiotics for her tooth issue. She’s also on fibreplex. I might do a poop soup today if she has another episode.
I’ve been cleansing the area twice daily and changing out bedding twice a day, or more if needed. she is on fleece and vet bed.
I’ve started using the gorgeous guineas F&M ointment last night, verryyy sparingly and will soak her feet in saline solution today.
I found loads of helpful tips from a thread on here.
I will keep an extra close eye on her tootsies today given the diarrhoea.
I will try and get an appointment with my vet before Tuesday, to have a look at her foot.
However, despite all this. She is very bright and has been more and more mobile these last few days.
She’s currently working her way through some hay as I’m writing this. Which just makes me so happy!
Any advice please in case I have missed anything would be very welcomed.
I’m worried that I’m so tired I’m missing out on something which may help her
Thank you