New Born Pup
Thank you everyone for your support
What a lovely community .
I have an appointment to go and see Ori in the morning, and I am going to bring her home as soon as I can tomorrow.
I have a new appointment at Cat & Rabbit on Tuesday. I will syringe feed her 2 hourly and keep her as well as possible in her own home until then.
I am grateful to vets for all the care they have provided to Ori, they have been very caring. I hope my choice to bring her home does not come across as negative toward them, that is not the case, they have done so much for her, I just would like for her to be at home.
Please send hope that we make it to Tuesday. It seems so far away.
What a lovely community .
I have an appointment to go and see Ori in the morning, and I am going to bring her home as soon as I can tomorrow.
I have a new appointment at Cat & Rabbit on Tuesday. I will syringe feed her 2 hourly and keep her as well as possible in her own home until then.
I am grateful to vets for all the care they have provided to Ori, they have been very caring. I hope my choice to bring her home does not come across as negative toward them, that is not the case, they have done so much for her, I just would like for her to be at home.
Please send hope that we make it to Tuesday. It seems so far away.