Chat Thread.

My hub is currently off work sick. He has an awful cold and is still in bed :( He’s done two LFT and he’s negative from Covid thank goodness. I worry about him so much as he’s a teacher and we both ended up with Covid last year. I’m just hoping I don’t end up with it
My hub is currently off work sick. He has an awful cold and is still in bed :( He’s done two LFT and he’s negative from Covid thank goodness. I worry about him so much as he’s a teacher and we both ended up with Covid last year. I’m just hoping I don’t end up with it
Oh Claire I'm sorry to hear this, there are some nasty bugs going round at the min. The last one Jessica brought home from nursery ended with her having a chest infection. Then I caught it and felt rotten for a week and then on Saturday just as I started to feel normal I lost my hearing in one ear. Its coming back but still isn't 100% clear but my cough has started up all over again. It's been one bug after another in this house since August
My hub is currently off work sick. He has an awful cold and is still in bed :( He’s done two LFT and he’s negative from Covid thank goodness. I worry about him so much as he’s a teacher and we both ended up with Covid last year. I’m just hoping I don’t end up with it
Hope he feels better soon.
There’s a really vicious cold bug around.
Oh Claire I'm sorry to hear this, there are some nasty bugs going round at the min. The last one Jessica brought home from nursery ended with her having a chest infection. Then I caught it and felt rotten for a week and then on Saturday just as I started to feel normal I lost my hearing in one ear. Its coming back but still isn't 100% clear but my cough has started up all over again. It's been one bug after another in this house since August
Hope you recover soon.
Hope your husband feels better soon @Claire W there are some bugs going around unfortunately. Several of the children in my class are coughing and spluttering everywhere, along with runny noses. Hopefully you don’t catch it though.
There’s a really vicious cold bug around.
Yes I've had a really nasty cold. I was worried that it was Covid when I lost my sense of taste and smell but I've done that many LFT's that were negative I'm surprised I don't look like an LFT! I am getting my sense of smell back but my sense of taste has yet to make an appearance. I've had this cold now for about 4 weeks. I had a PCR test too just to make sure it wasn't Covid and that came back negative.
This really is the time of year for all sorts of bugs. @Claire W I hope your hubby feels better soon. @Lady Kelly I remember well having toddlers this time of year - Son2A had a semi permanent cough from October to March with streaming green candles hanging from his nose (and smeared all over his face and then all over the house) for a couple of years in a row - it felt like we all got everything going as they coughed and spluttered everywhere and I spent my life going round with wet wipes cleaning him and wherever he had been :vom:
I’ve chosen to cancel any clients reporting any cold/cough symptoms irrespective of their LFT results. I’d rather take the hit financially than end up with a risk of Covid coming into the house before Christmas.
Very wise @VickiA . My Mum and 15 of her friends in her care home died because someone was let into the home from hospital with a false negative test.
Very wise @VickiA . My Mum and 15 of her friends in her care home died because someone was let into the home from hospital with a false negative test.
I’m so sorry to hear that @piggieminder. That’s a bitter pill to swallow, so many families affected by a false negative.
LFTs are a useful tool but should not be determinative if you ask me. It depends on a number of factors including the ability of the person doing the swab to complete it correctly, and we know that there are many instances of negative LFT followed by positive PCR. I speak from experience, too, as Ive had one client who turned up here a month ago with a negative LFT but the following day tested positive on PCR. It caused chaos as I had to close, isolate and get negative PCR before I could work again. The client was also very poorly despite being double jabbed.
This really is the time of year for all sorts of bugs. @Claire W I hope your hubby feels better soon. @Lady Kelly I remember well having toddlers this time of year - Son2A had a semi permanent cough from October to March with streaming green candles hanging from his nose (and smeared all over his face and then all over the house) for a couple of years in a row - it felt like we all got everything going as they coughed and spluttered everywhere and I spent my life going round with wet wipes cleaning him and wherever he had been :vom:
I’ve chosen to cancel any clients reporting any cold/cough symptoms irrespective of their LFT results. I’d rather take the hit financially than end up with a risk of Covid coming into the house before Christmas.
Wise move @VickiA .
As my MIL is currently in a care home my husband does 2 LFTs before visiting. One the day before and one on the morning he visits. It helps avoid the risk of a false result.
Both of my children have/had covid, clearly they couldn't catch it at the same time, my son had it in November, my daughter is currently isolating, they both had their 1st vaccines but still caught it, thankfully neither were/are really ill with it, both had what I would say is a nasty cold and had we not been doing regular LFT we could have missed it, we have all done PCRs but my husband and I have stayed negative. Currently for work I have to test daily too as we have had a few cases in the school community but they have come from older siblings at secondary school rather than 1st hand if that makes sense, but the amount of colds and bugs going around currently is awful. I think because we spent so long apart they have no immunity to common coughs and colds because there has been no exposure, we're also washing our hands so often, which is absolutely the right thing to do but again for our young children there is no exposure, I do feel there is an argument for getting dirty.
My son and grandson have both just finished 10 days isolation after positive PCR tests, my DIL and grandaughter both had the same symptoms but tested negative.
The lady let out of hospital into the care home had a false negative PCR test done in hospital.
I don't trust these tests at all.
You are right @Spaghetti & Noodles we need to come into contact with germs to help build our immune systems, particularly children. With everyone staying apart, washing hands and disinfecting everything there is a downside.
My partner who didn't have children and had very little contact with any picks up every cold doing the rounds. I had 3 children and had a lot of colds when they were small, now I hardly ever get a cold. I'm sure I'm immune to most of the bugs he picks up because I've had them already.
My son was double jabbed. My SIL got COVID back in the summer, caught from someone he was working with in the open air! He was double jabbed too!
My son and grandson have both just finished 10 days isolation after positive PCR tests, my DIL and grandaughter both had the same symptoms but tested negative.
The lady let out of hospital into the care home had a false negative PCR test done in hospital.
I don't trust these tests at all.
You are right @Spaghetti & Noodles we need to come into contact with germs to help build our immune systems, particularly children. With everyone staying apart, washing hands and disinfecting everything there is a downside.
My partner who didn't have children and had very little contact with any picks up every cold doing the rounds. I had 3 children and had a lot of colds when they were small, now I hardly ever get a cold. I'm sure I'm immune to most of the bugs he picks up because I've had them already.
My son was double jabbed. My SIL got COVID back in the summer, caught from someone he was working with in the open air! He was double jabbed too!
It's so hard to know what is the right thing, I have a parent who is anti vaccination, which is their choice but they also won't wear masks, again their choice but they seem to miss the point of it's not about you it's protecting those around you, I don't want to wear my mask all day in school, it's so hard to teach our 3-5yr old children in a mask, but those children could give me something that I pass to my family that could have awful consequences, so I wear it, whilst they say LFT is not reliable, in my experience my children's results were very quick, clear and very obvious and the PCR confirmed, I know it's not the same for everyone and am sorry for those that are given false negatives and the implications that has but for now l have to trust them, maybe when my grandchildren, many years in the future, encounter something like this we can only hope lessons will have been learnt.
I'm lucky I don't go anywhere where I need to be tested. I don't go anywhere but the supermarket for food, at a time when it's virtually empty! I never gave up wearing a mask. We've not even had a visitor in the house for 2 years as everyone we know lives in distant parts of the country and no one wants to travel under the present conditions. 2 of my children work in schools and worry they will bring the virus to us so they won't visit.
This has me thinking. With the movers coming on Friday, is it wrong of me not to insist on them wearing a mask? I'm sure they're supposed to but repeatedly walking up and down one or two flights of stairs and lifting heavy stuff in a mask can't be fun, nevermind the heat issues.

I'm lucky, in a way. I won't be seeing anyone over the Christmas/New Year period, anything like groceries (or tobacco) I can have delivered. If I need to isolate then I'm in a position to do so. It's not like I get regular visits anyway.
I’m really annoyed that Boris and his staff have been found out about having parties/gatherings. My two young adult children (20 and 22) have both said if there is another lockdown they won’t listen to it as the government aren’t listening to it. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ The government have undone all the goodwill of the public. X