Chat Thread.

Managed to find a way home, only took 90 minutes to drive 31 miles!😱
Oh dear! We had a really windy night and day! And rain! Luckily the tarpaulin I put on the hutch survived without being blown off!

Hope the snow isn’t too disruptive. Stay safe.
My company has announced that it has a shed load of old laptops that have been wiped clean, it has offered them to be donated to the schools of employees kids/grandkids. I'm going to nominate my grandson's school to receive some. 👍
My company has announced that it has a shed load of old laptops that have been wiped clean, it has offered them to be donated to the schools of employees kids/grandkids. I'm going to nominate my grandson's school to receive some. 👍
This is such a wonderful initiative.
Honestly one of my kids got through the first lockdown using my super old (and just a little flaky) laptop as she was between schools at the time.
Now she has a decent school laptop and it has made a huge difference.
My company has announced that it has a shed load of old laptops that have been wiped clean, it has offered them to be donated to the schools of employees kids/grandkids. I'm going to nominate my grandson's school to receive some. 👍
What a lovely idea. It will certainly help those schools that have children with no access to appropriate devices for home schooling 🙂
Nice to see, all the oldies are still here!
It must be me, I'm thinking the threads have been played with.
Or maybe I'm going senile.
Yep. I love a spicy curry, but this was too much. I’ll stick to a milder one next time, like a Vindaloo :))
I have some of these in the freezer!
5920834D-BE1D-4178-BF19-0A79B366F0FC.webpBeen there blooming ages as I tried the pizza too, managed two slices and bloody regretted it! XD Wish I’d thought of the loo roll idea! XD I love hot food but that was a killer!
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Carolina Reaper is way beyond my tolerance level.
I remember visiting the chilli stall at a street market a few years ago and trying some of the flavoured oils.
I was warned about the Naga chilli oil so was very cautious.
I had just got as far as commenting what a lovely flavour it was when a ballistic missile exploded in my mouth!
I literally lost my voice for a couple of minutes - at the moment a friend came up to to say hello.
There was I - red faced, eyes streaming and unable to speak!
Carolina Reaper is way beyond my tolerance level.
I remember visiting the chilli stall at a street market a few years ago and trying some of the flavoured oils.
I was warned about the Naga chilli oil so was very cautious.
I had just got as far as commenting what a lovely flavour it was when a ballistic missile exploded in my mouth!
I literally lost my voice for a couple of minutes - at the moment a friend came up to to say hello.
There was I - red faced, eyes streaming and unable to speak!
Was that The Chilli Jam Man?
I have some of these in the freezer!
View attachment 168585Been there blooming ages as I tried the pizza too, managed two slices and bloody regretted it! XD Wish I’d thought of the loo roll idea! XD I love hot food but that was a killer!
Carolina Reaper is way beyond my tolerance level.
I remember visiting the chilli stall at a street market a few years ago and trying some of the flavoured oils.
I was warned about the Naga chilli oil so was very cautious.
I had just got as far as commenting what a lovely flavour it was when a ballistic missile exploded in my mouth!
I literally lost my voice for a couple of minutes - at the moment a friend came up to to say hello.
There was I - red faced, eyes streaming and unable to speak!
I’m going through the range, this was last night’s tea :D:)) Much betterer than last week’s curry 😋