Chat Thread.

We are syringe feeding Blodwen pig and hand feeding her beansprouts and grape quarters and I'm considering giving her a partially heated snugglesafe heat pad tonight but I'm sitting with it on my lap for 20 mins first in case its too hot at first in case she wont move off it if she's scared...
And I just realised actually that I forgot to make hooman people dinner again tonight because I taught a 2 hour lecture, a 1 hour tutorial, a 3 hour lab class, graded some student work, made work snail dinners then came home and made pet snail dinners, then made main herd piggy dinners then Blod pig dinner... tomorrow I'm sleeping in until at least 10am then working from home and buying takeaway curry tomorrow night!
I'm about to clean my piglets out
I’ve just cleaned both my boys and girls out, I’ve bedn doing a lot of hours at work this week that I haven’t really had a chance.Luckily work let me leave at 3 today so I made sure I did it.Just gotta clean up all the hay on the carpet and wash all their bedding lol
So long as the hoomans realise that in the proper order of things the pets are the number 1 priority and they come at the bottom of the pecking order.
Both myself and piggy daddy could do with losing a few kilos so its probably very good for us :) I think I have a carton of sweet potato soup in the fridge!
I’ve just cleaned both my boys and girls out, I’ve bedn doing a lot of hours at work this week that I haven’t really had a chance.Luckily work let me leave at 3 today so I made sure I did it.Just gotta clean up all the hay on the carpet and wash all their bedding lol
I pile the bedding up and wash it all in one load. But i only use fleece lining
It’s the cleaning up after the cage cleaning that takes time as well.
I find that no sooner have I vacuumed up the hay seems to get up and walk itself all over the house again
Exactly, the cleaning up takes ages, if you hoover and get a long piece of hay, you get a blockage
And I just realised actually that I forgot to make hooman people dinner again tonight because I taught a 2 hour lecture, a 1 hour tutorial, a 3 hour lab class, graded some student work, made work snail dinners then came home and made pet snail dinners, then made main herd piggy dinners then Blod pig dinner... tomorrow I'm sleeping in until at least 10am then working from home and buying takeaway curry tomorrow night!
I'm getting takeaway tonight 😊 or in @HeatherRose case its take OUT 😁
I remember learning to translate when we lived in the USA for 2 years... rest room, elevator and tomAto are easy, and cilantro... never ask an american for a rubber or a torch though these have quite unexpected meanings across the Atlantic!
I remember learning to translate when we lived in the USA for 2 years... rest room, elevator and tomAto are easy, and cilantro... never ask an american for a rubber or a torch though these have quite unexpected meanings across the Atlantic!

I remember years ago at the 1st hotel I worked at an American guest asked for directions to the lobby.I said I’m sorry I don’t know then later realised lobby means reception lol
And I just realised actually that I forgot to make hooman people dinner again tonight because I taught a 2 hour lecture, a 1 hour tutorial, a 3 hour lab class, graded some student work, made work snail dinners then came home and made pet snail dinners, then made main herd piggy dinners then Blod pig dinner... tomorrow I'm sleeping in until at least 10am then working from home and buying takeaway curry tomorrow night!
Wow that's one busy day! I've had an afternoon of ironing with more to do tomorrow. We have the decorator in at the mo and the house is a tip (more than usual) and I've had nowhere to put up an ironing board with furniture and stuff in the way. I need to finish it as I'm going away for the weekend with my friend.
I ended up with a mcdonalds tonight👎
Oh dear... but we are veggie and either get papa johns pizza but more usually an authentic curry where if piggy daddy speaks urdu its brilliant- he's a man of few talents but ordering veggie food in 6 languages so respectfully we get the good stuff not the crap the english get is one of them!