Chat Thread.

Papa johns are lovely pizzas. I like the bbq chicken one with bbq base. I get them free sometimes, because i fit their signs
Oh dear... but we are veggie and either get papa johns pizza but more usually an authentic curry where if piggy daddy speaks urdu its brilliant- he's a man of few talents but ordering veggie food in 6 languages so respectfully we get the good stuff not the crap the english get is one of them!
I’ve never tried papa johns.Would you say they’re better than dominos?
I'm eating my steak pasty whilst sat at the local shop waiting to be picked up, and I'm sharing it with a crow that isnt scared of people atall lol. I dropped a piece and now hes moaning for more
I'm happy the weather is nice enough to brush my piggy fleeces outside today! Everything is rushing about today at our house as piggy daddy's choir have their final WW1 rememberance concert tonight so all the usual things need finishing by 4pm so he can get a shower and shave and a smart shirt and tie on and get his music organised... and I can hear bloaty Puggle starting to make a tummy ache sound even though she's not had any dodgy veg, she likes to bloat up at the exact moment when everyone is frantically busy so I'd best get out some precautionary zantac!
Dam fox has peed and pood and scent marked the grass out the back of my house. Ive seen it out there the last few nights. Have to find a new grass patch now 👎. Good job they are my favorite wild animal
I'm happy the weather is nice enough to brush my piggy fleeces outside today! Everything is rushing about today at our house as piggy daddy's choir have their final WW1 rememberance concert tonight so all the usual things need finishing by 4pm so he can get a shower and shave and a smart shirt and tie on and get his music organised... and I can hear bloaty Puggle starting to make a tummy ache sound even though she's not had any dodgy veg, she likes to bloat up at the exact moment when everyone is frantically busy so I'd best get out some precautionary zantac!
Oh I'm such an idiot maybe its the dried mint out of the dried forage treats that's giving Puggle tummy ache... its sprinkled all through the hay in the playpen and she's still eating it the daft piglet but stopping to tense up and make an ouch noise every 5 or 10 minutes... herbs do not agree with her unfortunately so she eats far too many whenever she gets the chance obviously!
I had a bit of a random thought, I was wondering if people’s accounts ever got deleted? As I have seen a few post from really old threads with people who haven’t been on in years, and there are some people who come on post a hello, then don’t post anything else.
That was quite long for such a short question 😂
I had a bit of a random thought, I was wondering if people’s accounts ever got deleted? As I have seen a few post from really old threads with people who haven’t been on in years, and there are some people who come on post a hello, then don’t post anything else.
That was quite long for such a short question 😂
I have an old account on here, i dont know if its still on here, but it has all old posts about my first guinea pigs when i didnt have a clue
The concert went very well thanks, piggy daddy recited "Everyone Sang" by Siegfried Sassoon to much acclaim and there was lots of singing of course :)
Tomorrow they start rehearsing Christmas carols!
Piggy daddy always sings new pig Blodwen a bedtime song and he's noticed her fleecy hidey popcorns up and down in time to the tune. Even though she's terrified of hoomans and pretends we can't see her of course :)