Chat Thread.

Besides, this baby arrives in station shortly, and I get to have a drive of it. ;)

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I know people that do your shift pattern boss, I only see them about 3 times a year! :(
I know people that do your shift pattern boss, I only see them about 3 times a year! :(
I like it, it means I get days off during the week when the kids are at school so the shops are nice and quiet. :yahoo:
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Our Touareg is a special edition, its been specially built for our role, uprated engine, suspension, brakes etc. Its called the Touareg Highway. VW are going to market it, so watch it hit the showrooms once we've finished evaluating it. ;)
Same here, especially with 24 hour shops - perfect for getting a few things when I'm on patrol. ;)
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Technically I could have one now because i'm off tomorrow... but... i opted for mini eggs instead :D hahahah. Sooo...maybe Friday... or saturday... or both.... :D
No kids tomorrow!?! :yahoo:
Red wine goes great with mini eggs ;)
I have no kids full stop - junior is now 17 and old enough to look after himself! :yahoo:
My sisters husband is not a huge fan of cake but loves cheese. So, for his 40th he had a birthday 'cake' of cheese :D
Oh wow! I'd love that haha. I'd want the proper cake too though :P
My friend's other half wants a pork pie cake instead of an actual cake for their wedding! You can get some fab looking ones!
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Get me an invite! :D :))
That would be awesome. I had pork pie salad for tea yesterday :) It was missing a nice chunk of black pudding :drool:
You have to have branston pickle on pork pie. Or mustard. None of this brown sauce.... brown sauce belongs on bacon!
Agreed, but black pudding goes stonkingly well with salad and pork pie :D

Now you mentioned brown sauce, I could murder a bacon and egg Sammy. Could you pop to Atherstone and rustle me and the factory lads up some sammies please? :D
black pudding :vom:

well if you're having bacon AND egg it has to be tomato sauce!
But yeah sure I'll make you some :)

.....OH WAIT you ate our carrier pigeon! so no can do I'm afraid! :P :raz: