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It's so hot! Tanning before my holiday!
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I don't think I could ever cope with having kids. Been looking after a 1year old & 3 year old since 7am and I'm exhausted. Just waiting on my brother coming out of tennis camp so I can look after him next! So much for my day off :zzz:
I've been evicted from my comfy home office! The back bedroom has been reclaimed as a bedroom and I've been relegated to the hall! :(

How am I supposed to stretch out without my big desk? Look at the size of that desk, it's tiny! :yikes:
I've kept my big office chair, that one is too small for my big manly frame. ;)
I've also got to get rid of my desktop PC - not until I've got an external hard drive and transferred everything off it, I'm also going to transfer everything off my laptop and install windows 10 when it's available. Go for a nice new clean install. ;)
I must admit, I prefer 7. I've had XP, Vista and 7. XP was great, I've still got an old steam powered PC running XP, I didn't like Vista as it constantly crashed. 7 is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best OS I've used. ;)
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Yeah I used to have vista, which wasn't great either. :/
One of our computers keeps going really weird! Where it looses everything, and puts it all in a temporary folder, I think even the computer man was confused...sorted now though....mind you, it has happened about three times now! :P
I used to hate laptops until a few years ago. I have windows 8 on my laptop i bought last year, hate hate hate it!
the rest of my family have windows 8, so whenever any of them ask for help with something, I dread it. I just can't stand using it! Hope my laptop doesn't give up on me, I want to keep windows 7 for as long as possible haha
Apparently there is a way you can change it back to display like 7 permanently, but I don't know how to do it.