Chat Thread.

Ohh so your being a night owl!

Wait hold on, why can't you drink? Are you on antibiotics too!?
Mmm tea, I need a tea. Cheese and biscuits would be quiet nice too.
I'm watching.. 'Most shocking' while tucked up in bed because I'm freezing :(! Looking forward to my roast tomorrow!
You doing anything nice for Easter!?
Not antibiotics, just anti inflams for me spinal leak. I'll be seeing me nieces and nephews over easter, got there eggs sorted.
Are you doing anything nice?
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Ohhh I rememeber now! Sorry memory like a fish! How is your spinal leak?
Aww thats nice! Are they young?
I have my grandparents coming over for Sunday lunch! I think my only Easter egg will come from them! My mum bought me little kinder eggs this year! I don't really eat chocolate you see, (she says after scoffing half a galaxy salted caramel..:whistle:)
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No worries, I'll nickname you dorey :))
They are between 8 and 11 years old. Yery well behaved. I dare not mess with them as two of them do judo! :yikes:
I don't usually eat choccy, only at easter ;)
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Mm chocolate.
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