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Bobby is poorly

Hope that Bobby is feeling better soon. Sending healing wheeks from the gang.
So Bobby is poorly ….with a uti
Hopefully it’s caught early and the baytril and metacam will work !
He is eating but just a bit quieter
So any healing vibes for Bobby would be welcome

All the best.

PS: If the problem recurs, please consider a sterile cystitis instead.
So Bobby is poorly ….with a uti
Hopefully it’s caught early and the baytril and metacam will work !
He is eating but just a bit quieter
So any healing vibes for Bobby would be welcome
Very sorry, hope Bobby gets well quickly 🙏🐹
Thank you everyone 🤞
He doesn’t like the baytril !
Maybe you can dip the syringe in carrot juice/puree, etc to give it a better taste and offer a treat ater, if it is a big struggle. My Mylo used to turn his head and make a sound that kinda sounded like uh-uh. He was like a wee baby 👶 I think guinea pigs out of all the different pets are the most like little children/babies in terms of taking care for them and their behaviour/personalities. I wish him speedy recovery 🙏
Ah thank you for asking - he stopped eating and I used pellet soup as a supplement and I got some critical care and he’s eating better now but not his usual amount as Bobby is a greedy piggy often stealing from Geoff - I did the poo soup from Bobby - he’s pooing normally now but not as much as usual . His weight has stayed the same for two days now
I have some probiotic coming tomorro so I can start him on that
He’s still quieter but he hates being handled so I think that’s part of it but he takes his meds really well now
They finish tomorro and then we have to see ……. hoping it doesn’t come back !
Update on Bobby
He has finished his course of baytril and metacam last night
This am he has put on 9mg after staying the same weight for 2 days
I’m supplementing his food with critical care and a probiotic and I’ll see how his weight goes
I’m hoping his appetite will return as he was always the greedy pig
He’s become shy after his ordeal and does not like to be out in the open so I put hay etc inside his hidey and it’s always gone !
Sweet Geoff is always close by looking out for him ❤️
It’s lovely to have a piggy back out begging for his tea (his veggies and I know all about carrots but it’s a little treat)
He hasn’t done that for 7 days 🥰


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Just a thank you but I wouldn’t have known about critical care food or probiotics or the need to regularly weigh guinea pigs
so THANK YOU to this fabulous knowledgable forum ! You have all helped to heal Bobby
The Vet wasn’t great about what to feed him and had to look up what to give him ( but I already knew what he needed ) and luckily I knew exactly what to do !