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bladder stone in my 12 week old baby💔


Forum Donator 2023/24
Apr 3, 2022
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out with the girls this morning on poo patrol, just watched della have a wee and its come out a light redish colour so i’m freaking out! eating, drinking and running around as normal and this is the first time i have noticed it (i’ve seen her wee lots of times before as she prefers to spray it😅) is this me being paranoid or could there be something more going on?!


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i’ve just looked up symptoms of a UTI in piggies and it doesn’t sound good..
dellas isn’t off her food or drink but i have noticed the following:
. she gets a wet bum - i thought it was from squirting luna with her wee when annoyed, i have given her bum baths etc
. when i hold her, she lets me touch her head area but as soon as i touch her back/tummy she pushes me away and runs off
. when i try to pick her up she squirms around- again i thought this was maybe just nerves about being held but now wondering if its discomfort
. she makes a noise when she wees - i didn’t read too much into this as she is a very vocal piggie and i just thought it was another one of her noises

i thought she was just a moody girl who didn’t like being picked up but now i’m wondering if shes suffering from a UTI bless her☹️ phoning the vets now and will give you all an update as soon as i have one!
If you saw it come out that colour and she squeaks while urinating I would have her checked out for a potential uti but if it came out clear and then turned that colour, it’s oxidised urine which is normal and nothing to worry about
If you saw it come out that colour and she squeaks while urinating I would have her checked out for a potential uti but if it came out clear and then turned that colour, it’s oxidised urine which is normal and nothing to worry about

it came out that colour.. phoning the vets now🥵
She should be yes, a uti isn’t classed as an medical emergency unless they are off their food and really unwell x

okay phew, i’m keeping my eye on her for now, i’m just gutted the exotic vet we signed up with isn’t in for another week now! shes being seen tomorrow anyway and will be referred elsewhere if needs be. thanks for the reassurance x
i’ve just looked up symptoms of a UTI in piggies and it doesn’t sound good..
dellas isn’t off her food or drink but i have noticed the following:
. she gets a wet bum - i thought it was from squirting luna with her wee when annoyed, i have given her bum baths etc
. when i hold her, she lets me touch her head area but as soon as i touch her back/tummy she pushes me away and runs off
. when i try to pick her up she squirms around- again i thought this was maybe just nerves about being held but now wondering if its discomfort
. she makes a noise when she wees - i didn’t read too much into this as she is a very vocal piggie and i just thought it was another one of her noises

i thought she was just a moody girl who didn’t like being picked up but now i’m wondering if shes suffering from a UTI bless her☹️ phoning the vets now and will give you all an update as soon as i have one!


Please don't panic.

Keep in mind that if you do any online research, you only ever get all the horror stories and the miracle cures but what you do NOT get is the vast majority of perfectly normal recoveries because they are not considered posting about. If you have any leaning towards anxiety, I would most strongly recommend to not google for your own mental wellbeing.
A UTI or sterile cystitis take about 5-7 days to develop fully; during that time symptoms can be very intermittent. Ideally you see your vet sometime during regular hours during this period. This is not an emergency.

Please don't panic.

Keep in mind that if you do any online research, you only ever get all the horror stories and the miracle cures but what you do NOT get is the vast majority of perfectly normal recoveries because they are not considered posting about. If you have any leaning towards anxiety, I would most strongly recommend to not google for your own mental wellbeing.
A UTI or sterile cystitis take about 5-7 days to develop fully; during that time symptoms can be very intermittent. Ideally you see your vet sometime during regular hours during this period. This is not an emergency.
hiya, thanks for your reply and the reassurance. yes of corse i understand that, very similar to when you look up a new medication and all you find is horror stories! its so hard for me not to instantly google things when i notice them, i know this isn’t good to do but i just can’t not worry. my girls are my world and the thought of loosing them is heartbreaking, we’ve got a vets appointment tomorrow (unfortunately not with our usual exotic vet, just a normal vet, which is also now something i’m worrying about!) so i’m hoping once we’ve been there it will reduce my anxiety and we can get her feeling better!

Please don't panic.

Keep in mind that if you do any online research, you only ever get all the horror stories and the miracle cures but what you do NOT get is the vast majority of perfectly normal recoveries because they are not considered posting about. If you have any leaning towards anxiety, I would most strongly recommend to not google for your own mental wellbeing.
A UTI or sterile cystitis take about 5-7 days to develop fully; during that time symptoms can be very intermittent. Ideally you see your vet sometime during regular hours during this period. This is not an emergency.
is it a fairly easy recovery? i’ve read that most of the time antibiotics are given, how is it that they actually diagnose a UTI? due to covid i can’t go into the room with her or the vet which is horrible and i get very overwhelmed in the waiting area and so find it hard to ask all the questions i would like too.
From experience, a uti is generally diagnosed going by the symptoms such as blood in urine, squeaking whilst urinating etc or your vet may be able to get piggy to wee and test the urine with a urine dip stick.

Generally your vet will treat for a uti first with antibiotics unless an obvious bladder stone can be felt when palpitating the bladder and surgery will be needed. If antibiotics don’t work, your vet will carry out an X-ray / scan to check for the presence of bladder stones
From experience, a uti is generally diagnosed going by the symptoms such as blood in urine, squeaking whilst urinating etc or your vet may be able to get piggy to wee and test the urine with a urine dip stick.

Generally your vet will treat for a uti first with antibiotics unless an obvious bladder stone can be felt when palpitating the bladder and surgery will be needed. If antibiotics don’t work, your vet will carry out an X-ray / scan to check for the presence of bladder stones
brilliant thankyou! will update you as we go on x
From experience, a uti is generally diagnosed going by the symptoms such as blood in urine, squeaking whilst urinating etc or your vet may be able to get piggy to wee and test the urine with a urine dip stick.

Generally your vet will treat for a uti first with antibiotics unless an obvious bladder stone can be felt when palpitating the bladder and surgery will be needed. If antibiotics don’t work, your vet will carry out an X-ray / scan to check for the presence of bladder stones

also just a thought but what would happen if she was treated for a UTI and didn’t actually have one?
so we’ve been given 0.14ml of baytril to take twice a day and 0.3ml of meloxidyl for cats to take once a day for 5 days.. does this sound correct? vet said sounds like a UTI from what i’ve said and can’t feel any stones or things which is great!
hi everyone! just come back from the vets after taking Della for a suspected UTI, our usual exotic vet is off at the moment so we saw another non exotic vet. we’ve been given 0.14ml of baytril to take twice a day and 0.3ml of meloxidyl for cats to take once a day for 5 days.. does this sound right? vet said sounds like a UTI from what i’ve said and can’t feel any stones or things which is great! is it common to use cat medicine for guineapigs? i’ll obviously be doing the baytril doses 12 hours apart but is it okay to do the meloxidly at the same same as the baytril? i’m hoping to give her the first dose (both the antibiotic and pain meds) at 9pm tonight, so i can do it at 9am/pm every day, should i keep giving the meloxidly at 9pm every night? sorry for all the questions was hoping i could speak to someone who has a bit of experience!
or should i space it out and do the pain meds in the day, do they have to be taken 12 hours apart?
Cat metacam/meloxidyl/loxicom (different brand names - same medicine) is licensed for piggies. It’s the normal pain med to be prescribed
(There is also a dog version which is three times stronger and is also safe to be given.)

Pain meds are usually given twice a day as piggies have a fast metabolism and pain meds tend to wear off after 10-12 hours.

It’s always best to space doses evenly throughout the day
Cat metacam/meloxidyl/loxicom (different brand names - same medicine) is licensed for piggies. It’s the normal pain med to be prescribed
(There is also a dog version which is three times stronger and is also safe to be given.)

Pain meds are usually given twice a day as piggies have a fast metabolism and pain meds tend to wear off after 10-12 hours.

It’s always best to space doses evenly throughout the day

it definitely says once daily on the instructions for the meloxidyl! okay so should i maybe do baytril 9am and then 9pm and then painmeds about 3pm in the day so its all spaced out?
it definitely says once daily on the instructions for the meloxidyl! okay so should i maybe do baytril 9am and then 9pm and then painmeds about 3pm in the day so its all spaced out?

Yes, some vets aren’t knowledgable on how quickly piggies process their pain meds.
Yes, some vets aren’t knowledgable on how quickly piggies process their pain meds.

yeah she wasn’t an exotic vet.. i wonder if i should phone back up? i don’t want to give her more without a vets say so. with luna i was topping her antibiotics up with 0.2ml water, is it okay to do the same with the pain meds?