thank you all for your kind messages. i'm numb with the pain of losing such a dear girlie, friend and baby. i can hardly stop crying.
i keep thinking was it the right decision, but i know in my heart it was. in the end she was squealing every time she pooed and they were runny and coming every minute, she was lathargic and just not interested anymore. the vet said she could go back in but i couldn't bear the thought of her being put through being on a drip and syringed and injected, she was just so poorly. and even if she had finally got better, i could see she'd never be the same piggie again and there was no guarantee it wouldn't all happen again in a few months. the vet said we'd done absoloutely everything for her, nobody could have done more and it was fairest to put her out of discomfort and suffering. At least she got to spend her last hours at home having lots of cuddles with mummy and i'm sure she knows she was loved. It was so awful at the vets having the last cuddle and kiss and telling her i loved her, i felt numb and it was just unbearable. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
it hurts so much and i'll always miss her, she was so young and i had hoped we'd have many happy years together, instead of 4 months. :'( :'( :'( :'( i'm just so upset, can't stop crying. we're going to plant a tree and bury her next to it, so we can always remember my special, darling baby. I love you sweetheart and always will, run free out of pain i hope you're having fun at the bridge. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: