Hot Topic Birmingham Meet Up - 25 April

Will you be joining us for the meet up?

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awww so good to see some old and new faces.

sorry to a few of those who had to endure my rather somewhat descriptive story of my morning antics, I hope I managed to bring some tears of laughter intermingled with the tears of my pain...but that's another story. Am still requiring some frozen peas for my nether regions though @VickiA @sport_billy @Tim @katanamoon @Lady Kelly

I really walked in on that conversation at an odd time :))
:( :( Aww... really wish I could have come. Sounds like you guys had a fab time. We need to start planning the next one!
Home now too. Was lovely to meet everyone even if I hid in the corner for some of it.

glad you got home safely

I just wanted to say thank you so much for organising the event.
Thanks to @Wiebke @Lady Kelly @salembinx @PiggyOwner for baking and making. I seemed to have brought quite a lot of cakes...yum yum.
Sorry if i have missed anyone. x
I can't claim much credit - but my OH did take the group photo -so I suppose that balances out.
@Tim we want to see the photos!!

I had a really good time today and will endeavour to get on here more often.... Life always gets in the way. @lisaali it was great to meet you at last and fab to catch up with others. @helen105281 I'm sorry I didn't make it as far round as you and Ross but it was good to see you :)

A grand day out :)
Great to meet everyone today - not long home as missed the train - it seems they change time after 5pm and forgot to double check!

Needless to say 6 hungry pigs giving me the evils when we got back- BAD MUMMY!

Oh no! :doh:

Was lovely to meet you.
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