Betsy's Guinea Pigs

Misty went to the vet this afternoon. She has either twisted her back, landed awkwardly or has spinal arthritis. She has been put on 0.2ml Metacam twice a day for a week. Then I have to leave it for a week and see if she is still in pain. If she is the vet says it's more than likely arthritis and it'll be long term Metacam.
🥰 I expect all that floof is helping her keep nice and warm in this yucky weather!
Its a lot of work keeping it tangle free and looking good. Both Bramble and I know that. It was 15 minutes of grooming she had to endure this morning. She doesn't like groom time. But she loves the cuddles before and the coriander after.
At supper time last night Old Diva Thea was so excited, after chattering her teeth at me for not being quicker with the pea flakes, she tried to get up on her hind legs to beg for them like she used to but as she has lots of age related muscle wastage around her derriere this only showed itself as a very slight lifting of her front legs but it didn't stop her from trying to beg for them. She is such an amazing old lady at over 8 years old. Here she is in her younger days with her best mate Lexi begging for food.

Lexi & Thea asking for food.webp
At supper time last night Old Diva Thea was so excited, after chattering her teeth at me for not being quicker with the pea flakes, she tried to get up on her hind legs to beg for them like she used to but as she has lots of age related muscle wastage around her derriere this only showed itself as a very slight lifting of her front legs but it didn't stop her from trying to beg for them. She is such an amazing old lady at over 8 years old. Here she is in her younger days with her best mate Lexi begging for food.

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So sweet... 💖💞
Yesterday, I didn't have time to groom the guinea pigs in the morning, so they just had cuddles and coriander. Misty and Bramble were more than happy about this as neither of them are keen on grooming but it is necessary and has to be done (and they both dislike, especially Bramble). This morning, Misty was OKish about her morning groom but Miss Bramble wasn't happy about it AT ALL and let me know in no uncertain terms! I'm so pleased I don't speak guinea pig the language emanating from her mouth turned the air positively blue! Yes I know I'm going to have to put up with the consequences and I expect an Emergency Meeting at GPU Headquarters is already in Session! I'm getting worried ....... 🫣 😫😬